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Subphylum:Vertebrata Class: Amphibia

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1 Subphylum:Vertebrata Class: Amphibia
AMPHIBIANS Phylum: Chordata Subphylum:Vertebrata Class: Amphibia

2 Tropical, no appendages Salamanders and newts Frogs and toads
Order Gymnophiona Caudata Anura Common examples Caecilians small group, worm like, Tropical, no appendages Salamanders and newts Frogs and toads

3 Digestive System Digestive system: Complete Most are carnivores
First animals with a “true” tongue (modified in anurans into a flip-and-grab feeding mechanism) Have vomerine and maxillary teeth used for holding food rather than chewing. Like the fish, have a common opening to the digestive, reproductive and excretory systems called the cloaca.

4 Respiratory System Larva have gills Adult have lungs controlled by a buccal pump Skin – cutaneous respiration

5 Adults also use cutaneous (across the skin) respiration and buccopharyngeal (inside the mouth) respiration. Disadvantage of amphibian respiration is that gas exchange can’t increase when metabolic demands increase.

6 SKIN Smooth and glandular (needed to keep skin moist)
Many give off toxic chemicals Caecilians have folds in skin look like segments

7 External anatomy and skeleton
Long flexible vertebrae Possess a tail except anurans which have their caudal (tail) vertebrae fused into urostyle 4 limbs except caecilians, anurans have very strong, long hind legs

8 Circulatory System Double looped; systemic=to the body pulmonary= to the lungs Three chambered heart: 2 atria and 1 ventricle a spiral valve helps divide and direct blood from the ventricle into either the pulmonary & systemic systems

9 Temperature Regulation
Ectothermic and usually nocturnal Behavior is to stay in moist, cool area during hot part of the day, occasionally bask in the sun to increase body temperature. Tolerates a wide range of temperatures

10 Nervous System : Forebrain (cerebrum): smell, color changes and visceral functions Midbrain: sight, also assimilates sensory information Hindbrain : motor coordination (movement); also regulates heart rate and respiration Possess lateral line system

11 Chemoreception: through the nasal area, mouth and skin
Sight: binocular vision which allows for depth perception Nictitating membrane to protect eye Hearing: tympanic membrane; well developed in Anurans, poorly developed in Caudata

12 Sounds Vocalizations in anurans
Advertisement call: male to female, usually amplified by the male’s vocal sacs. Reciprocation call: female back to male Release call Distress call

13 Excretory System : Nitrogenous waste in aquatic forms is ammonia, In terrestrial forms is urea Major problem is osmoregulation (controlling water loss)

14 Reproductive system: Dioecious Most have internal fertilization
Anurans have external fertilization, they use amplexus (copulatory grasp so male can stimulate female to release eggs that are then fertilized)

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