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Dr. W.C.Lwabby Ass. Lecturer int. med. Dpt

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1 Dr. W.C.Lwabby Ass. Lecturer int. med. Dpt
HISTORY TAKING Dr. W.C.Lwabby Ass. Lecturer int. med. Dpt

2 It is both a science and an art.
It depends on the department you are. Eg: history in Paediatrics may be taken differently from the one in psychiatry. Time and weight will be determined by the type & number of pt you are having.

Name, preferably 3 names Age, both date of birth and age Sex Residence/address Religion Tribe Marital status Level of education Occupation Next of kin

4 Referral If self referral or from another hospital
If referred from another hosp when and why (reason for referal).

5 Chief complaint Some call it main/pt complaint
This is what brought the pt to the hospital (what made a pt to seek medical care) There may be only one or more than one complain(s)

6 They should be arranged in chronological order starting with the one which has longer duration.
Eg: abdominal pain for 6 days diarrhoea for 4 days vomiting for 2days

7 History of presenting illness (HPI)
Here is where the amplification of the complaints is done. It includes the: Duration-how long has pt been having complain Onset of the complaint-gradual, sudden, progression Periodicity-more at which time of the day Aggravated factors Relieving factors Associated factors

8 The HPI should be Focused, Searching and goal oriented.
Site, radiation, character and severity in case of pain The HPI should be Focused, Searching and goal oriented. At the end of HPI you should have at least 50% of your diagnosis.

9 Review of other systems
Other systems which are not affected, have not been touched in HPI. You may find a system which is affected but it is not of pt importance. Any positive history has to be taken back to HPI and should be amplified. It should have only negative findings

10 ENT: discharge, hearing impairment, painful swallowing.
NS: convulsions, LOC, blurred vision,headache,numbness. Resp: cough, chest pain, wheezing.

11 CVS: easy fatigability, DIB, heartbeats awareness
GIT: vomiting, diarrhea, constipation Urinary: painful, increase frequency of micturation Genital: itching, ulceration, swelling,discharge. Musculoskeletal: joints/muscle pain

12 Past medical history Hx of previous admission/attending OPD
No. of previous admissions/attending OPD, when, where and why? If admitted, for how long before being discharged, any surgery and hx of blood transfusion.

13 Working diagnosis and management given (investigations done and treatment given)
Drug/food allergy. History of Chronic Illnesses such as HTN,DM e.t.c.

14 Family-social history
Number of siblings Parents and their occupation Hx of inherited diseases (SCD, HTN, Asthma, Epilepsy) Alcohol/cigarette use

15 Sexual history If sexually active Number of sexual partners
Use of protection

16 Substance-use history
Substance includes alcohol, cigarette, heroin, cocaine, etc Alcohol: type (local/beer), amount, how frequent Cigarette: number/day, how frequent Heroin/cocaine: route, amount, how frequent cannabis: type, route, amount, how frequent

17 Personal history Schooling Occupation
If married, hx of a wife (age, education, occupation) Number of children and their age

18 Menstrual history When attained puberty? Duration of menstruation
Duration of a cycle Amount of blood/day Nature of blood Any accompanied abdominal pain.

19 Contraceptive history
Type Duration Any side effect

20 Obstetric history Number of children Mode of delivery
Any complications (prenatal, natal and post-natal)

21 Gynaecological history
Hx of STD (hx of abnormal vaginal discharge, genital ulcer) Hx of gynaecological surgery

22 Nutritional/diet history
Type of diet Number of meals How frequent Amount


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