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QuitNow in the Workplace

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1 QuitNow in the Workplace
Geri Grigg, Health Promoter BC Lung Association .

2 About QuitNow Background By Phone Online TXT Health Promoters
QuitNow is the definitive service for residents of British Columbia who are considering or already have made the decision to quit smoking. The service is funded by BC Lung Association and the BC Ministry of Health. If you are a smoker and wish to consider quitting smoking there are options to support you to do this. Also all these services are free. The by the phone service is where you can talk to a care coach ( ) to develop a personalized plan and once enrolled you get five call backs from your care coach to help and support you to quit. Online is an internet based Quit Smoking service that is free to gain support from online peers, access expert advice, quitting strategies, e-Quit Tips, tools to track your progress and all of these is available 24/7 QuitNow by TXT is a 14 week mobile texting service designed to provide smokers trying to quit with helpful tips and motivational support. Messages are tailored to help and support people to prepare, cope with cravings and stay quit. With all these services people who enroll receive a Quit Kit which includes information, distracters and free gum. Also there are Health Promoters and they are employed by BC Lung Association to go out into the community and work with partner agencies to promote and raise awareness of QuitNow but also to engage people directly who are considering quitting smoking and I’ll pick up on their involvement later

3 Why Workplace Cessation?
Cost $3396 per year* $67920 over 20 years BC’s smoking rate=14% Cost –Its $3396 and that figure is based on research completed in 2006 by Conference Board of Canada so that is over 5 years old now. That figure is a calculation based on loss of productivity, absenteeism, use of health benefits and the organization have to provide smoking facilities. Another way to think about this is one of the age groups being focused on is 19 – 24, so let us say you have a 21 year old employee who does not quit for the next 20 years. He/She will cost your organization $67920, now remember there is no inflation increase incorporated there, and taking it a further step say there are 15 employees in your organization all who continue to smoke for the next 20 years they will cost you $1 million dollars ($1, Actual figure without inflation increase) *Conference Board of Canada 2006

4 Just Quit Already…. Smoking is an addiction and addiction doesn’t listen to “you should” Workplace Cessation is a comprehensive plan to reduce smoking amongst your workplace and the population

5 Workplace Cessation Training
Developing a Plan Incorporate cessation into your workplace Formal Needs Assessment Brief Intervention Training ½ day free training for HR, Workplace Wellness, union reps, or…

6 Why the Langleys? Market research indicates that Langley is “cessation ready” Well established partnerships Other supporting activities.

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