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First Nation Housing Manager Program

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1 First Nation Housing Manager Program
Presenter: Sylvia Olsen

2 VIU First Nation Housing Manager (FNHM) Certificate Program
The FNHM Certificate program is made up of six online credit courses that may be taken as a complete training program or may be taken individually.    Courses: Introduction to Housing Management Housing Administration Level I Housing Administration Level II Financial Management for First Nations Housing Managers Introduction to Construction and Renovations Interpersonal Communications for Housing Managers Overview: Program will train housing managers so they can do their work more efficiently and effectively. It will enable First nations housing managers to assist communities to benefit from affordable, healthy, high quality, and well-maintained housing. The program provides learners with the opportunity to develop management skills through a combination of theory and practical application. The interactive approach to learning new skills encourages participants to test new ideas, fine tune relevant skills and share experiences and expertise with other housing managers in a supportive learning environment. The program is intended to provide training to housing managers who work with on- reserve housing programs, or those who may do this work in the future. It will also benefit others involved in First Nations governance or administration. Future: to include a module on the transition to move from rental to ownership

3 Lessons learned Face 2 face to online Strengths / weaknesses
Instructor as a facilitator Student interaction: peer-peer/Instructor-student and student-content Curriculum design this is a living course development process

4 FNHM Online Course D2L Look and Feel
VIULearn (D2L) is Vancouver Island University's learning management system. Students use VIULearn to access their online courses and online course material. Once registered - students create a student account which then allows them access to their online courses. VIULearn Orientation module: Navigating within D2l Completing course activities Discussions Dropbox quizzes Communicating with Instructors and peers Viewing user progress Grades / activity progress Overall user progress VIU tools / updating setting/getting organized… Calendar Notifications Blogs VIUtube

5 FNHM Online Course

6 How to register FNHM Certificate program - Admission Requirements
Grade 12, or equivalent, or mature student Recommendations for Admission: It is advised that students have sufficient essential skills (reading, writing, and numeracy, computer use) to be successful in the program Mature Student Status * Applicants 19 years of age or older, or who will become 19 during their first two months in the program, may be admitted to VIU even if they have not completed secondary school graduation; however, most programs and courses have special prerequisites that must be completed before mature students can register for them. These prerequisite courses can be obtained through the Adult Basic Education program at VIU. Check with an Advisor to find out if prerequisites need to be completed.

7 Contact Information Nancy Hamilton Program link VIU Cowichan Campus:

8 Capacity going forward
An opportunity to imagine

9 Capacity going forward
Transition from federal government control of housing to First Nations Housing Authority will require different kinds and different levels of capacity as it progresses

10 Capacity going forward
Transfer of funds and transfer of decision making authority so that capacity development is brought under one banner and determined by First Nations people and communities

11 Capacity going forward
Found capacity People with current skills in a wide range of fields—these people will need to be put to work group and be paid Steering group that thinks it through and creates a plan—sets the direction

12 Capacity going forward
Developing capacity Bring all current agencies that are currently delivering capacity under the umbrella of a First Nations Housing Authority Develop professionalism Create a professional management designation Certificate/diploma program Workshops as ongoing professional development

13 Capacity going forward
Build a new relationship between First Nations communities and their housing departments Acknowledge professionals with respect and pay Leadership Community

14 Capacity going forward
Scholarship Build capacity from the front line right through the system Why is it needed? All the information we have about housing has been created by government It’s not First Nations’ information The messages are government messages An important aspect of regaining control is being in control of creating the knowledge

15 Capacity going forward
Borrow and learn from other regions OFNTSC TSAG Atlantic Policy Congress Quebec region Borrow from other institutions CMHC INAC and Alaska had the North Committee Alaska has a Cold Climate Housing Research Centre

16 Capacity going forward
The physical/technical side Inspections Bulk purchasing Developing shared expertise and experiences in different regions

17 Capacity going forward
The real challenge is to change the system…we are trying to manage failed programs Our failure to manage the unmanageable has resulted in the illusion that we are inadequate managers and that we need more capacity and more oversight Create housing that works and we will lead the way in housing management

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