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The requirements, the class, the portfolio….

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1 The requirements, the class, the portfolio….
What is AP Studio Art? The requirements, the class, the portfolio…. Google Classroom Code: tyyoi25

DRAWING PORTFOLIO and 2-D DESIGN PORTFOLIO  Section I.: Quality Students submit 5 actual Quality pieces of art work which is mailed to the college Board for review It is returned in late June and mailed to the student’s home

3 Most of this section will be last year’s work …
Section II. : Breadth A variety of experiences in using the formal, technical, and expressive means available to an artist……………..12 images Most of this section will be last year’s work …

4 Section III. : Concentration
An in-depth, personal commitment to a particular artistic concern……….12 images

5 Defining a Concentration
A concentration is : individual interests expressed visually Focused Shows development Unified Grows from a plan of action or investigation A concentration is NOT: Solutions to class projects Works with differing intents Group projects Works using other people’s photographs Simple investigation of a medium A project that merely takes a long time to complete


Working with the still life Adding variety…

8 The conceptual concentration
Science and religion

9 Advancing skills…. Family and culture

10 Capitalizing on personal experiences
Developing a style Or technique…

11 Doing what you love Image appropriation?

12 One subject, different views Mastering a personal difficulty

13 Artist inspiration Controversial issue

14 Recurring images Contemporary styles

15 Using the principles of design
Digital vs. by hand

16 Connected images Abstraction

17 Complexity Sustaining an idea

18 The narrative… Developing a story line…

19 Mutiple themes Mixed media

20 Advanced Placement Guidelines
AP Studio Art is a college level course taught at the high school level. Students receiving a 5, 4, or 3 on their portfolio can receive up to 6 college credits, saving thousands of dollars in tuition. While AP Studio is a lot of work it is also fun and exciting You need time! Limiting after school activities is helpful but I provide: After school STUDIO HOURS Muhl Time Permanent Passes to me from Study HAll Time management will be your biggest challenge. A project is due EVERY TWO WEEKS! Works done in previous art classes may be submitted for Breadth but should be touched up and improved before submission.

21 CRITIQUES Critiques are held every Tuesday
One project is to be completed every two weeks. First critique is to review and justify thumbnails and color experimentations. We will try submitting these to google classroom this year. If it doesn’t work we will use the document camera to show the class the thumbnails. The presentation will address: research, subject, content, composition, positive/negative space, color theory and the dominent Elements and Principles of Design. Second critique is the evaluation of your almost completed art work by the instructor and the class. Constructive criticism must provide solutions to any problems being addressed.

22 AP Studio Grading Rubric
Categories Points SP TP Preliminary Planning: Thumbnail Drawings 100 An original composition with a minimum of three variations OR one photo with three variations One color rendering Research of a master artist (Name:_____________________________________) for one of the following : Color Theory and Application Technique Artistic Style Composition: Effective use of symmetrical or asymmetrical balance/design Effective use of pattern if the work is an exploration of pattern Effective division of space Strong focal point Creativity Effective use of one or more color schemes Subject matter is rendered from a unique and new perspective Artist takes the viewer on a journey through or around the artwork Degree of Difficulty 50 A minimum of three levels of difficulty are established in all works of art. Examples: Drawing: D Design Creative use of color Effective use of color schemes Development of a strong composition Effective use of the Elements and Principles of Art Demonstrates high level of technical skill with media and/or technique High level of craftsmanship and technical skill Evidence of Research: This reflects the amount of effort put into preparing your work by researching styles and techniques of well known artists or art movements. Time Management: 75 The requirements of both critique sessions were met and work was finished on time Studio hours were utilized Classroom time is used effectively Assessment: 25 Type, SAVE, print and attach a one page paper addressing the following content: Interpretation of subject matter, message being told Medium used Focal point Dominant Element and Principle of Art Resource influence (with example of their work) Total Points (will be converted to a percentage grade) 500

23 Procedures Knowing what to do and when to do it!
Please come to class on time and put your belongings on the shelves provided. Get your portfolio, your project and your supplies and sit in your assigned seat. Listen carefully whenever directions, demonstrations or teacher comments occur. Please do not speak to someone else while I am speaking to the class. Ask permission to use the lavatory and sign out and in on the sheet provided. Clean up when given the signal to do so. Clean your desk and your equipment. Store your work carefully. No cell phone use, headsets or food or drink during class. Stay in your seat until I dismiss you. Procedures Knowing what to do and when to do it!

24 I’m happy you are here!!!!

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