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GCC PROJECT Disseminating learning agenda on resilient-smart technologies to improve the adaptive capacity of smallholders farmers in Mopti Birhanu Zemadim,

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Presentation on theme: "GCC PROJECT Disseminating learning agenda on resilient-smart technologies to improve the adaptive capacity of smallholders farmers in Mopti Birhanu Zemadim,"— Presentation transcript:

1 GCC PROJECT Disseminating learning agenda on resilient-smart technologies to improve the adaptive capacity of smallholders farmers in Mopti Birhanu Zemadim, Felix Badolo, and Boubacar Sinare Resilience Portfolio Launch and Partners' Collaboration Workshop 19 – 21 September 2016 in Bamako, Mali

2 Project structure Fund: Feed the Future Program, Accelerated Economic Growth Add-On Duration: 30 months starting from May 2014 to September 2016 Implementing partners: ICRAF, AKF, WV, Mali Meteo Intervention areas: Mopti region (Mopti, Koro, Bankass, and Djenne)

3 Project objectives Objective 1: development of innovative solutions for a long term impact Participatory planning and implementation of integrated adaptive practices; Production and dissemination of high quality climate information; Identification of social and cultural barriers to adoption and identifying critical issues of marginalized population, women and youth. Objective 2: development of learning agenda Action research; Establishing mechanisms for downward communication with farmers; Diagnosing opportunities and constraints (what works where? And why some practices work in some areas and why not in others?); Developing tools and approaches to empower climate change adaptation actors for the definition of priority investment needs.

4 Barriers to adoption Barriers to adoption Soil and Water Conservation Barriers to livestock diversification Reasons for not using improved seed, by cropping system Barrier All households Rice system Dry system Mixed system n % Lack of financial capital 83 29.5 11 26.8 50 35.7 60.2 Labor constraints 79 28.1 38 27.1 45.8 Hydraulic characteristics 35 12.5 3 7.3 25 17.9 30.1 Plant characteristics 30 10.7 4 9.8 21 15.0 25.3 Land tenure 14 5.0 1 2.4 10 7.1 12.0 Soil characteristics 3.9 - 9 6.4 10.8 Official regulations 1.1 2 1.4  Constraint All households Rice system Dry system Mixed system N % n Lack of financial means 71 25.3 7 12.1 35 25.0 17 20.5 Absence of prairie/pasture 62 22.1 11 19.0 36 25.7 15 18.1 Unavailability of feed 40 14.2 4 6.9 24 17.1 13.3 Other factors 281 100.0 51 87.9 140 42.2 Reason All households Rice system Dry system Mixed system n % Cannot afford to buy 19 10.3 - 2 2.0 11 37.9 Varieties are not available 18 9.8 12 29.3 8 27.5 Other factors 22 12.0 9 22.0

5 Vulnerability analysis
Vulnerability perceived by households Vulnerable to climate variability by group of people Vulnerable group Pooled sample Male headed Female headed n % Sick people 128 47.41 104 43.33 24 64.86 Children 120 50.00 8 21.62 Elderly 124 45.93 115 47.92 9 24.32 Women 78 28.89 57 23.75 2 5.41 Men 60 22.22 58 24.17 Disabled 59 21.85 74 30.83 4 10.81

6 Project activities Diffusion of agro-meteorological data
Use of agro-meteorological data at the community level Use of rain gauges Weather forecast and crop calendars diffusion Stakeholders trained: Crop technologies Soil and water conservation Agro-forestry practices Food transformation 3 Technology parks installed Soil fertility management, improved varieties, crop diversification Fodder banks

7 Project activities Soil fertility management Composting Micro-dosing
Use of legume crops as intercropping Soil and water management: Contour boundaries Tree planting Agroforestry adaptation practices 3 resource centers in Soufouroulaye, Kini-orodougou, Dialassagou Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration Tree-based Production Systems and fodder banks

8 Indicators INDICATORS TARGET 2015 RESULTS 2015
Number of people receiving training in global climate change adaptation 6,967 8,418 Number of stakeholders using climate information in their decision making 171,000 190,872 Number of stakeholders with increased knowledge to adapt to the impacts of climate change 194,281 195,130 Number of institutions with improved capacity to address climate change issues 62 101 Number of hectares under GCC improved technologies or management practices 340 416

9 Conclusion Participatory approach Innovation through local adaption
Local level planning Approach based on a learning agenda


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