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Pupil Transfer Request Procedure

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1 Pupil Transfer Request Procedure
Spring 2017 for the School Year

2 Tips Before You Start! If you are currently enrolled in EPISD but reside OUT OF THE DISTRICT, you CAN submit your PTR online. If you have never used the Parent Portal, please check with the PEIMS clerk for more information. When you log into the system, you are only a NEW USER if you’ve never used Parent Portal at all. Otherwise, you should have log-in information. When you input your username, type it in UPPERCASE (even if you think it should be in lowercase). If you’ve forgotten the password, there’s a way to reset it when you try to log in. For those parents who’ve previously logged into Parent Portal, a lot of the information on the Pupil Transfer Request Application will be automatically generated based on what’s in your account. Don’t forget to verify that the information is accurate!

3 Using a mobile device? Tablet?
Please note that the following presentation was prepared with the FULL SITE version of Parent Portal. If you’re using a mobile device (i.e. cell phone, tablet, iAnything, etc.), please choose the GO TO FULL SITE option.

4 Sign in to Parent Portal on EPISD.ORG
Step One Sign in to Parent Portal on EPISD.ORG

5 Step Two After you’ve logged in, choose the TRANSFER REQUEST tab at the top of the page. It’s grey.

6 Click on “Create a Transfer Request”.
Step Three Click on “Create a Transfer Request”.

7 Fill in/verify the student information!
Step Four Fill in/verify the student information!

8 Step Four (cont’d) Please be sure to correctly select Wiggs Middle School as your requested campus, as well as carefully choose the school year.

9 Fill in/verify the parent information!
Step Five Fill in/verify the parent information!

10 Step Six You must indicate your specific reason for the transfer. Check the box(es) that applies. Many students at Wiggs are here for a special program. The name of the program should be filled in the blank.

11 Be sure to initial and sign this document.
Step Seven Be sure to initial and sign this document.

12 Final Steps Make sure you have an accurate email address listed!
After you’ve submitted your Pupil Transfer Request, an receipt will be sent to you with additional information regarding the process. This will also contain your confirmation number, so that you’re able to track the request. Be sure to check back in to Parent Portal regularly and track what stage your PTR is in. All additional documentation for the principal to review is digitally tied to your account, so parents no longer need to submit copies of grades, attendance, etc.. INCOMING 5TH GRADE STUDENTS ONLY - After you’ve received an ing confirming your Pupil Transfer Request has been APPROVED, please print this and submit it to your elementary school PEIMS clerk. It is important that he/she knows which school to code your child. This coding affects where your student’s folder will be sent, as well as registration. If the wrong school code is in the system, you will not be able to register online during the summer at Wiggs MS until the issue is resolved.

13 Please be sure to submit all PTRs by April 7th 2017!

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