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the essential link to efficient refrigeration & air conditioning

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1 the essential link to efficient refrigeration & air conditioning
Contractors: the essential link to efficient refrigeration & air conditioning Olivier Janin AREA Secretary General 2nd Geoprogress Global Forum 7th September 2017, Brussels

2 About AREA Founded in 1988 in Belgium
Represents Air-Conditioning, Refrigeration & heat pumps contractors AREA in figures: 25 national member associations 22 countries from EU and beyond > 13,000 companies (mainly SMEs) +/- 110,000 work force +/- € 23 bn annual turnover

3 Organisation

4 What is the role of RACHP contractors?
Architect of tailor-made solutions Adviser for user’s specific needs RACHP contractors are essential “intermediaries bringing together the technology and the user” RACHP contractors use every available solution with complete technology neutrality and with the sole aim of ensuring the highest level of reliability, energy efficiency and cost-effectiveness. They provide tailor-made solutions based on users’ specific needs. They work at all scales, from household air-conditioning equipment to industrial refrigeration installations.

5 The contractor's impact
Appropriate design High standard of competence Efficient RACHP system Professional installation Energy is often ‘the’ major cost of the equipment throughout its lifetime. Therefore, energy efficiency has become a top priority for all actors of the RACHP industries, from manufacturers to users and with a central role played by contractors. Energy efficiency is a key element included in each facet of the RACHP contractor’s work: Proper system design for new installations maximises the overall energy efficiency level of all the installation’s components, including the choice of refrigerant; Professional installation guarantees the efficiency and reliability of the system; Regular maintenance and servicing enables early leak detection and minimises emissions. Without proper design of the cooling system, energy savings of efficient equipment can be totally negated. There are numerous ways and means of improving energy efficiency through the design of RACHP systems. For example, a good system design will avoid over-specification to maximise the overall energy efficiency level of all the installation’s components. The use of inverter drives or variable regulated speed motors, capacity controls or other low energy drives can also improve energy efficiency of a system. Furthermore, the maintenance of a cooling system should not be neglected. It is crucial to ensure that potential energy savings, which are secured by a proper design and effective installation, are not lost during the use phase. In fact, proper and regular maintenance carried out by competent people make it possible to reduce operating costs, thus resulting in energy savings. It is also the occasion to provide advice on further energy savings. Energy savings associated with inspection, monitoring and performance benchmarking of HVAC systems, particularly in the tertiary sector (office buildings, shopping centers, hospitals, etc.) is highlighted in articles 14 to 16 of the EPBD recast (Directive 2010/31/EU). Some projects (e.g. HARMONAC, iSERV-cmb) have shown the benefits of automatic energy consumption data collection systems on the identification of Energy Conservation Opportunities. Regular maintenance

6 Our challenges A changing world An evolving job
Increased use of alternative refrigerants Central role of energy efficiency More complex regulatory environment New / alternative technologies An evolving job Technological innovations Alternative refrigerants & safety Environmental protection Energy efficiency New technologies The societal & legal push in favour of alternative refrigerants is resulting in a substantial technological revolution in the RACHP sector. Such a change is affecting contractors deeply: they must keep up with technological developments as these involve important changes in the way contractors work, Systems working with alternative refrigerants pose new challenges for contractors in terms of efficiency, safety and overall appropriateness to certain uses. Whereas systems working with HFCs can be installed pretty much anywhere, the safety issues of alternative refrigerants does not make them suitable to any use in any location. For instance, high flammability is generally not compatible with crowded locations.

7 Maintain a high standard of competence
Our top priority Maintain a high standard of competence

8 Contractors’ skills & the new technologies
 Maintaining contractors’ skills and knowledge is key HFC phase-down will lead to a higher use of low GWP refrigerants Low GWP refrigerants have specific safety issues (flammability, toxicity, high pressure) that need to be duly considered when handling those refrigerants The lack of knowledge and skills should not be a barrier to the development of low GWP refrigerants

9 Contractors’ training on low GWP refrigerants: mind the gap!

10 AREA initiatives to improve contractors’ skills
 Mandatory certification would be the preferred option, but… AREA Guidance Documents Guidance on certification & qualification schemes for heat pumps Refrigeration Craftsman

11 AREA initiatives to improve contractors’ skills
e-learning classroom practice e-library Resources developed as part of the project offer innovative blended learning - a mix of e-learning, face-to-face training materials, practical exercises, assessments and an e-library of learning resources - the programme has brought together industry knowledge and expertise from across Europe about alternative refrigerants. Financed by the EU's funding instrument for the environment and climate action, “the LIFE programme”, the REAL Alternatives for LIFE project is an extension of the previous REAL Alternatives project. As part of this funding programme, the European Commission is co-financing a consortium of European training centres and associations in partnership with the IIR to provide “Train the Trainer” sessions on low GWP refrigerants (hydrocarbons, CO2, ammonia, HFOs, R32) in order to ensure safe, efficient, reliable and cost-effective implementation. The objective of the project is to develop new and update existing training material, as well as to introduce a range of practical exercises and assessments with an aim to standardising skills sets and requirements for handling low GWP refrigerants across the globe.

12 Air conditioning and Refrigeration European Association
AREA aisbl Air conditioning and Refrigeration European Association EU Transparency Register: BluePoint Brussels Bd. A. Reyers Brussels (Belgium) Tel: @area_rachp

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