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Three mooses in Kampinos

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1 Three mooses in Kampinos
Presentation about our trip to find flora and fauna species of Kampinoski National Park

2 Main informations: Kampinos National Park was founded in 1959.
It is located in east­central Poland, in Masovian Voivodeship, on the north- west outskirts of Warsaw. Park covers square kilometres ( sq mi), of which km2 is strictly protected.

3 Our Kampinoski NP exploration:
We have chosen the path which has 3 km long and starts from Center of Education in Izabelin at Tetmajera Street. It took us about 2 hours to complete it. In Kampinos National Park is about 360 km walking trials & about 200 km cycling paths.

4 bryophyte for example:
Flora There are 1400 plants and 150 bryophyte for example: Pine tree, birch, oaks, juniper and green stem flowers. Also there are 74 native of trees. What we have seen during our trip: Lichens and mushrooms Mosses Conifers Broadleaved trees and some common flowers. Some of them we were trying to guess and find systematic name.

5 Lichens In Kampinoski National Park there are many lichens what means that the area is very clean. (Fuligo septica ?? -maybe We have seen few species and we took photos of them and after we tried to classified them. Lepraria incana?? Hypogymnia physodes ??

6 Mosses in Kampinoski NP
Bryophytes are small, non-vascular plants, such as mosses, liverworts and hornworts. They play a vital role in regulating ecosystems because they provide an important buffer system for other plants, which live alongside and benefit from the water and nutrients that bryophytes collect. Rokietnik pospolity (Pleurozium schreberi )

7 Conifers In Kampioski National Park during our trip we have seen especially: pine tree and common juniper   

8 Broadleaved trees In the Kampinoski NP exist a few species of broadleaved trees – the most common are: birch and oaks.

9 Fauna There are about 4 000 native of animals in KNP :
27 native of fishes 13 native of amphibian 6 native of reptiles 180 native of birds 2 of them are endangered on the world scale 30 of them are endangered in Europe scale 52 native of mammals

10 Insects There are about 3864 invertebrate species in Kampinoski NP.
We have choosen to observe especially insects : Geotrupes stercorarius (beetle) Rhopalocera (butterfly) Formicidae (ants) We have had a chance to observe: ants (was hard to guess what species) buterflly (Gonepteryx rhamni) scarab beetle ((Geotrupes (Geotrupes) stercorarius)

11 Reptiles and amphibians
Kampinoski NP is a home for 13 species of amphibians and 6 species of native reptiles. We can find here for example: grass snake, lizards, frogs. In the Centrum of Education we have seen grass snake and hyla (Genus Hyla). We have seen sand lizard (Lacerta agilis) at least three times during our forest trip.

12 In the Kampinoski NP there are 180 native of birds:
We could see during our trip two common bird species: woodpecker and jay. In the Kampinoski NP there are 180 native of birds: 2 of them are endangered in world scale 30 of them are endangered in Europe scale like: Ciconia ciconia (white stork), Dendrocopos medius (Middle spotted woodpecker), Clanga pomarina ( lesser spotted eagle)

13 We could only see houses for bats and running deers 
Mammals In the Kampinoski NP. there are 52 species of mammals: two of them are reintroduced: Lynx lynx (Eurasian lynx) and Alces alces (moose) We could only see houses for bats and running deers 

14 The symbol of Kampinoski NP. - MOOSE -
We could only see one moose in the Center of Education in Izabelin.

15 Sources http://Kampinowski­
Brochures and books we got from the employees of Kampinoski NP Magiczny świat porostów Bieszczadzkiego PN Klucze do oznaczania płazów i gadów, ptaków, ssaków oraz roślin Every photo is taken by us – in the forest and in the Center of Education in Izabelin with Lumix, Canon and sigma camera, samsung mobile phone The Authors: Piotr Raczkowski Patryk Szulikowski Julian Rabenda Klasa 2d Gimnazjum 164 Z Oddziałami Integracyjnymi i Oddziałami Dwujęzycznymi Im. Polskich Olimpijczyków w Warszawie

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