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The Colonial Age to the Revolutionary Era

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1 The Colonial Age to the Revolutionary Era

2 Colonial Roots Classically Puritan
Covenant with God (allows for Democracy) God is all things Human Nature is bad (flesh = evil) “Puritan” Work Ethic (being bad)

3 William Bradford “On Plymouth Plantation” (Cornell Notes)
Mayflower Compact establishes theocracy Covenant with God/leads to covenant with Man Hypocrisy with manifest destiny (Indians get killed) Gender roles: women remain chaste Omnipresent God

4 Cotton Mather Trial of Martha Carrier established Spectral evidence of witchcraft Witches are real (Bible) Demonstrates Puritan paradox

5 Jonathan Edwards Sermon reveals Puritan values
PURPOSE: Realize you suck, to save your soul God (not your actions, save you) Devil is real; waiting for you Individual is nothing compared to God Uses great Metaphoric lang. Caused by all powerful god, omnipotent

6 Anne Bradstreet Happy housed burned down
Remove pelf from preventing heaven (soul is important) Puritan devaluing of body; emphasis on soul English style (strict rhyme/meter) (captures the power of God) First poetical American (published in England Conservative View on Gender

7 Elaudah Equiano PURPOSE: reveal “evil” of slavery through the horror of the MIDDLE PASSAGE American slavery more “cruel” Audience: Hypocritical Christian Slave owners Is the first of many American Slave Narratives Visual description of slave ship Senses overwhelmed (stench)

8 Handsome Lakes Native Americans from THEIR PERSPECTIVE
Reveals they understand how Christianity becomes the “excuse/reason” for their murder Demonstrates Native American style (CIRCULAR) “ Forces us to ask ,TRUTH?” 5 curses of CARDS, COINS, Fiddle, RUM, DECAYED LEG BONE

9 Phyllis Wheatley Both Colonial and Revolutionary
Poems must be DECONSTRUCTED Contains “hidden” truths about: Race Slavery Christianity Disproves the lame notion of unable

10 Ben Franklin: Colonial Bridge
Letters to the editor Poor Richard’s Sayings Discovery of electricity Mocking of witch trials Critical of treatment of native Americans Knows the power of God while putting emphasis on INDIVIDUAL DEISM God is the “Great Architect”

11 Ben Franklin: The Ideal American
Defines American experience Rags to riches From poor, beaten Self-Reliance Autobiography SELLS himself! (lacks humility) “God creates, but MAN DOES” “moral perfection”

12 Ben Franklin: Revolutionary Bridge
24 hour schedule Scientific Method Moral Perfection through self Examination

13 Patrick Henry Great Orator Knows audience (South)
Makes masculine rebellion British past will be their future “Give me liberty or give me death”

14 Thomas Jefferson Passion CONTROLLED by REASON
Wanted to end slavery; hypocrisy Anti-slavery while owning slaves Paraphrased Locke, but adds Happiness (instead of property) Author of one of the most . . . King George becomes Voldermort

15 IMPACT of the ENLIGHTENMENT; TheRevolutionary Flower
Deism (God loses direct impact) Knowledge is Empirical (Bible/God no direct control) Human Nature is blank American Dream established Eden (full of natural resources/uncorrupted) Opportunity (provide for innovation; meritocracy) Self-reliant (no handouts, YOU control your own fate, good or bad)

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