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Expanding Access: Narrative Intake Technique

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1 Expanding Access: Narrative Intake Technique
Stephen Peter Loynaz, M.S. Access Consultant Manager Florida International University AHEAD 2016 Concurrent Presentation 2.7

2 What is the Narrative Intake Technique(NIT)?
The NIT is a process that helps students without documentation access accommodations in higher education The NIT is a process that helps students become aware of resources and options that can contribute to their success The NIT is a process that helps professionals use the expanded scope of the ADA to help students access accommodations using proven qualitative research methods Just another tool to welcome students Due to culture, SES, or other factors, this may be the first time some students are able to access services like ours We have the tools necessary to help these students

3 Where did the NIT come from?
ADAAA of 2008 allows those students “being regarded as having such an impairment” to be served We have borrowed qualitative research methods to build this technique such as: The interview Document Analysis (transcripts, professor s, other feedback) Based the creation of this technique on the part of the ADA that allows those people that are regarded as having a disability to be qualified We needed a tool to do this in some uniform fashion Qualitative research methods are the best match to the questions posited by our conundrum Explain interviewing Explain document analysis

4 How do we implement the NIT?
The first thing is to confirm the student does not have any documentation, or history of accommodations If this is confirmed, we like to ask how were they referred to us We can start observing behaviors and asking questions about their situation, asking for examples of concerning behaviors How they were referred to us is important because we may have professor observations Start with probing questions What has brought the student to our office? Have you ever used support services like accommodations, the VA, Vocational Rehabilitation, assistive Technology? What educational supports do you have now?

5 Question 1: What has brought you to our office?
We want to explore: Who told them about our services Are they experiencing concerning behaviors Any sudden failures Curiosity – where does it stem from New situation in life This information helps create the context in which the student currently finds themselves in

6 Question 2: Have you ever used support services like accommodations, VA, VR, or assistive tech?
With options and awareness expanding daily, many students may already be accommodating themselves. We want to know: Is there any special software they are using to be successful Are they a Veteran Have they ever worked with Vocational Rehabilitation What technology do they have available How they answer these questions helps generate options, legitimacy, and possible ideas for accommodations

7 Question 3: What educational supports do you have now?
How do we fit into this student’s support system? We want to know: Where do they get their funding Are they an International Student What kind of access to technology do they have Are there any Housing or Residential Life Concerns What other campus partners are involved in their life We cannot work in a vacuum! Who are we collaborating with? There may be more evidence of disability in the student’s life than they can perceive.

8 Proposed Recommendations
Temporary Accommodations to get students service connected Limitations? Further Evaluations Can these be permanent? Be open and transparent about accommodations How can they be made permanent or more robust

9 Practice, Questions, and Contact Information Let’s get to work! Any questions? Contact Information: Stephen Peter Loynaz: ;

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