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Jeopardy A Review Game for Air Pollution Unit

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1 Jeopardy A Review Game for Air Pollution Unit
Ecology 22 April 2016

2 Air Pollution Unit Jeopardy
Atmosphere Primary Pollutants Info from Diagrams Potpourri Vocab 10 20 30 40 50

3 What is the upper layer of the atmosphere?

4 The layer of the atmosphere that is closest to Earth

5 The air around you

6 Component of air needed for complete combustion

7 The layer between the stratosphere & the thermosphere

8 Pollen, dust, and volcanic ash are examples of ____________ pollution

9 Formed when hydrocarbons and NOx combine with sunlight

10 Formed when petroleum based products (gas, paint, dry cleaning chemicals) evaporate

11 Prevents red blood cells from carrying oxygen

12 Removed by scrubbers from the smoke stacks of coal burning power plants

13 Formed when sulfur dioxide and nitric oxides mix with water in the atmosphere

14 Major greenhouse gas

15 Protective layer in stratosphere; screens out UV rays

16 Part of CFCs that breaks O off of O3

17 This ion is dissolved in acidic soils and unavailable in some ecosystems due to acid precipitation. It can cause weakened egg shells.

18 Gas formed from decay of radioactive rock

19 What is an urban heat island?

20 Used in paneling, carpet, & drapes; can cause burning eyes, nausea, & headaches

21 This is a disease that a person suffers from the combined effect of 2 or more air pollutants might experience

22 These make up photochemical smog.

23 What is an ecosystem service provided by the atmosphere.

24 2 most abundant gases in the Earth’s atmosphere

25 A condition where certain air pollutants are higher indoors than outdoors due to energy conservation measures

26 Acid rain is not as serious when _________ bedrock is present to act as a buffer

27 pH of normal rain

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