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Structural Funds Programming Predeal, Romania

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1 Structural Funds Programming Predeal, Romania
1.1 Introductions Structural Funds Programming Predeal, Romania Monitoring indicators Dr. Dimitra G. Ioannou April 2006

2 General Definition (EC)
Measurement of an objective and/or an output accomplished

3 Definition of an indicator
Something that provides an “i n d i c a t i o n ” a simplified representation of a complex reality

4 The policy cycle

5 Operational objectives
The logic of a programme Impacts Global objectives Results Specific objectives Programme objectives Outputs Operational objectives Programme operations Inputs

6 Basic questions What outputs, results and impacts can be expected?
What are suitable indicators? Where can we identify the data (baseline)?

7 Typology of indicators
Context and programme indicators Implementation (input/output), result and impact indicators Specific and core indicators Cost benchmarks

8 Output indicators We describe the concrete investments (i.e. physical infrastructure, services) or activities (support structures, studies) that will be financed

9 Result indicators We describe the direct results of the outputs that the participants (support services, studies) or users (infrastructure) obtain

10 Impact indicators We describe the contribution to the global objectives of the operation, priority or programme or users (infrastructure) obtain

11 Cost benchmark indicators
Used information available at relevant stakeholder organizations, existing studies, and / or projects implemented in the past Wherever applicable (or possible), unit costs are broken down to the smallest possible unit Review of international cost figures

12 Information Sources Context indicators: official statistics
Programme indicators: output: project promoters result: project promoters, evaluations impact: evaluations

13 Examples of context and programme indicators
Context Indicators Unit Baseline Baseline Year Source GDP per capita (country level) PPS in constant prices, euro 7,000.00 2004 National Institute of Statistics (NIS) Employment rate (national) % 50.40 NIS/National Agency for Employment (NAE) Employment rate region 1: North–East 18.6 NIS/NAE Employment rate region 2: …. etc Unemployment rate (national) 7.10 Unemployment rate region 1: North–East 10.80 2002 Unemployment rate region 2: … etc Tertiary educated population in employment (aged 15 – 64, national) 12.00 2003 NIS Structure of employment per sector Employment in Agriculture 35.00 Employment in Industry 29.00 Employment in Services 36.00 Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) - national million euro 10,159.60 NIS/National Bank of Romania (NBR) Participation rate Share of economically active population in total population 15+ in % Additional GDP % per capita, compared to baseline Macro-economic models Degree of financial implementation % of EU Funds

14 Examples of context and programme indicators
Programme Level Indicators – ROP Priority 1 (Infrastructure) Unit Baseline Baseline Year Source Intermediate Target (2010) Target (2013) Compliance of Romanian regions with the EU regulations on transport and communications Number of counties 2005 Programme Evaluation reports 25 Health Care Units Improved % - Programme Monitoring/Evaluation reports 12 35 Number of education units benefiting from projects MER/NIS 500 1500

15 Examples of context and programme indicators
Programme Level Indicators – ROP Priority 2 (Business dev.) Unit Baseline Baseline Year Source Intermediate Target (2010) Target (2013) Number of projects including direct job creation measures No of projects - Programme Monitoring/Evaluation reports 100% Number of projects including RDI measures Number of Research Centers assisted % 206 2004 20% 50% Number of Business Support Structures assisted No of new business support structures 152 2005 NASMEC/NIS 169 208

16 Examples of context and programme indicators
Programme Level Indicators – ROP Priority 3 (Tourism) Unit Baseline Year Source Intermediate Target (2010) Target (2013) Foreign exchange income from tourism Lei 64 Billion 2005 WTTC 75 Billion 150 Billion Increase in the number of incoming tourists (national) % 5638K 2004 NIS +7,5 +15 Increase in the number of incoming tourists (Region 1) 618K +5 +10 Increase in the number of incoming tourists (Region 2) 1.133K

17 Examples of context and programme indicators
Programme Level Indicators – ROP Priority 4 (Urban Dev.) Unit Baseline Baseline Year Source Intermediate Target (2010) Target (2013) Surface of green spaces per 1000 inhabitants in the urban areas M2 / 1000 inhabitants 2005 MTCT 3 5 Surface of recreation/sport/culture areas per 1000 inhabitants Increase of the economic diversification in the urban areas % NASMEC 9 Decrease of urban criminality NIS 20 15 Reduction of unemployment in urban areas 7.1 2004 NIS/National Agency for Employment 7

18 Examples of context and programme indicators
Programme Level Indicators – ROP Priority 5 (Techn. Ass) Unit Baseline Baseline Year Source Intermediate Target (2010) Target (2013) E-government applications number - Public administration/Evaluation reports 250 500 Municipalities/Counties offering modern ICT services to citizens 92 2004 MCIT/Public administration/Evaluation reports 130 180 Citizens benefiting from modernized services on behalf of the local authorities % 2.5 Eurostat/Public administration/Evaluation reports 15 21 SF absorption capacity (in terms of financial performance) of the final beneficiaries Programme Monitoring (Annual)/Evaluation reports 50 100

19 Examples of monitoring indicators
Indicators – ROP Priority 1 Unit Baseline Baseline Year Source Intermediate Target (2010) Target (2013) Output Length of roads constructed/reconstructed (km) km - Programme Monitoring/Evaluation reports Length of roads rehabilitated (km) Terminals with GPS capabilities no 2005 70 110 Improvement of facilities - utilities and energy saving in Health Care Units (No of Health Care Units) 27 160

20 Examples of monitoring indicators
Indicators – ROP Priority 1 Unit Baseline Baseline Year Source Intermediate Target (2010) Target (2013) Results Increase of accesibility to national road network % Total time savings per year by road users (hours) hours Specific sites (p.e. Industrial parks, historical places, ...) with adequate road access no Decrease of total road accidents per year Decrease of total injured in road accidents per year

21 Examples of monitoring indicators
Indicators – ROP Priority 1 Unit Baseline Baseline Year Source Intermediate Target (2010) Target (2013) Impact Persons employed in road construction no of jobs Persons employed managing and maintaining the road Companies settled down close to newly constructed/rehabiltated infrastructure no of companies People employed in road construction no People employed managing and maintaining the roads Improvement the average of days of inpatient treatment no of days Improvement the average response time of the integrated emergency system minutes

22 Examples of monitoring indicators
Indicators – ROP Priority 1 Unit Baseline Baseline Year Source Cost benchmark indicators Average judetean road/km average cost / km 154,333.69 2005  Ministry of Transport Average national road/km 382,116.92 Improving Basic Infrastructure of schools in rural areas total average cost in euro 150,000.00 Ministry of Education 

23 Examples of monitoring indicators HRD-Job creation-Equal opportunties
Output indicators Number of developed & implemented training programmes by type & by sector Number of trainees participated training (total, men, women) The volume of training provided (trainees x hours) Number of trainees completed training (total, men, women) Total number of new jobs created as a result of an operation Total number of safegard jobs as a result of an operation Additional new jobs in the company benefiting from the operation Number of companies receiving financial support Number of developed & implemented counseling & orientation programmes Number of partnerships built (especially in LED) Number of new vocational certificates Number of training providers receiving financial support Etc…

24 Examples of monitoring indicators HRD-Job creation-Equal opportunties
Result indicators Increase in the number of vocational training programmes for each of the programmes' target groups (unemployed) Increase in the number of vocational training programmes for companies' managers and/or staff Percentage of the companies participating in the programme (by size and sector) Percentage of the target population covered by the activity (total, men, women) Increase in the number of programmes Placement rate of beneficiaries into employment (total, men, women, long-term unemployed) Increase in the number of local partnerships (LED) Increase in the number of people working in the structures and systems Etc…

25 Examples of monitoring indicators HRD-Job creation-Equal opportunties
Impact indicators Unemployment reduction of the target population (for each of the programme's target groups, by gender and by region) Increase in activity level in a specific sector after 6 months (or 12 months) Decrease of the long term unemployment share in the unemployed population at the end of the implementation of the projects Number of new partnerships maintained 12 months after the end of the interventions (LED) New job places in the new vocational training/counseling structures Etc.…

26 Examples of monitoring indicators SMEs - Competitiveness
Output indicators Number of companies which received support Number of companies which obtained financial aid and are owned by women Number of research projects Number of organized conferences and exhibitions Etc.…

27 Examples of monitoring indicators SMEs - Competitiveness
Result indicators Percentage of technological procedures which were modernized in terms of the production New / increased SMC sales (EUR) Number of SMC using economic consulting services Percentage of successfully completed research projects Number of agreed contracts of local companies in consequence of the organisation of fairs Etc.…

28 Examples of monitoring indicators SMEs - Competitiveness
Impact indicators Increasing the sales of the company receiving support after two years (%) Change in the export share of the total production of a company using common services for companies, 6 month after the termination of the support Number of patents issued from the innovations created Growth in the number of foreign visitors in facilities receiving support Number of commercial contacts of local companies as a consequence of the activity of a business support structure Etc.…

29 Group Work 1. Trainees should be grouped by OP (at MA level)
2. Each group fills the distributed sheet with information from the OP – selection of one indicative priority (max 30 min) 3. Each group prepares a list of questions on problems to solve as regards the OP monitoring indicators (incl. in the 30 min given under point 2) 3. The results of the group work are presented in class (10 min for each OP) followed by group discussion The aim of this exercise is: to practice on the development of monitoring indicators; to provide answers to the trainees questions.

30 Group Work – Table of indicators

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