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Presentation on theme: "CODE."— Presentation transcript:


2 Stealth Adoption Tactics: A Panel Discussion

3 Moderator: David Carr Forbes Contributor, author, Social Collaboration for Dummies

4 Teri Wayne

5 Cintia DeAnda

6 Dan Thomas

7 Internal Community Customer Community Judi Cardinal

8 Community Facts Panelist Teri Wayne Cintia DeAnda Dan Thomas
Judi Cardinal Industry Financial Services Financial services Cloud Delivery Platform Number of Employees 10,000 5,000 100,000 (50K on Jive) 6500 Launched Jive March 2015 June 2015 October 2015 JIVE-x: Oct 2014 JIVE-x: August 2015 Type of Implementation Intranet replacement/ consolidation Intranet Social collaboration Customer Community Version of Jive v8 hosted V8 on-prem (upgrading this year) v8 on-prem Hosted 7.1 > Cloud as of 2/16

9 Question 1: What were the key points you used to communicate to your users/employees about the change? How did you communicate? What are some of the most successful methods you used?

10 Question 2: What was your most surprising success?

11 Question 3: How do you enable and encourage executives to engage?

12 Question 4: Do you have a special name for your advocates
Question 4: Do you have a special name for your advocates? What are some of the things they are tasked with in the community?

13 Question 5: How are users/employees trained to use Jive
Question 5: How are users/employees trained to use Jive? What has been most successful?

14 Question 6: Overall, what was the biggest challenge you faced in getting employees/users to adopt Jive? How did you solve it?

15 Question 7: What were some of your risk mitigation challenges – how did they relate to adoption?

16 Question 8: If you had to launch again, what would you do differently?

17 New York Life – Key Takeaways
Numbers, numbers, numbers!  The participation rate is a great proxy for "engagement," a corporate good Show examples & publish them! Get Community Managers to tell their stories about how collaboration is making work get done better and faster

18 Euroclear –Key Takeaways
Secure, sustainable leadership buy-in Use analytics, ROI and anecdotes to showcase the benefits Seed the ecosystem with valuable content, people and interaction Be patient and provide support

19 Lloyds – Key Takeaways Show value - collaboration doesn't make sense without value Speak to people about how that value can relate to them. Don't say 'we'd love you to blog', say 'if you blogged you could save time in XYZ and help the community' Understand that people don't 'get' collaboration

20 Akamai – Key Takeaways Jive-x Customer Community
Communicate how the community fits in your overall Digital Customer Journey (internally & externally) Create a robust onboarding & welcoming process Provide value added self-service content & respond timely to questions Jive-n Internal Community Prioritize training on notification & content management to avoid information overload Establish broad governance & standards before you launch Define a clear shared value proposition (“Fast, reliable & secure”) If User Experience or Web Security is an issue or concern reach out to your Jive representative for solution options


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