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Tripping Over the Lunch Lady

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Presentation on theme: "Tripping Over the Lunch Lady"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tripping Over the Lunch Lady
Day 3

2 How do people overcome obstacles?
Concept talk How do people overcome obstacles?

3 Partner Share Jinx’s application of her desire to have square dancing during gym class shows her determination to overcome obstacles. How have you applied yourself to overcome an obstacle in your life? Jinx is very resilient because she alwlays picks herself up after she falls and starts all over again. How are you resilient?

4 Amazing Words Modify- to change somewhat
She asked the caterer to modify the recipe. Conquer- to overcome or defeat Jinx wanted to conquer the trampoline. TEACH YOUR PARTNER THESE WORDS

5 Vocabulary Dalmatian- certain breed of dog
The spotted dog was a Dalmatian. sprained- wrenched and twisted I couldn’t play anymore, I had a sprained ankle. Teach your partner these words.

6 Vocabulary promenading- strolling
We spent all of our time promenading down the shopping street. Frilly- ruffled She couldn’t stand that frilly dress. Teach your partner these words

7 Vocabulary Substitute- replacement
The kids didn’t like the substitute teacher. Teach your partner this word.

8 Spelling Prefix over- over
Prefix under- not enough or not done as well or as much as is necessary Prefix sub- below Prefix out- going further or being better than

9 Spelling overlook- miss, look at and not see
Subset- a group below or part of a larger group Output-to put out, produce Supersonic-faster than speed of sound

10 Pronouns and Antecedents
Jim and Sally are proud of ____(their, his) new son. The dogs tugged on ____ (its, their) leashes. The small girl put _____ (its, her) spaceship back in the toybox.

11 Lets take a look at our Daily Fix it

12 Writing Persuasive writing; Introductory paragraph-your position
Each paragraph should focus on your evidence Describe and then prove the opposing views key points wrong Restate and reinforce the thesis and supporting evidence

13 Writing Your topic is: Kids should have less homework.

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