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Bihar Watershed Development Society (BWDS)

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1 Bihar Watershed Development Society (BWDS)
PMKSY Bihar Watershed Development Society (BWDS)

2 Need for PMKSY Achieving the goal of bringing irrigation water to every farm, there is need to converge all ongoing efforts, put all efforts under one umbrella and to bridge the gaps through location specific innovative interventions. Government is committed to giving high priority to water security. It will complete the long pending irrigation projects on priority and launch the ‘Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana’ with the motto of ‘Har Khet Ko Paani’. There is a need for seriously considering all options including linking of rivers, where feasible; for ensuring optimal use of our water resources to prevent the recurrence of floods and drought. By harnessing rain water through ‘Jal Sanchay’ and ‘Jal Sinchan’, we will nurture water conservation and ground water recharge. Micro irrigation will be popularised to ensure ‘Per drop - More crop’ .

3 Objectives of PMKSY Achieve convergence of investments in irrigation at the field level (preparation of district level and, if required, sub district level water use plans). Enhance the physical access of water on the farm and expand cultivable area under assured irrigation (Har Khet ko pani), Integration of water source, distribution and its efficient use, to make best use of water through appropriate technologies and practices. Improve on-farm water use efficiency to reduce wastage and increase availability both in duration and extent, Enhance the adoption of precision-irrigation and other water saving technologies (More crop per drop).

4 Objectives of PMKSY Contd.
Enhance recharge of aquifers and introduce sustainable water conservation practices Ensure the integrated development of rainfed areas using the watershed approach towards soil and water conservation, regeneration of ground water, arresting runoff, providing livelihood options and other NRM activities. Promote extension activities relating to water harvesting, water management and crop alignment for farmers and grass root level field functionaries. Explore the feasibility of reusing treated municipal waste water for periurban agriculture, and Attract greater private investments in irrigation.

5 Objectives of PMKSY Convergence of investments in irrigation
Enhance access to irrigation Integration of water source, distribution and application Improved on-farm water use efficiency Enhance the adoption of precision-irrigation Water conservation & ground water recharge Development of rainfed areas through watershed approach Extension activities & IEC application Treatment of municipal waste water for peri-urban agriculture Greater private investments in irrigation

6 PMKSY Started from 2015-16 Funding Pattern 60:40
DIP & SIP have to be prepared

7 PMKSY (Har Khet ko Pani) PMKSY( Per drop More Crop)
Components of PMKSY PMKSY (Har Khet ko Pani) ü Surface Minor Irrigation AIBP ü Command Area Distribution ü Water Diversion System üMedium & Major Projects ü Lift Irrigation,Ground water dev. ü National Projects ü Traditional Water harvesting, RRR of water bodies PMKSY( Per drop More Crop) On farm water mgmt. Precision irrigation Dist./State irrg. Plan Extension Activities Coordination & Monitoring PMKSY (Watershed) Soil & Moisture Conservation Rain water harvesting Runoff Mgmt & Treatment Livelihood support activities


9 Districts Covered under PMKSY- WD
S.No. District 1- Banka 8- Kaimur 2- Jamui 9. Patna 3- Munger 10. Nalanda 4- Gaya 11. Arwal 5- Nawada 12. Jehanabad 6- Rohtas 13. Shiekhpura 7- Aurangabad 14. Lakhisarai

10 Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojna – Watershed Development (PMKSY-WD)

11 Project Sanctioned under PMKSY-WD (IWMP) No. of Micro - Watersheds
Sl.No. Year No. of projects No. of Micro - Watersheds Treatable Area (Ha.) Project Cost (In Lakh) 1 40 401 2 24 240 3 26 267 4 33 395 Total 123 1303

12 Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana- Watershed Development (PMKSY-WD)
Centrally sponsored scheme Contribution till [GoI – 90% & GoB – 10%] Contribution from [GoI-60%&GoB- 40%] Being implemented in 8 districts of Bihar from / / (batch – III / IV/ V) and 6 new districts have been added in (batch - VI). District Watershed Committee (DWC) under chairmanship of District Magistrate monitors the watershed programme. Deputy Director, Soil Conservation of the district is over all incharge of this programme. Implementation period Years.

13 GoI Support GoI Fund – Project Fund – 60% (till it was 90%) Institutional support fund – 100% Project Fund: Expenditure on execution of project based on DPR duly approved by Gram Sabha and district level watershed committee and finally approved by BWDS management committee. Institutional Fund- For salary, TA, DA, etc for contractual experts and employees of SLNA / WCDC.

14 Directorate of Soil Conservation (Agriculture)
Fund Flow Previous At Present GoI GoI GoB SLNA Directorate of Soil Conservation (Agriculture) WCDC SLNA PIA WCDC WC WC

15 Institutional Arrangement
Managing Committee – Under chairmanship of Development Commissioner Headquarter Level – BWDS as State Level Nodal Agency (SLNA) along with support of 11 experts / employees. District Level – WCDC (Watershed Cell-cum- Data Centre) under District Nodal officer – cum – Deputy Director, Soil Conservation. Project Level- PIA (Assistant Director, Soil Conservation, / ASCO executes these projects). Micro watershed Level – A watershed Development Team (WDT) consisting of Agril, Finance, Engg. & Livelihood Expert helps Watershed Committee. Watershed Committee - At micro watershed level a committee of 11 members led by Mukhiya and a paid Secretary.

16 Staff at SLNA (Headquarter) Level
S. No Designation No. of Sanctioned Posts 1 Administrative Officer 2 Technical Expert (W/s) 3 Technical Expert (Livelihood) 4 Finance Officer 5 Accountant 6 Assistant 7 GIS Expert 8 Programmer 9 Data Entry Operator Total 11

17 Staff at Watershed Cell – Cum-Data Centre (WCDC) District Level
S. No Designation No. of District Covered No. of Sanctioned Posts 1 Technical Expert 14 1 x 14 2 Accountant 3 Data Entry Operator Total 42

18 Thank You

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