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PowerPoint Guidance for State Presentations

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1 PowerPoint Guidance for State Presentations
Who: Please select one or two members from your cross-sector team to deliver the presentation. What: A 20-minute presentation that provides the review committee and audience members a narrative of the state’s phase one accomplishments and phase two plans to design and implement a transformative and sustainable career preparation system. The presentation will be followed by a 15-minute Q&A session where all team members may answer questions posed by the review committee. When: Presentations will take place over the two day NSFY convening set for October 25th and 26th. States will be pre-scheduled to present in 45-minute blocks with 20 minutes to present, 15 minutes for Q&A, and 10 minutes to transition. How: States will be scheduled to present in 1 of 2 ballrooms, and presentations will be open to all meeting participants. Simultaneously, a series of workshops will be offered throughout the 2-day convening as well as flexible state team time in the plenary ballroom.

2 PowerPoint Guidance: How
The following PowerPoint template has been created for state presentations. States must use this template as provided. States should not add photos, change the color of the template or the font. The only portion of the template the states may customize is the content, which should be provided in sentences, bulleted concepts, tables, charts or graphs. PowerPoints must have no more than 20 slides, not including the title slide or questions slide; Presentations must be 20 minutes or less; Fonts may be no smaller than 18pt; and Suggested slide limits have been given as additional guidance. Please note that the review committee will review states’ full deck of PowerPoint slides. Even though presentations may not exceed 20 minutes, states may include content in this slide deck that they do not dive into deeply during the presentation knowing that it will be considered. States should include a helpful level of detail for pre/post review.

3 The Path to Career Readiness [STATE]
New Skills For Youth Phase Two Presentation [PRESENTER NAME] 1 to 2 team members should present.

4 State Context Briefly provide some helpful context on career preparation in your state prior to NSFY with which reviewers and other audience members might not be familiar. 1 slide

5 Needs Assessment Key Findings: Strengths
Describe the top strengths in your state’s career preparation system that were uncovered through deep examination of the six key objective areas. Please keep in mind the time limit and be advised to describe strengths that will be capitalized upon to transform career preparation in your state. You do not need to do a crosswalk within each of the 6 objectives. 3 slides or less Information presented on these slides should be reflective of the states finding in their needs assessment.   As part of their phase one work, NSFY states were required to complete rigorous analyses of their career preparation systems, including their policies, funding mechanisms, delivery systems, and infrastructure. The purpose of those examinations was to undertake an honest, critical assessment that generates reliable conclusions about strengths and gaps of their systems upon which their action plans must be built.

6 Needs Assessment Key Findings: Gaps
Describe the most critical gaps in your state’s career preparation system that were uncovered through deep examination of the six key objective areas. Please keep in mind the time limit and be advised to describe gaps that are of utmost importance to be addressed in the near future to transform career preparation in your state. You do not need to do a crosswalk within each of the 6 objectives. 3 slides or less Information presented on these slides should be reflective of the states finding in their needs assessment.   As part of their phase one work, NSFY states were required to complete rigorous analyses of their career preparation systems, including their policies, funding mechanisms, delivery systems, and infrastructure. The purpose of those examinations was to undertake an honest, critical assessment that generates reliable conclusions about strengths and gaps of their systems upon which their action plans must be built.

7 Data Analysis Key Findings
Briefly describe the top findings from the data analysis, including how these findings support conclusions about the strengths and gaps in the needs assessment. Describe what was learned regarding equitable access for students to a high-quality career preparation system in your state. 3 slides or less If you include any charts or graphs, please make sure they are clear and legible to the audience. Information presented on these slides should be reflective of the state’s data analysis. States were asked to collect and analyze data on a defined set of indicators to determine the extent to which their current system effectively prepares students for postsecondary success, especially those in underserved communities. States should leverage the results of those analyses as supporting evidence to draw conclusions about the strengths and gaps of their systems. Those required indicators include: - The number and percentage of all students, disaggregated by subgroup, who have access to high-quality career pathways in high-skill, high-demand industry sectors that span secondary and postsecondary levels, offer focused career guidance and advisement systems, blend rigorous core academic and career-technical instruction, include high-quality work-based learning experiences, and culminate in postsecondary or industry credentials with labor market value - The number and percentage of all students, disaggregated by subgroup, who complete one or more career pathways that meet the criteria designated above - The number and percentage of all students, disaggregated by subgroup, who complete dual enrollment courses in high school and earn college credit in academic and/or CTE subject areas - The number and percentage of all students, disaggregated by subgroup, who earn industry-recognized credentials in high-skill, high-demand sectors as defined by the state - The number and percentage of all students, disaggregated by subgroup, who enroll in college or secure employment in high-skill, high-demand sectors within 12 months after high school All disaggregation should include racial, gender, and economically disadvantaged subgroups; States may also include disaggregated data for SWD and ELL subgroups.

8 Theory of Change Given the results of your state’s needs assessment and data analysis describe your state’s theory of change. The theory of change is a clear statement that describes the vision of how the state will transform its system of career preparation to increase access and participation. 1 slide Reminder: The Theory of Change is the driver behind your career readiness action plan.

9 Career Readiness State Action Plan: Major Objectives
Briefly describe the state’s top priorities from its three-year action plan (including key goals and strategies aligned with results of the needs assessment and data analysis) that will result in statewide system transformation. Briefly describe plans for supporting and scaling policy to practice at the local level. 2 slides or less Based on your Theory of Change for system transformation; you should pull information from your career readiness action plan to describe the measurable objectives your plan includes and the actions that are planned over the next 3 years. The intent of states’ action plans is to convey in a clear and compelling manner the changes in policy and practice that states hope to accomplish in order to achieve longer-term outcomes. The assumption is that the goals and strategies outlined in states’ plans will be the focus of phase two funding if states were to be selected for a grant.

10 Three-Year State Action Plan: Cross-Sector Commitment
Career Readiness Action Plan: Leveraging Resources and Engaging Stakeholders Three-Year State Action Plan: Cross-Sector Commitment Briefly provide detail regarding how your state will leverage existing initiatives and align strategies to maximize the impact of your career readiness implementation. Briefly provide detail regarding how your state will ensure support of the action plan from key stakeholders so that implementation is successful. 2 slides or less Information on these slides must be reflective of what has been outlined in your action plans in terms of the evidence your state presents on how the state will leverage existing initiatives already underway and align strategies with that work to maximize potential impact. Information can also be summarized about identifying the stakeholders who must be engaged and policies and processes that must be in place to ensure sustainability of the states’ strategies.

11 Career Readiness Action Plan: Major Outcomes
Describe the concrete outcomes expected from your major activities, i.e. how your state will define success in transforming its career ready system, both annually and at the end of three years. 1 slide

12 Early Wins 2 slides or less
Describe any cross-sector early implementation accomplishments in phase one that have positioned your state to execute the action plan effectively. Early wins might include taking early steps to establish new policies or programs, strengthening cross-sector partnerships, and/or removing existing policy barriers that could impede implementation of the strategies outlined in the action plan. 2 slides or less Describe exemplar early wins that give the state a head start - or position the state more effectively - on executing its action plan strategies. Early wins are concrete and verifiable; they demonstrate capacity and engagement of the cross-sector team; and they are accomplished in phase one’s six-month time allotment (i.e. not remnants from earlier work). They answer the question, “What did the state accomplish through cross-sector effort in phase one that will improve the state’s readiness to implement its action plan?”

13 Planning for Long-Term Sustainability
List any major challenges your state faces now and/or anticipates it will over the next several years. Briefly describe long-term strategies to ensure the sustainability of your career readiness systems beyond the NSFY grant. 2 slides or less

14 Questions? [List the name and title of each team member who is present at the convening]
After the presentation, the review committee will be given 15 minutes to ask questions. The full state team should be present for this time and may answer questions as they pertain to their particular area of work.

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