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Juan Verdades By Teacher Jasmine.

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1 Juan Verdades By Teacher Jasmine

2 How do we demonstrate trustworthiness?
Big Question How do we demonstrate trustworthiness?

3 Generalize Is a broad statement or rule that applies to many examples.
Sometimes when you read, you can generalize. When you are given ideas about several things or people and you can make a statement that applies to all of them, you are generalizing. Valid generalizations are supported by examples, facts, or good logic. Invalid generalizations are not supported.

4 Prefixes Re- “again” or “back” Dis- “to remove” or “the opposite of”

5 Vocabulary Confidently Dismounted Distressed Flourish Fulfill
Permission Repay Vigorously P

6 Confidently With certainty and sureness; with firm belief

7 Dismounted Got off a horse or bicycle

8 Distressed Unhappy or full of sorrow

9 Flourish To grow or develop well; to thrive

10 Fulfill To cause to happen; to accomplish

11 Repay To give back, to return, or to pay back

12 Vigorously With great strength or energy

13 Explore Are you likely to trust a friend with a secret? Why or why not? Who would you be likely to trust with the responsibility of taking care of your pet? What characteristics would make a person worthy of your trust? What word is a synonym for trust?

14 Folk Tale The word folk comes from a German word meaning “people”. Folk tales are stories of the common people. For generations, most folktales were told aloud before anyone wrote them down. This is why each version of a folk tale is slightly different from all the other versions.

15 Guide Questions How do you know that don Ignacio’s generalization, “He has never told me a lie,” is valid? Why do you think the author includes so many phrases and words in Spanish in the dialogue? In the first two pages of the folk tale, the author introduces the conflict that the characters will have to resolve. State the conflict of this story in your own words.

16 Guide Questions Do you think don Arturo has made a mistake?
Why do you think Juan Verdades begins to fall in love with Araceli? The author uses foreshadowing on P.431 when he says about Araceli, but now she had a plan of her own as well. What do you think her plan is, and how do you think she will carry it out?

17 Guide Questions Visualize the changes in Juan Verdade’s character after Araceli requests all the apples from the special tree. Describe how you imagine his manner is similar and different from a few moments earlier. Explain How do you predict Araceli will respond to Juan’s refusal to her request? Explain Heroes in folk tales have common characteristics. Think about Juan Verdades and the heroes of other folk tales you have read. List characteristics that they have in common.

18 Guide Questions What generalization can you make about Juan based on his or her conversation with don Ignacio? In folk tales, the hero often must pass a test of some kind to prove his or her worthiness. Use this generalization to make a prediction about whether Juan Verdades will pass his test.

19 Guide Questions Why is don Arturo “gleeful” as he runs to tell don Ignacio about the apples? On P.437, Araceli visits don Ignacio unexpectedly and makes a request he can’t deny. What prediction can you make, based on this knowledge and what you know about folk tales? Apply Juan’s experience to an experience you have had-for example, facing the dilemma about telling the truth. Explain how the experiences were similar and/or different.

20 Guide Questions Why do you think Juan answers don Ignacio’s question the way he does? How is this story like other folk tales you have read? How is it different? In the story, Juan’s riddle is solved after “a moment.” How long did it take to solve the riddle? What helped most in solving it?

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