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Household and Respondent Characteristics

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1 Household and Respondent Characteristics #MyanmarDHS @DHSprogram

2 © 2009 Kyaw Thar, Courtesy of Photoshare
Household Characteristics Drinking water and sanitation Electricity Ownership of goods Wealth Respondent Characteristics Education Mass media Employment and occupation © 2009 Kyaw Thar, Courtesy of Photoshare

3 Myanmar’s Households 23% of households are headed by females.
Households have an average of 4.2 members. 29% of the population is under 15 years of age.

4 80 % of households have an improved source of drinking water
Percent of households 80 % of households have an improved source of drinking water Nearly 8 in 10 rural households in Myanmar. In urban areas, bottled water is the most common water source. In urban areas, households get their water from tubewells/boreholes and protected wells or springs. Overall, 20% of households do not have access to clean drinking water.

5 Toilet Facilities Percent of households
Nearly half of households have an improved sanitation facility not shared with other households, and 10% use a shared facility. 32% of households use an unimproved toilet facility. 11% of households have no toilet facility. Generally, households in urban areas have higher access to improved sanitation than rural areas. Rural households are more likely than urban households to have no toilet facility (14% versus 1% ).

6 Electricity Percent of households
56% of households have electricity in Myanmar. Electricity is more common in urban areas (92%) than in rural areas (42%).

7 Household Possessions
Percent of households with: Mobile phones and televisions are the most common devices possessed by most households for information and communication. 73% of households have a mobile phone. Urban households are more likely to have a mobile phone (93%) than rural households (66%). More than half of households own a television; only about one-third of households own a radio. Motorcylces/scooters are the most commonly owned means of transport.

8 Wealth Index Wealth is determined by scoring households based on a set of characteristics, including access to electricity and ownership of various consumer goods. Households are then ranked, from lowest score to highest score. This list is then separated into 5 equal pieces (or quintiles) each representing 20% of the population. Therefore, those in the highest quintile may not be “rich” but they are of higher socioeconomic status than 80% of Myanmar people.

9 Wealth Index Lowest 2nd Middle 4th Highest Urban 4% 5% 10% 26% 56%
Rural 26% 25% % 18% % Very few urban households are in the poorest 3 quintiles, while very few rural households are in the wealthiest quintile. Rakhine and Ayeyarwady have the largest proportion of households in the poorest quintile (>40%), while Yangon has the largest proportion of households in the wealthiest quintile (47%).

10 © 2009 Kyaw Thar, Courtesy of Photoshare
Household Characteristics Drinking water and sanitation Electricity Ownership of goods Wealth Respondent Characteristics Education Mass media Employment and occupation © 2009 Kyaw Thar, Courtesy of Photoshare

11 Educational Attainment of Respondents age 15-49
Percent of women and men age by highest level of education attended 13% of women and 12% of men have never attended school. 41% of women and 36% of men have attended only primary school; 36% of women and 45% of men have attended secondary school. Only 10% of women and 7% of men have gone beyond secondary school.

12 Percent of women and men age 15-49 who are literate
Literacy Percent of women and men age who are literate About 90% of Myanmars are literate. Almost all women and men in urban areas are literate, while less than 90% of those living in rural areas are literate.

13 Exposure to Mass Media Percent of women and men age with access to media at least once a week Men are slightly more likely to be exposed to all media than women. Among women and men, television is the most widely accessed medium. 60% of women and men watch television at least once a week. 1 in 3 women and 29% of men have no exposure to any of the mass media on a weekly basis.

14 Percent of women and men age 15-49
Employment Percent of women and men age 15-49 Two-thirds of women are currently employed compared 91% of men. 6% of women were not currently working but had in the past year, while 27% had not been working in last year. 3% of men were not currently working but had in the past year, while 6% had not been working in the last 12 months.

15 Percent of women and men age 15-49
Occupation Percent of women and men age 15-49 Women are most likely to work in sales and service (25%) and unskilled manual labor (28%). Men work primarily in unskilled manual labor (31%), agriculture (29%), and skilled manual labor(21%).

16 Key Findings 80% of households have access to an improved source of drinking water. 48% of households have an improved sanitation facility; 11% of households have no sanitation facility. 56% of households have electricity. 13% of women and 12% of men have never attended school. 67% of women and 91% of men worked in the past 7 days.

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