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Employment Law.

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Presentation on theme: "Employment Law."— Presentation transcript:

1 Employment Law

2 Employment at will time limit of employment not stated. Employer or employee may terminate employment at any time. Except for: unjust dismissal - unfair treatment through:

3 Public Policy tort Exception
cannot be fired for obeying the law or performing an act contrary to the law.

4 Implied Contract Exception
based on promissory estoppel – the employee relied upon the employer’s promise and acted accordingly. Employer fails to honor promise and employee has been harmed. Courts can examine employers documents and records to determine relationship. A disclaimer will uphold an employer’s rights under employment at will

5 Implied Covenant Exception
relationship is fair and honest and neither should cheat one another.

6 Illegal Discrimination
Exception employee cannot be discharged for a reason that is discriminatory Civil Rights Act 1964 Age Discrimination in Employment Act

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