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IDS@UL Presents RAP Week 7 April 8TH 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "IDS@UL Presents RAP Week 7 April 8TH 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presents RAP Week 7 April 8TH 2013

2 Our 12 week plan

3 What have we learned so far?
Our list:

4 What is a Survey? A set of questions that help us learn more about a topic of interest A way to have lots of people answer exactly the same questions Can be paper and pencil or online A way of collecting information that represents the views of the community or group in we are interested in.

5 NAME AGE City/Town or Rural LIKES
Returned to slide with student demographics from earlier in the module.

6 Compare RAP and TILDA TILDA RAP Number of People 753 20 Men
6 Women 55% = 414 people 14 Dublin city or county 28% = 211 people Town or city in Republic of Ireland 56% = 422 people 16 Rural area in the Republic of Ireland 16% = 120 people 4 Average Age 54.7 years 32 People over age 50 46% = 346 people 2 Review of earlier slides comparing RAP students with TILDA participants in week 2

7 18/20 13/20 11/20 % 90% 65% 55% TICK IF YOU USE: MOBILE TEXTING
INTERNET 18/20 13/20 11/20 % 90% 65% 55%

8 TICK IF YOU USE: % 7/15 8/15 6/15

9 TICK IF YOU DO: % 7/15 13/15 12/15

10 Comparing RAP and TILDA
Phones and Computers 23% had mobile phone 25% sent texts 7% used the internet 90 65 55 Getting Around 21% Public Bus 90% Driver from Service (minivan) 12% Train 46% Took taxis 39% Driven by family What people like to do 19% Special Olympics 84% Go Shopping 81% Watch TV 86% Go out for coffee More of this to come in Week 9!

11 3. Surveys in Research Process
Ethics Approval then Recruit People Decide on Research Question Gather Stories by Interviews, Focus Groups or Surveys Tell People What We Learned Find Answers

12 Survey vs Interview Why might you choose to do a survey instead of an interview in research? Large numbers can participate People can respond in their own time Provides a written record Low cost No training needed as with interviewing Avoids interviewer bias

13 Big Research Questions Are…
Important Something we can answer About a new idea Clear and simple Interesting

14 Tips for Writing Survey Questions
Surveys can be any length Questions need to be clear Use questions that don’t lead people to answer a certain way. Use simple words and keep questions short Put questions in an order that makes sense

15 DO NOT USE!!! Leading Questions…
Q1 : Coke has a better taste than Pepsi. Don't you believe so? Q2 : Do you think that the new lunch menu has more variety of healthy foods than the old menu? ( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) No Opinion Q3. I assume you would agree that teachers do a heroic job for our children. Q 4. Do you agree with most people that the health service is failing? DO NOT USE!!!

16 ‘Where We Live’ Survey Created by the Inclusive Research Network
Supported by the National Institute on Intellectual Disability and the National Federation of Voluntary Bodies Aims of the survey: To learn more about where people with intellectual disabilities live in Ireland, who they live with, and what they like and don’t like about where they live. Here we reviewed an existing survey designed by people with intellectual disabilities who are members of the Inclusive Research Network.

17 Types of Questions Closed Open Scale Response Ranked Response
Multiple Choice

18 1. Closed Questions The person has to pick an answer from a set of possible answers. Please tick the box that applies to you: Sex Female  Male  County where you live: Limerick  Clare  Tipperary  Cork  With a closed style question the participant will have to approximate their answer to options suggested by the researcher, yet these questions will be much easier to analyse.

19 2. Open Questions No set answers are provided. The person can answer in as much detail as they want. Example: What do you enjoy about coming to UL each week? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ An open styled question may elicit a more complete response because the participant will not be led into choosing certain categories, however, they are far more difficult to analyse and quantify.

20 3. Scale Responses The person answers the question along a scale (disagree to agree, strongly dislike to strongly like) Example: Please check your level of agreement with this statement: ‘Group learning activities in RAP are helpful’ Strongly Agree Unsure Disagree Strongly Agree Disagree      Please explain: ______________________________________ ___________________________________________________ If you wish to measure the strength of feeling or agreement of the participant with a statement, a scale (which rates the answer into a format that can be analysed as ordinal data) or a ranking format can be used.

21 4. Ranked Responses Person answers by putting a list in order.
Example: What are your top three news sources? 1. ______________________________________ 2. ______________________________________ 3. ______________________________________ OR… you can write a list of sources and people to rank their top three news sources (T.V. newspapers, magazines, Internet, Radio, Reports, Circulars) Neil

22 Please tick all that apply.
5. Multiple choice Person selects an answer from a range of choices. Example: Which of the following list of topics have you learned about so far in RAP? Please tick all that apply. Research Ethics Designing survey questions Making slides in powerpoint Working in small groups TILDA-IDS Doing a Talk Focus groups Doing Interviews Using computers Designing a certificate Neil

23 Survey Role Play Role played doing the ‘where we live’ survey with an interviewer (peer mentor), participant (peer mentor) and support person (facilitator)

24 Type of Question: Is it clear? Comments: Type of Question: Is it clear? Comments:

25 Type of Question: Is it clear? Comments: Type of Question: Is it clear? Comments:

26 Type of Question: Is it clear? Comments: Type of Question: Is it clear? Comments:

27 Type of Question: Is it clear? Comments: Type of Question: Is it clear? Comments:

28 Type of Question: Is it clear? Comments: Type of Question: Is it clear? Comments:

29 Type of Question: Is it clear? Comments: Type of Question: Is it clear? Comments:

30 Type of Question: Is it clear? Comments: Type of Question: Is it clear? Comments:

31 Type of Question: Is it clear? Comments: Type of Question: Is it clear? Comments:

32 Type of Question: Is it clear? Comments: Type of Question: Is it clear? Comments:

33 Type of Question: Is it clear? Comments: Type of Question: Is it clear? Comments:

34 Bell’s checklist Have you thought about any ethical issues that might come up because of the topic of your survey or who the participants will be? Double check that a survey is the best way to answer your research question. Read over your questions to be sure the connect to your research question Do the types of questions suit? Delete any extra words; delete any questions that don’t connect to your topic; Do the questions make sense to someone reading them for the first time? Does the order of the questions make sense? Bell (2005, p.150 to 153)

35 Group Work After Break Our research question for today…
How do people with intellectual disabilities in Ireland spend their time? Each group will come up with questions about one of these topics: what people do for fun what activities people do alone what activities people enjoy doing with others where people go to do the activities they enjoy most how people get where they want to go what role technology plays in coordinating activities.

36 Writing Survey Questions
Sample Topic: What people do for fun Question What type of question is this? Picture Idea

37 Coffee Break

38 What we did today Neil – I’ll replace this session plan once we settle on the session contents…

39 Plan for Week 8? We need to decide when we’ll have our closing session since OT students will be gone by May 13th Original plan (mistake about Bank Holiday on May 6th) Idea for changing our plan…

40 Questions?

41 Your feedback on the session

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