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Published byBertina Holly Collins Modified over 6 years ago
Real Time Jobs in Demand: Finding Jobs in a Contracting Economy
04/09/ :00PM
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Attendee List Presentation Slide Area Chat Room Presentation Slide Area Moderator: There are 4 areas that I would like to call to your attention: The first is the presentation slide area, it’s where the main content for the webinar will appear and it will be the main focus of your attention throughout the webinar. The second is the attendee list, it’s located on the top left of your screen and it displays a list of all attendees to this webinar. The third is the chat room, also at the left of the screen, directly below the attendee list, it allows you to ask questions, or make comments during the webinar. We are using a ONE WAY conference call for the audio portion of this webinar – you can hear the presenters, but they cannot hear you. Due to the large number of attendees, and to control background noise and interruptions, we’re going to rely on this CHAT feature to solicit your questions throughout the session. Those attending with a group will want to designate a “scribe” to represent your group by entering questions as they occur ANYTIME throughout the session. Your questions are automatically transmitted to the presenters and will be answered during dedicated question and answer periods. The fourth is the “Meeting” menu located at the top left of your monitor. Once you click the “Meeting” menu, you will be presented with a few options to choose from. The only option I want to point out to you is the “Full Screen” option. If you feel the size of the room is too small or if it is difficult for you to read the text, I suggest you switch to Full Screen mode. Depending on the size of your monitor, this will increase the size of the webinar room so that images will appear larger. Status Options
Submitting Questions Enter questions into the Chat Room (located in lower left corner of the virtual classroom). To submit a question, type the question in the text box and click the arrow button. To send questions to the Presenter only (not to Everyone), select Presenter from the drop- down menu before clicking the arrow button. Questions will be answered at appropriate times during the presentation. Chat Room Arrow Button Drop-Down Menu OPEN CHAT Slide Moderator: If you would like to submit a question during the question and answer portion of the presentation, please enter that question into the chat room. The chat room is located in the lower left portion of the virtual classroom. To submit a question, type the question in the text box and click the arrow button to submit. Note that by default, your question will be sent to Everyone viewing the presentation. If you would like to send your question to the Presenter only, please select Presenter from the drop-down menu below the text box before clicking the arrow button to submit. Again, please be sure to enter your questions at ANYTIME throughout our session. We’ll make time to answer as many of them as possible at the end of today’s presentation. (ADVANCE SLIDE) Text Box Real Time Jobs in Demand: Finding Jobs in a Contracting Economy
Practice In the chat room, please type the name of your organization, your location, and how many people are attending with you today. In order to get an idea of who is attending this webinar with us today, and to give you a chance to practice using the Chat Feature, please type the name of your organization, your location, and how many people are attending with you today in the Chat Room, and then click the Arrow button to submit your entry. (NOTE: Wait for responses to begin appearing in presenter chat, acknowledge some of those responses, and transition to the next slide.) Real Time Jobs in Demand: Finding Jobs in a Contracting Economy
Webinar Resources: Recordings available within 2 business days after the event. All resources are posted under the… Moderator: (Public Webinar) Please note that all webinar resources, such as the PPT, recording, transcript and any handouts used during the webinar will be available for download from your “My Dashboard” page. When you initially log into your W31 account, your “My Dashboard” page will be the first page you’re taken to. The recording and transcript will be available within 2 business days after the session concludes while the PPT and any handouts will be posted before the session begins. To access the recording or any resource associated with the recording, like the PPT or handouts, simply click the “Resources” tab on the left side of the homepage. Click “Resource Type” dropdown “Webinar Recording”. (ADVANCE SLIDE)
Director, Labor Market and Demographic Research
Presenters Yustina Saleh, Director, Labor Market and Demographic Research NJ Department of Labor and Workforce Development Robin Widing, Acting Executive Director New Jersey State Employment & Training Commission New Jersey’s State WIB (NOTE: Use this slide to transition between speakers and introduce new speakers/presenters during the presentation.) Real Time Jobs in Demand: Finding Jobs in a Contracting Economy
Workforce Information Program Manager
Moderator Anthony Dais Workforce Information Program Manager Employment and Training Administration Introductory Comments by John Dorrer, Director Center for Workforce Research & Information Maine Department of Labor (NOTE: Use this slide to transition between speakers and introduce new speakers/presenters during the presentation.) Real Time Jobs in Demand: Finding Jobs in a Contracting Economy
Demonstrate how to create your own tool
Goals of the Webinar Provide a detailed description of New Jersey’s new Real Time Jobs in Demand Tool Demonstrate how to create your own tool Discuss current and potential uses of the tools Real Time Jobs in Demand: Finding Jobs in a Contracting Economy
Background: Where are the Jobs Now?
Jobs are getting scarce A lot of concerns about the relevance of our job projections Need for all kinds of data, but no time to assimilate and synthesize all the information needed Through various studies we identified significant resource misalignment Real Time Jobs in Demand: Finding Jobs in a Contracting Economy
Background: Where are the Jobs Now?
Although the labor market seems to be getting much tighter, data revealed that there are a significant number of job openings posted on various job boards. No information available about these job openings. This information is crucial; it should drive our reemployment initiatives. Real Time Jobs in Demand: Finding Jobs in a Contracting Economy
Data Foundation of the Tool
Real time job demand tools are based on data collected through a spidering technique. Spider Technology: a software that queries thousands of private and government job boards and websites, newspaper classified postings and other media outlets, corporate job boards and websites, and community sites for employment opportunities. Real Time Jobs in Demand: Finding Jobs in a Contracting Economy
Data Foundation of the Tool
Many states have access to job search tools that are based on spidering software Information used primarily by job seekers and job counselors NJ is analyzing this data to identify trends in the openings by industry and occupation. Real Time Jobs in Demand: Finding Jobs in a Contracting Economy
Real time job demand tools have two components:
Real-Time Industry Demand Real-Time Occupational Demand Real Time Jobs in Demand: Finding Jobs in a Contracting Economy
Real Time Jobs in Demand: Finding Jobs in a Contracting Economy
15 Real Time Jobs in Demand: Finding Jobs in a Contracting Economy
Real Time Jobs in Demand: Finding Jobs in a Contracting Economy
Companies Hiring: Statewide
Real Time Jobs in Demand –
Occupational Demand: Real Time Jobs in Demand – A new report that has the information needed to answer various questions, such as: Which jobs are in demand today? Which jobs will be in demand in the future? Which jobs are experiencing a labor shortage? How much are these jobs paying? Do I have the necessary credentials for my next job? Real Time Jobs in Demand: Finding Jobs in a Contracting Economy 18
Real Time Jobs in Demand
Incorporates long-term trends plus all current job openings in New Jersey Provides information about competition over the same jobs Based on all these factors, each job gets a "demand rank" that shows which ones are most in demand Real Time Jobs in Demand: Finding Jobs in a Contracting Economy 19
Live Demonstration LIVE DEMONSTRATION RealTimeJobsinDemand.html
Real Time Jobs in Demand
Number of New Openings based on Spidered Data Overall Demand Rank Standard Occupational Code (SOC) Title Number of New Claims based on UI Administrative Records 21
Real Time Jobs in Demand
State Projected Number of Openings from projections data Hourly Wage from OES Labor Shortage is the difference between openings (C) and claims (D) 22
Real Time Jobs in Demand
BLS data on the distribution of educational attainment by occupation Occupational Licensing Data from our Center for Occ. Info Score is a weighted average of C, D, E, F, G 23
Real Time Jobs in Demand College: Training:
Reflects Various Educational and Training Levels College: Associate degree Bachelor degree Graduate degree First professional degree Training: Post-secondary vocational education Short-term on-the-job training Moderate-term or long-term on-the-job training 24 Real Time Jobs in Demand: Finding Jobs in a Contracting Economy
See how you can create your own!
Interested? See how you can create your own! Real Time Jobs in Demand: Finding Jobs in a Contracting Economy
Data Requirements Data Requirements:
Job Openings Database: There are a number of companies offering “spidered” job search database. Examples: Employon, Conference Board’s Help Wanted Online (HWOL). Job titles must be coded. Most companies use an autocoder to match job titles. Real Time Jobs in Demand: Finding Jobs in a Contracting Economy
Data Requirements Administrative Records of new UI claims with coded job titles. Note: UI claims are now coded using the U.S. Department of Labor's O*NET Auto- Coder system State data on wages, training and education requirement. Source: Occupational Employment Statistics Survey (OES). Real Time Jobs in Demand: Finding Jobs in a Contracting Economy
Data Requirements State long-term projections data
Source: State produced projections Data on national distribution of education and training requirement by job title Source: Occupational Licensing Data by job title, if available Source: Career and Occupation Information Center Real Time Jobs in Demand: Finding Jobs in a Contracting Economy
Modeling Procedures Sort the four data files with occupational information by SOC Code The four files are: OES wages, training and education requirement Long-term projections Educational requirement distribution Occupational licensing information Merge the four files by occupation Real Time Jobs in Demand: Finding Jobs in a Contracting Economy
Modeling Procedures Aggregate the job openings data by Occupation
Aggregate UI Claims data by Occupation Merge the three files (occupational information, job openings by occupation, UI by Occupation) into one file Real Time Jobs in Demand: Finding Jobs in a Contracting Economy
Modeling Procedures Create a variable called labor shortage, which is the difference between new job openings and new claims Real Time Jobs in Demand: Finding Jobs in a Contracting Economy
Modeling Procedures Rank occupations by the number of job openings and provide a job openings percentile score: Occupation with greatest number of openings gets 100, that with the least number of openings gets 0 Real Time Jobs in Demand: Finding Jobs in a Contracting Economy
Modeling Procedures Rank occupations by the number of job claims and provide a job claims percentile score: Occupation with greatest number of claims gets 0, that with greatest number of claims gets 100 Real Time Jobs in Demand: Finding Jobs in a Contracting Economy
Rank occupations by the number of projected job openings and provide a job openings percentile score
Occupation with greatest number of projected openings gets 100, that with least number of openings get 0 Real Time Jobs in Demand: Finding Jobs in a Contracting Economy
Rank occupations by the wage and provide wage percentile score
Modeling Procedures Rank occupations by the wage and provide wage percentile score Occupation with greatest labor shortage gets 100, that with lowest shortage (highest surplus) gets 0 Real Time Jobs in Demand: Finding Jobs in a Contracting Economy
Occupation with highest wage gets 100, that with lowest wage gets 0
Modeling Procedures Rank occupations by labor shortage and provide a labor shortage percentile score Occupation with highest wage gets 100, that with lowest wage gets 0 Real Time Jobs in Demand: Finding Jobs in a Contracting Economy
Modeling Procedures Calculate a score based on the weighted average of the five percentile scores (job openings percentile, job claims percentile, projected openings percentile, wage percentile, labor shortage percentile NJ Weights: 3,1,1,1,2 14. Data now available at the local level Real Time Jobs in Demand: Finding Jobs in a Contracting Economy
Local Real Time Demand Now Available
Real Time Jobs in Demand: Finding Jobs in a Contracting Economy
Current and Potential Uses of the Tools
State, Regional and Local Planning Business & Industry Development One-Stop Career Center Services Capacity Building Real Time Jobs in Demand: Finding Jobs in a Contracting Economy
State- level ARRA Planning
Tool for communicating current picture of New Jersey’s economy to all stakeholders Data trends can readily identify emerging occupations Tool for guiding ARRA funding Framework for State development of “Bulk Training” Framework for Local WIB Plan Guidance Tool for assessing local WIB plans Real Time Jobs in Demand: Finding Jobs in a Contracting Economy
Regional & Local level Planning
Tool for regional planning (WIRED) industry sector development Tool for drilling down and targeting occupations within industry sectors Creates common ground for decision-making among partners Real Time Jobs in Demand: Finding Jobs in a Contracting Economy
Local Planning Local WIBs use the data for business outreach and marketing Useful in helping to redefine local demand occupations in a recession Trend data provides framework for decision-making on allocation of resources for training Real Time Jobs in Demand: Finding Jobs in a Contracting Economy
One-Stop Career Center Service Delivery
Provides counselors with current information on job openings Provides counselors with critical information to enhance assessment and career planning services Enhances counselors job matching services. Enhances knowledge and understanding of counselors in identifying critical occupational skill requirements and training needs Demonstrates to job seekers how additional training may move them along career ladders and lattices Real Time Jobs in Demand: Finding Jobs in a Contracting Economy
Need to train stakeholders on value of tools in planning
Capacity Building Need to train stakeholders on value of tools in planning Need to train WIBs and One- Stop Career Center management on business applications of tool Need to train One-Stop Career Center frontline staff Real Time Jobs in Demand: Finding Jobs in a Contracting Economy
Monthly Update Report on Industries and Companies Hiring
Dissemination Monthly Update Report on Industries and Companies Hiring Monthly update on Real Times Jobs in Demand Circulated widely to WIBs, Community Colleges, and other stakeholders Real Time Jobs in Demand: Finding Jobs in a Contracting Economy
Please enter your questions into the Chat Room!
Question and Answer Period (ADVANCE SLIDE) Please enter your questions into the Chat Room!
Share Your Ideas with Your Peers!
Simply log on to Workforce3 One and look for the “Share Content” located on the Homepage Share your demand-driven strategic plans, models, innovations, resources, and ideas! Workforce3 One is a is a tool built for you and BY you, encouraging peer-to-peer learning among the various communities. The success of Workforce3 One relies on contributions from people like you! Share your ideas, innovations, and more with others! We welcome suggestions for documents to share, programs to feature, and any relevant news or information that you would like to exchange with your colleagues. To submit your content, visit the Suggest Content page on the Workforce3One webspace, which is located at the URL featured on this slide. (ADVANCE SLIDE) Submit your content to Workforce3 One at:
Webinar Resources: Recordings available within 2 business days after the event. All resources are posted under the… Moderator: (Public Webinar) Please note that all webinar resources, such as the PPT, recording, transcript and any handouts used during the webinar will be available for download from your “My Dashboard” page. When you initially log into your W31 account, your “My Dashboard” page will be the first page you’re taken to. The recording and transcript will be available within 2 business days after the session concludes while the PPT and any handouts will be posted before the session begins. To access the recording or any resource associated with the recording, like the PPT or handouts, simply click the “Resources” tab on the left side of the homepage. Click “Resource Type” dropdown “Webinar Recording”. (ADVANCE SLIDE)
Stay Informed, Get Connected!
Workforce3 One: Communities of practice Live web-based events Register for updates! For more information about the workforce investment system: Visit Call US2-JOBS You can learn more and stay connected with trends and innovations by logging on to Workforce3 One, where you’ll find: Engaging communities of practice where you can share ideas, questions and innovations, and connect with peers; Learning through live Web-conferencing events that feature leaders and experts from industry and from government; and, A means of registering to be informed of news and events as they occur. We encourage you to make note of Workforce3 One – it is a powerful new tool, funded by ETA and “powered” by YOU! You can also learn more about the workforce investment system by visiting and by calling US2-JOBS. (ADVANCE SLIDE)
THANKS! Moderator:
On behalf of Workforce3 One and today’s webinar presenters, I’d like to conclude today’s session by thanking you all for your time, and we look forward to seeing you on future webinars! Thank you.
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