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Asiatic black bear restoration for recovery of

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1 Asiatic black bear restoration for recovery of
healthy ecosystem in Korea Dong-Hyuk Jeong1, Doo-Ha Yang1, Bae-Keun Lee1, Jae-Gu Kang1, Seung-Jun Jeong1, Woo-Jin Jeong1, Kira Skripova2 1 Species Restoration Center, National Park Service, 53-1 Hwangjeon-ri Masan-myeon Gurye, Jeonnam, South Korea 2 Ussuri Nature Reserve of Far East Branch Russian Academy of Sciences, Nekrasova Str., Ussuriisk , Russia Tel) , Fax ) Major attainment 1. Bear didn't only find winter den by themselves, hibernated successfully, but also mated and gave birth 2. It is established a government-affiliated organization (Species Restoration Center of Korea National Park Service) which conduct synthetically restoration of endangered species including Asiatic black bear 3. It is settled prompt compensation system on the damage from released bears and damage prevention service 4. It is been running continuous monitoring system after releasing Discussion Major Research & affair IntroductIon A B I H G F E D C A. Survey on bear habitat, B. Analysis of correlation between home range and acorn production, C. Radio telemetry & monitoring of bear’s movement D. Analysis of home range and habitat use, E. Survey on wildlife density in bear habitat using camera trap , F. Setting of electric fence to protect apiary damage G. Setting of warning flag to control illegal hiking in the National Park , H. Round-table conference with local people to encourage sympathy of bear restoration, I. Education of nature conservation & bear ecology Although in the past lots of Asiatic black bear inhibited in Korea, the size of populations were decreased because of poaching and habitat loss, they became a endangered species. Hereupon, It was suggested the restoration project of Asiatic black bear by Supplementation Goal of the project 1. Restoration of Asiatic black bears in suitable habitat through developing public tolerance and political support 2. Establishment of self sustainable populations in Backdudaegan (ecological axis of Korean peninsula) area as well as Jirisan National Park in South Korea 3. Recovery of healthy eco‐system through the Supplementation of Asiatic black bears Status of released bears 15 of 30 released bears between 2004 and 2010 are alive and 5 of them gave birth 6 cubs (2 cubs; died), so totally 19 bears are in Jirisan National Park. Table 1. State of released bear s at Jirisan National Park, summer 2011 Release stock No. released Date Release type No. living Fate Russia 6 (♀3, ♂3) Oct. 2004 Soft 2 (♀1, ♂1) 1 died 3 withdrawn North Korea 8 (♀4, ♂4) Jul. 2005 3 (♀1, ♂2) 4 died, 1 withdrawn 6 (♀4, ♂2) Oct. 2005 Hard 2 died 1 missing Nov. 2007 3 (♀3) 3 died Captive breeding 1 (♀1) May 2008 - 2 (♂2) Oct. 2009 1 (♂1) Oct. 2010 Total 30 (♀16, ♂14) 15 (♀7, ♂8) 11 died, 4 withdrawn Table 2. State of giving birth in the wild Code Origin No. cubs No. living Fate Total 6 4 2009 NF-08 N. Korea 1 1 (♂) NF-10 - 1 died 2010 RF-18 Russia 2 1 (♀) 1 died(♂) 2011 RF-21 RF-25 In 2011, it has been 10 year s since the restoration project of Asiatic black bear (including experimental release in 2001) was launched in Korea. There have been many difficulties and errors, but this trial and error has led to accumulated knowledge, and a better understanding of both bears and the people who live near them. Successful restoration is nearly impossible without public and political support and it is necessary to educate and publicize about the significance of species restoration.

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