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Providence Row Hospital Discharge Project for Homeless Patients

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1 Providence Row Hospital Discharge Project for Homeless Patients
Maria McGeown – Senior Worker

2 What is it? A service for homeless hospital patients with a non-Tower Hamlets local connection Voluntary assistance with casework, advocacy and person-centered support to access housing options within their home borough and where it is safe to do so. UK-wide and EU supported reconnections Housing Options= mediated prevention, tenancy rescue, care home/supported placement, Pt. 7

3 How it came about? Routes to Roots work in partnership with The Homeless Pathway Team who are based at the Royal London hospital. The Homeless pathway team provide a accommodation pathway for Tower Hamlets residents who are admitted into hospital. Providence Row were commissioned by LBTH in To offer a services to out of borough patients.

4 The Project in Practice

5 How it works Referrals from the Homeless Pathway Team.
Assess patients on the wards within 48 hours of receiving the referral. Ascertain patients particular support needs including borough connection. Work closely with the clinical team to ensure that the right care package is in place. Approach relevant Local Authorities for part7 homeless applications where necessary. Liaise with friends and family and support services within the borough of connection

6 Outcomes 2015-16 47 housing outcomes
25 TA placements, 1 Sheltered, 3 PRS, 4 hostels, 1 rehab, 1 safe house, 12 family & Friends. R2R staff will continue to offer holistic client centered support to prevent rough sleeping to improve and sustain health & housing outcomes. R2R awarded resettlement funding from Marie Celeste to provide clients with resettlement packs which contain essential items needed when placed in TA or permanent accommodation.

7 Expansion to ‘Phase 2’ Oak Foundation funding:
3 year funding investment in the Providence Row Health and Wellbeing programme. To increase the Routes to Roots caseload by 28 per year. Work in new clinical settings Emphasis on chaotic clients accessing emergency health services and treatment when in crisis. Use of personalised budgets and volunteer health navigators. Raise our profile and demonstrate impact to the NHS and local commissioning bodies.

8 Frequent Attenders Project
Patient's who present at The Royal London Hospital A&E Department 3 times in 6 months. Maximum caseload of 10 patients at any one time Multi disciplinary meeting Crucial link to A&E Reduce rates of un-planned admission Transferring R2R methodology – support to link in with communities Challenges……..

9 Further information … Maria McGeown
R2R Official Report – ‘Preventing homeless out-of-borough patients from rough sleeping’ Contact for further details: Maria McGeown Providence Row Routes To Roots Team

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