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IHP Secretariat, UNESCO HQ

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1 IHP Secretariat, UNESCO HQ
Conjunctive WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Introduction: rationale for conjunctive management and main initiatives of the Sub-component Miguel Doria IHP, UNESCO Montevideo Aurélien Dumont IHP Secretariat, UNESCO HQ UNESCO-IHP is in charge of the coordination of the Sub-Component 3.2 on Conjunctive WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT and this first presentation will summarize the main activities, after briefly summarizing the approach taken and main activities implemented in this Sub-Component.

Objectives: Contribute to promoting and enriching the analysis of groundwater integration in the GEF IW Portfolio Review the integration of groundwater in river and lake basin management plans and governance Discuss options for capacity building and exchange on conjunctive surface water and groundwater management Introduction: rationale for conjunctive management and main initiatives of the Sub-component Miguel Doria, UNESCO-IHP Groundwater Governance Project: groundwater as the entry point to assess inter-linkages Alberto Manganelli, UNESCO CeReGAS (Regional Center for Groundwater Management) Small Group Exercise: Sharing experiences on the current actions for conjunctive and Identifying Twinning and Other Opportunities to Support Integration Report on Small Group Exercise, Discussion and Way Forward This will be the first presentation of a programme which includes later a presentation more focused on the concepts and approach of conjunctive management, presented by Alberto Manganelli, UNESCO CeReGAS; then we will have group discussions and some final exchanges, Even if Conjunctive WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT is a new topic in the IW:LEARN programme of work. We are not starting from scratch. The rationale of this component is to take stock of all the work that has been already performed on groundwater and transboundary aquifers in the GEF International Waters Community and to focus on the interaction with surface waters and related implication in terms of governance, institututions or monotoring capacity for instance.

3 International Hydrological Programme

4 UNESCO Water Family

5 World Hydrogeological Map WHYMAP
As a starting point, I would like to show this maps of the groundwater resources of the World. This is a flagship product of the UNESCO WHYMAP intiative and probably you have already heard about it. One of the main obsrvation is that many of the big aquifer systems of the world are transboundary. This presents a series of challenges, that have already been considered at the global level and at regional level by several GEF projects dedicated to Transboundary Aquifers (Nubian Aquifer, DIKTAS in the Balkans, etc.).

6 World Hydrogeological Map WHYMAP
Things get more complex when the we consider the superposition with surface water systems as illustrated in this Slide. Limits of groundwater systems and surface waters systems do not coincide, which raises many issues in terms of scales; spatially but also in terms of time dimension as the groundwater systems react very slowly to changes as compared to surface flows. The areas of interaction (losing or gaining streams or grou.dwater dependant ecosystems for instance) are then of extreme importance in this conjunctive management, especially in the context of climate change,

7 This is another view of the previous map and the question is then on the nature of the cooperation mechanisms that we should created at TB level. 7

8 The World Map of Karst Aquifers
New WHYMAP: The World Map of Karst Aquifers The new WHYMAP: Map of Karst aquifers. It was launched during the IAH Congress in Dubrovnik (Croatia) two weeks ago. Blue areas are carbonate rocks and green areas are evaporite rocks. Limited areas in South America but the specificity of karst, in particular regarding in the interactions between groundwater and surface water implies many challenges. Big challenges in Small Islands: very specific interaction with the sea and quick reaction of karst aquifers to rainfall events and low storage of water. This is to raise awareness on these specific characteristics and their implication for governance that this map was prepared. 8

9 International Shared Aquifer Resources Management (ISARM) Programme
Global inventory Guidelines for the management of groundwater resources shared between two or more States As said before, the rationale is to consider Groundwater and TBAs are starting point for Conjunctive Water Resources Management and to this respect I should mentione th ISARM intiative that looks at different aspects from technical to legal, since it was launched more than 15 years ago. By the way, there is a strong ISARM network in Americas (North and South) coordinated together with OAS.

10 ISARM AMERICAS As said before, the rationale is to consider Groundwater and TBAs are starting point for Conjunctive Water Resources Management and to this respect I should mentione th ISARM intiative that looks at different aspects from technical to legal, since it was launched more than 15 years ago. By the way, there is a strong ISARM network in Americas (North and South) coordinated together with OAS.

11 TWAP: Transboundary Aquifers
The last development and major contribution associated to the assessment of the status of TBAs has been the TWAP programme. It has assessed the current status of 199 Aquifers through 10 indicators covering technical and governance aspects,

12 TWAP: Transboundary Aquifers
Global Inventory: 199 Aquifers 502 Country segments 126 Countries > 200 Experts from 76 countries contributed WaterGAP model study: 91 Aquifers (TBAs>20,000 km2) The last development and major contribution associated to the assessment of the status of TBAs has been the TWAP programme. It has assessed the current status of 199 Aquifers through 10 indicators covering technical and governance aspects,

13 TWAP: Groundwater Systems of Small Islands Developing States

14 TWAP: Groundwater Systems of Small Islands Developing States
42 SIDS assessed For each, a representative island was selected A geological map and conceptual hydrogeological profile were developed Assessment of risk factors for mountainous vs. low-lying SIDS Additional indicator to address seawater intrusion

15 SIDS Groundwater systems Key messages
High dependence on groundwater 10% of Caribbean and Atlantic/Indian Ocean SIDS experience high human groundwater dependence 72% of Pacific SIDS experience high human groundwater dependence Extremely vulnerable groundwater resources 71% of all SIDS are at risk of water scarcity / 91% of low-lying islands are at risk of water scarcity 73% of SIDS are at risk of groundwater pollution, often worsened by seawater intrusion Population density is the main driver of water stress in the SIDS assessed Differences among regions due to differences in availability of alternative water resources (surface or seawater desalinization) – Low-lying SIDS are facing the greatest challenges, since they are highly dependent on groundwater that is scarce, polluted and increasingly saline.

16 Transboundary Aquifers (UNESCO ISARM and TWAP)
SDG indicator 6.5.2 UNESCO and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) are designed as custodian agencies of indicator on “transboundary water cooperation” Indicator 6.5.2: Proportion of transboundary basin area with an operational arrangement for water cooperation. Transboundary Aquifers (UNESCO ISARM and TWAP) The decision of the 47th United Nations Statistical Commission to include the target 6.5 “By 2030, implement integrated water resources management at all levels, including through transboundary cooperation as appropriate” Emphasizing the importance placed within SDG 6 on international cooperation and capacity development and thus the need to foster capacity at national level to develop activities with the aim of ensuring the success of the SDG N°6 s with a terrestrial border

17 SDG indicator 6.5.2: Calculation
“CHECK WHICH OF THE EXISTING ARRANGEMENTS FOR TRANSBOUNDARY COOPERATION IN WATER MANAGEMENT ARE OPERATIONAL” Four criteria: existence of a joint body, joint mechanism or commission for transboundary cooperation; regularity (at least once per year) of formal communication in form of meetings (either at the political or technical level); existence of joint or coordinated water management plan(s), or of joint objectives; regular exchange of information and data (at least once per year) If any of the conditions is not met, the cooperation arrangement cannot be considered operational.

18 Reports received: Status
SDG indicator 6.5.2: REPORTING AND STATUS Invitation by UNESCO and UNECE to all the 154 Member States that are sharing transboundary waters to report on SDG in 2017 Reports received: Status LAC 22 Member States that are sharing transboundary waters Number of answers received (by 15 September): 9 and 7 reported on transboundary aquifers GLOBAL Number of answers received (by 15 September): 82 (3 with no report) only 42 reported on transboundary aquifers Highlight the low level of response on TB aquifers, and that UNESCO is coordinating with countries to make sure the work that has been undertaken with Member States on this topic and the databases are fully considered

19 UNESCO IHP has organized 5 Regional Consultations
Project GROUNDWATER GOVERNANCE: A GLOBAL FRAMEWORK FOR ACTION GEF IW-FAO-IAH-UNESCO-World Bank Thanks to UNESCO-IHP Network Latin America & Caribbean 19 countries Sub-Saharan Africa 19 countries  UNESCO IHP has organized 5 Regional Consultations Regional Diagnostics / Recommendations Asia & Pacific 17 countries Framework for Action Arab States 19 countries Providing policy makers with science-based guidelines for informed decision making UNECE region 22 countries + private sector The Groundwater Governance project has also been a major contribution. With in particular Regional Consultations. But I will let Alberto Manganelli give more details in his presentation.

20 Activities Sharing experiences
UNESCO-IHP initiative on conjunctive managment of surface water and groundwater: a contribution to IW:LEARN Sub-Component 3.2. Stock taking Sharing experiences Exploring the stragetegies for conjunctive management

21 + exploring Governance arrangements to apply this approach
Conjunctive Water Resources Management: approach An approach to water resources management in which surface water and groundwater are considered as one single component, and therefore are managed in closest possible coordination, in order to maximize overall benefits from water. Taking fully into account the natural and man- induced interactions between ground-water and surface water, as well as on opportunities to combine the use and control of surface water and groundwater. view purpose looking at + exploring Governance arrangements to apply this approach The experts working in this initiative have proposed an approach, which will be, again developed in the next presentation, but it is important to see that we aim to look at all type of interactions direct or indirect (ie through use) between surface water and groundwater, including dependant ecosystems, and looking at the maximizing the generation of (ecosystem) services from water, A variety of topic can be looked at under this lens: water supply, ecosytems services, economic benefits, buffer to climate change, protection against excess water, etc 21

22 Activities A brochure presenting the main concepts // Call for action.
Webinars. 21/03/2017 (recorded) – Conjunctive water resources managment: focus on LAC (2 Case studies and discussion) Nov – Promoting Multi-Country Mechanisms for the Governance of Transboundary Aquifers A success story of cooperation for the management of transboundary aquifers at local level: the Genevois Aquifer (Switzerland-France) - Gabriel de los Cobos, GESDEC - DETA, Canton of Geneva (Switzerland) Examples of cooperation mechanisms for groundwater coordinated by a basin or a regional organization – the cases North-Western Sahara Aquifer System, Stampriet Aquifer and Guarani Aquifer Stefano Burchi, UNESCO Senior Groundwater Consultant In Spanish organized with Dec Feb – 2 Webinars “Global groundwater”: Where do we stand? From assessment to cooperation in the context of SDGs Integration of groundwater in transboundary basin governance (TBC) (focus on Africa, with IGRAC) Brochure in preparation. Webinars: highlight that the first one is recorded and available and that the one of November has already the programme established, only the date is to confirm, 22

23 Activities 3. LinkedIn Group. Regular exchanges / Updates
“sharing good practices and experiences to increase awareness about the benefits of Conjunctive Water Resources Management and promote dissemination and replication in and outside the GEF International Waters Community.” Regular exchanges / Updates Tool for preparation (expectations) and follow-up of Webinars Contains the link to Webinar video Brochure in preparation. Webinars. A LinkedIN group just established. Including now the link to the first webinar video focussing on LA, waiting a repository page for all webinars. There will be news on reports, case studies, methods, Project results etc. But this group will be also directly linked to the webinars preparation (consultation) and follow-up (discussions). This will be in different languages (English, French and Spanish), just like the webinars, depending on the regional focus of the discussion. 23

24 Activities A brochure presenting the main concepts // Call for action.
Webinars. LinkedIn Group. Conjunctive Management Briefs: 1 p. online to share experiences and good practices (Case studies). Conjunctive Management Brief Compile (georeferenced) on IHP-WINS platform and/or IW:LEARN website Description Technical aspects Institutional aspects Challenges Win-Win ... “Conjunctive Management Briefs” to compile case studies. WE NEED YOU. Both for contribution/participation. to this activities and also for more “GEF specific objectives” in terms of identifying the needs and gaps within “International Waters” Portfolio. Involving many partners, in particular the UNESCO Networks, including the International Association of Hydrogeologists; or the audience today which is not limited to GEF projects. This is an objective of this new phase of IW/LEARN to have this exchange taking place. The last session (groups and discsussion) today will be extremely important for all these aspects, as we will ask you to identify potential contributions. 24

Introduction: rationale for conjunctive management and main initiatives of the Sub-component Thank you! ¡Muchas gracias!

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