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Addictions Sara Amaya Natalia Pérez Carolina Terán Melissa Bañol

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Presentation on theme: "Addictions Sara Amaya Natalia Pérez Carolina Terán Melissa Bañol"— Presentation transcript:

1 Addictions Sara Amaya Natalia Pérez Carolina Terán Melissa Bañol
Ana María Seguro Estefanía Tobón

2 Introduction Addiction is defined as a chronic and recurrent disease of the brain that is characterized by search and compulsive drug consumption, despite its harmful consequences. It is considered a brain disease because drugs change the human body by affecting its neuronal functions and causing health problems.

3 Causes Addictions could be caused for some problems; It also depends on the circumstances in which person is found. A person becomes an addict when this constantly consumes a drug or another product that turns him/her dependent. Another causes could be the social pressure, stress, depression, family problems, or the following of a trend.

4 Addict people that died
Some of these famous people died because of their addiction to drugs: Heath Ledger: His body was found in his apartment in New York on A jar of pills to sleep was found next to his body. The cause of the death was poisoning by an overdose of drugs. Elvis Presley: He died in 1977 by an overdose of some medicaments that he combined and consumed disproportionaly.

5 Types of drugs Stimulants: Stimulants act on the central nervous system and are associated with feelings of extreme well-being, increased mental and motor activity.  Depressants: Depressants are chemicals that slow down the central nervous system and suppress brain activity causing relief from anxiety. Opiates & Opioids: Opiate and opioid drugs provide pain relief, euphoria, sedation and in increasing doses induce coma. Hallucinogens: Hallucinogens cause changes in a person's perception of reality.

6 Negative Consequences
Some consequences on the body, by the excesive consumption of substances like drugs and alcohol are: Hepatic cirrohsis Cardiovascular diseases Lung cancer Insomnia Migraine Death

7 Negative consequences
Also, there are some consequences that are not related at all with health condition, but instead are related with the addict´s life: Family problems Depression Anxiety Suicide Vandalism

8 Treatments and cure There are some ways to help addicts to leave drugs or alcohol, for example the rehabilitation; an special care of them; a change of routine; family support, etc. Despite it could be hard to help and cure these people, if they receive a good treatment and care, they could probably start to recover a good life and improve their health.

9 Thanks for your attention

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