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Ch 13: Ecology Study of the relationship of organisms with their (biotic & abiotic) environment.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch 13: Ecology Study of the relationship of organisms with their (biotic & abiotic) environment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch 13: Ecology Study of the relationship of organisms with their (biotic & abiotic) environment

2 What are Abiotic Factors?
Energy Source (sunlight) 2. Temperature 3. Wind 4. Water 5. Soil 6. pH

3 What are Biotic Factors?
Living Organisms Interactions with same species and other species Competition Predator (Carnivore) versus Prey (Smaller Carnivore or Herbivore) Symbiosis Interactions among individuals Parasitism – one benefits, one is harmed Commensalism – one benefits, one doesn’t care Mutalism – both benefit

4 Levels of Organization
Organism – single individual Example = an alligator Population – group of the same organisms living together Example = all of the alligators in the swamp Community – group of different populations living together Example = turtles and fish and alligators in the Everglades

5 Levels of Organization
Ecosystem – the community and their environment Example = The Florida Everglades Biodiversity = assortment or variety of living things in an ecosystem Keystone species has an unusually large effect on its ecosystem Biome – major regional community Example = Tropics Biosphere – all biomes

6 Levels of Organization

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