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Direito e Políticas de Ambiente

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1 Direito e Políticas de Ambiente
Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia do Ambiente Integrated Master’s Degree in Environmental Engineering Direito e Políticas de Ambiente Environmental Policy and Law Francisco Nunes Correia Ano Lectivo 2016/ º Semestre Academic year 2016/2017 – 2nd Semester

2 Francisco Nunes Correia
Professors: Francisco Nunes Correia António Gonçalves Henriques Department of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geo-resources

3 Schedule for questions: Francisco Nunes Correia
Monday, from 16h30 to 17h00 after class or in office 5.39 António Gonçalves Henriques Wednesday, from 11h30 to 12h00 after class or in office 5.32

4 Motivation: The Environmental Engineer needs to have a broad understanding of the society in which he/she lives and of how its professional activity contributes to the major goals of that society... ...instead of... ...being limited to a blind and uncritical application of methodologies and technological tools.

5 Objectives of this course:
Develop the capability to understand better environmental policies, its evolution and its foundations; Understand and analyse environmental policies at the level of the United Nations, at the level of the European Union, and at the national level; Convey and consolidate the fundamental concepts and a better understanding of the tools and institutions responsible for the formulation and implementation of environmental policies.

6 Introduction, Concepts, and United Nations

7 European Union

8 Portugal, Evaluation Process

9 Evaluation: Group work (40%) on a topic to be agreed Exam (60%)
Minimum grade in group work: 8/12 Minimum grade in the exam: 8/12

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