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Introductions and conclusions

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1 Introductions and conclusions

2 Introductions Introduction gives an overview of the content in sequence It may introduce the subject (with a definition or historical background, for example) If the introduction is clearly constructed, it will create a good impression on the reader Its length varies according to the type of writing (in an essay, it may be maximum of half a page)

3 Elements Stating the topic Description of
problem to be considered historical background structure of the writing and sequence of the main points Definition and/or explanation of the subject

4 Example In this essay X will be examined. First the arguments in favour will be considered and then the arguments against. Finally, it will be shown that Y appears to be the biggest problem.

5 Introductory paragraphs
Read the following introductory paragraph and discuss why it is a poor beginning: Since the current trend of ‘Green’ politics came to the fore, we have discovered our water is unfit for consumption; our meat is poisoned by various bacteria; and our fruit and vegetables are contaminated by chemicals. Not only are food and water affected, but the land and sea are constantly subject to chemical and nuclear dumping. In addition, sewage and various oil disasters have contributed to the increase in the killing of wildlife. Even the air we breathe is polluted every day by the millions of cars constantly pumping carbon monoxide into the atmosphere.

6 The introductory paragraph does not say which country is being discussed or what the essay will contain or the order in which it will be discussed. There are exaggarated and emotional statements about different forms of pollution which could create unfavourable impression on the reader It will probably prejudice the reader against the rest of the essay

7 Read the following introductory paragraph on the same subject and decide why is it better than the first one: Despite the increased awareness of the problems of pollution in recent years, Britain continues to trail behind most of Western Europe in adopting stricter measures of control. While it is almost impossible to consider the problems of pollution with respect to one country in isolation, themost serious problems to affect Britain directly are probably those of industrial and nuclear waste, pesticides and car exhaust fumes. In what follows, each of these will be discussed together with their effects. Finally, it will be argued that to continue to ignore such problemsis at the peril not only of Britain’s environment but of the environment in general.

8 It is better because: it says which country will be discussed the language is more controlled it indicates what will be covered in the essay. it refers to the conclusion. Try to write a better-structured paragraph on the same topic for Croatia.

9 Conclusions A conclusion is needed to show that the writing is finished Drawing a conclusion often involves making a summary of the main point already made One’s own opinion or viewpoint may be added, if it is appropriate to do so

10 Vocabulary for concluding
In short... To sum up... In conclusion... On the whole... Altogether... In all,... Finally... Therefore (thus, on this basis) it can/may be concluded that...

11 Look at this structure for an essay on the topic ‘Examinations hinder education’. Discuss.
Read the notes, decide your own views on the subject and write a concluding paragraph.


13 Academic writing - reminder
Formal Impersonal or objective style Cautious language Appropriate vocabulary References to other writers’ publications, including quotations

14 Assignment 1 Look carefully at the information in Table 2. Write a short interpretation of the data contained in the table. You may select any two countries you wish for the purpose of making a comparison. Draw appropriate conclusions from the data.

15 Table 2: Life expectancy (age)

16 Thank you for your attention!

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