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Presented by: Josh Chasin Chief Research Officer, comScore

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1 Presented by: Josh Chasin Chief Research Officer, comScore
May 16, 2008 March 2008

2 Data Sourced From comScore’s Global Panel of 2MM Internet Users Worldwide
A Global Measurement of Audience and e-Commerce 32 Individually Reported Countries 172 Countries with Sample Presence 360° View of Consumer Behavior Media Exposure Online Transactions Search Behavior Demographics Life Stages Streaming Video Web Visiting and Viewing Our panel is global in reach Only panel with presence in 172 countries that enable us to measure Internet usage on a worldwide basis. Unique service Only company to offer detailed information from 32 individual countries, which gives us significant growth potential internationally We collect a comprehensive set of information on these panelists What is different about the comScore panel: Passive measurement, not surveys. Real view of behavior. Tracking over time. What happens when someone is exposed to an ad., if they don’t buy immediately. By tracking them over time we get the total picture.

3 Caveats: Universe for worldwide data is:
Persons 15+ Home and work Behavior measured from computers Mobile/cellular Internet access not currently included Measurement covers Windows but excludes Linux, Mac OS All Windows browsers

4 Online Population by Geography
The US Now Accounts For Less than 21% of the Worldwide Internet Population In 1996, two-thirds of the world’s online population was in the U.S. Online Population by Geography Rest of the World Jan-07 to Jan-08 Growth Rate Non-U.S % U.S % Major portal not caring about WW just a few years ago United States Source: comScore World Metrix, January 2008

5 1 Billion 15+ Internet Users by March 2010
Projecting future populations based on current growth rates, there will be 1 billion internet users1 by March 2010 4 out of every 10 will be in Asia, and only 2 out of 10 will be in North America Projected Online Population Growth1 March 2010 Projected Distribution1 Projected Regional Distribution of Worldwide Online Population, March 2010 Millions of Internet Users Measured Projected Make sure that we have explained 15+ issue Different laws, different countries about how old before you can collect info Least common denominatior 1Internet users 15+ accessing the internet from a Home or Work computer

6 The Internet is Enjoying Much Faster Growth in Emerging Countries
Worldwide growth of 10.4% in 2007, is faster than Europe and North America There are 77.5 million more Internet users today than this time last year Current growth is being driven by the Asia Pacific region, with a 13.9% increase on a very large base Worldwide Online Population Millions of Internet Users +10.4% Jan 2007 Jan 2008 Online Populations by Region Millions of Internet Users Potential for monetization is great given where growth is Davos: “half the world is improving economically; interesting trend (India, China, Russia (income in Russia grown by 6X since 2000) US not the first to adopt, or the fastest (e.g. cell phones) Not heaviest in gaming US no longer harbinger of things to come A lot of FB, MySp innovations copped from Korea +13.9% +6.8% +5.7% +16.6% +20.2% Source: comScore World Metrix, January 2008

7 Emerging Countries are Fueling Growth
China and India made the biggest percent gains over the past year, with China growing by 13.8% and India growing by 26.8% Internet Users (Millions) in Asia Pacific Region January 2007 2008 % Growth Asia Pacific (Total Region) 271.2 308.8 10.7% China 86.8 98.7 13.8% Japan 53.7 54.5 1.6% South Korea 26.4 25.8 -1.9% India 21.1 26.8 26.8% Australia 9.9 10.7 8.3% Taiwan 9.0 10.3 14.3% Malaysia 7.3 8.1 11.8% Hong Kong 3.4 3.7 6.6% Singapore 2.2 2.3 5.7% New Zealand 1.9 2.1 CINNIC estimates 210 MM total Internet users* in China as of Dec 2007, up from 137 MM a year earlier. The increase of 73MM is approximately twice the size of the online population in France! * including ages 6+ and people accessing the Internet from \ shared computers and Internet cafes Why S Korea not growing? --Might be migration to cell --Might be % under 15 Our number a lot lower than CINNIC driven by different pop, and way they ask question (last 6 months) Internet users ages 15+ accessing the internet from a Home or Work computer Source: comScore World Metrix, January 2008

8 The Global Audience is Vital to Top Properties
Though they are all based in the United States, the Top 10 Global properties source the majority of their audience from outside the U.S. Top sites’ ability to develop or acquire local channels is crucial to international growth Top in-language sites in China, Japan, and Korea have opportunity to grow outside their home markets Worldwide Top 10 Properties Total WW Unique Visitors (MM) U.S. Audience Non-U.S. Audience 80% 597.2 80% 545.6 75% 495.3 71% 249.3 60% 247.9 9 out of the top 10 Global properties source the majority of their audience from outside the U.S. US growth harder to come by 79% 242.6 67% 166.0 53% 160.6 69% 140.3 125.6 74% Source: comScore World Metrix, January 2008

9 English No Longer Lingua Franca of the Web
Distribution of Pages Viewed by Language Internet no longer US-centric or even English-centric

10 Dominant Local Players in Their Home Markets
China Russia Total WW Unique Visitors (MM) Total WW Unique Visitors (MM) In-country Audience In-country Audience 87% 70.6 48% 21.3 14.2 85% 70.0 56% 82% 61.0 59% 13.4 Japan South Korea Speaks to localization of entities No matter where you are located, you are an international player Next slide… ask wha5t is most “engaged” country in world? Total WW Unique Visitors (MM) In-country Audience In-country Audience Total WW Unique Visitors (MM) 51.9 81% 62% 31.2 83% 36.2 80% 20.9 75% 31.9 83% 15.2

11 Internet Users Around the Globe
China now has the second-largest presence on the internet, but per-visitor usage is below the worldwide average The heaviest internet users can be found in Canada, the U.K., and Israel Most Internet Users by Country Heaviest Internet Users Millions of Internet Users* Hours per Internet User per Month WW average = 26.0 Canada is the most engaged country in the world. There are several possibilities/reasons that are generally cited: Very high penetration of broadband….Canadian usage is greater that 90% of pages and time done by high speed. Drives ease of usage and ability to download, stream etc Canadians have been strong adopters of technology over the years starting with cable tv in the 70’s, debit cards and other digital services There are several categories that Canadians are very interested in: News and Information and Entertainment for example that drive time spent Canadians have embraced the idea of online “shopping” for information even if they are not necessarily buying online The low cost of access in Canada via cable or the phone companies (who are very competitive) has made it easy to afford broadband and have the best service of access. Five major and some 70 smaller Internet service providers (ISPs) serve the Israeli market for Internet access. Top 2 Isr categories: IM; religion *Internet users ages 15+ accessing the internet from a Home or Work computer Source: comScore World Metrix, January 2008

12 How the World Uses the Internet
Worldwide Online Category Growth vs. Penetration WW Visitor Growth = 10.4% All about the build… left of line = slow growth, left of 0 = declining. Source: comScore World Metrix, January 2008

13 Internet Users Spend Most of Their Time Online on Communications, Social Connections, and Entertainment Worldwide Share of Online Time Regional Comparison of Time Spent Index to Worldwide Share of Total Online Minutes Communications All Other Communications Social Connections Asia Pacific Asia Pacific Social Connections North America North America Work, Business & Education Europe Europe Shopping & Travel Latin America Latin America Entertainment & Leisure Middle East Middle East 22% + 16% of time are on comm or SN; driven by non-US. (US uses for work, retail etc.) Emerging economies have adapted quickly to SN, communication Russia: a lot of gaming Work, Business & Education Entertainment & Leisure Shopping & Travel Asia Pacific Asia Pacific Asia Pacific Communications: , Instant Messengers Social Connections: Social Networking Sites, Blogs, Discussion/Chat, Community Sites Shopping & Travel: Retail, Travel, Auctions, Automotive & Real Estate Entertainment & Leisure: Entertainment, including Multimedia & Streaming, Online Games and Gaming, Sports, Hobbies & Lifestyle Work, Business & Education: News & Information, Business & Finance, Education, Career Services & Development, Government North America North America North America Europe Europe Europe Latin America Latin America Latin America Middle East Middle East Middle East

14 A World View of Search U.S. (21%) and China (10%) continue to lead in total Search volume Searches on Google account for an overwhelming majority of Worldwide searches Searches by Country Total Searches (MM) Search volume and the absolute size of the searcher population are second largest in the world, but penetration is actually below average in China – which means that the market still has tremendous short-term upside China and the U.S., the top 2 players in online search activity, actually have the fewest searches per searcher, even lower than the worldwide average Baidu is having success in gaining penetration in the search market, but they are not yet able to generate high repeat activity Source: comScore World Metrix

15 Google Share of Search in Selected Markets
Google Trails Where Local Language is Very Dominant and There is a Strong Local Challenger Google Share of Search in Selected Markets In many countries, particularly in Europe and Latin America, Google takes the lion’s share of search activity But in certain markets, it’s apparent that localization is critical Intuitive locally-focused, in-language results = strong local brand Local Search Players Naver: UGC pioneers. Koreans like to be part of the solution

16 Social Networks Are Enjoying Strong Worldwide Growth With Room to Go
Social Networks reach in Latin America recently bypassed North America Other regions still have to catch up with the reach in the Americas In the Asia Pacific region, these sites are growing at a rate that is almost 6 times the category’s growth in North America Social Networking Growth % Reach Y/Y Unique Visitor Growth Rates Worldwide: 58% Asia-Pacific :119% North America:19% Europe: 75% Latin America: 72% MidEast-Africa: 145% Source: comScore World Metrix, January 2007-January 2008

17 WW Growth of Top Social Networking Sites
MySpace Continues to be the Worldwide leader; Facebook Has Driven Most of the Category Growth in 2007 WW Growth of Top Social Networking Sites Unique Visitors (000) Source: comScore World Metrix, January 2007-January 2008

18 Most Social Nets Skew Regionally, and Have Significant Opportunities to Grow in Underdeveloped Regions Global Distribution of Visitors to Top Social Networking Sites Worldwide Unique Visitors (MM) MySpace and Facebook’s primary audiences still in North America and the U.K. Hi5 allows sharing Video and Music and is popular in Latin America, Portugal, Eastern Europe, few Asian Countries Friendster is Malaysia and Singapore’s #1 Social Network Perfspot’s audiences are in Japan, India, China, S. Korea 77% of Orkut’s traffic comes from Brazil and India DADA.Net originated in Italy and spread to Latin America BEBO’s audience primarily from the U.K.; still second to Facebook Skyrock’s users predominantly in France IMEEM primarily in U.S. but has a large following across many Asian countries 109.3 100.7 38.3 34.1 28.9 28.9 Friendster in Philippines 24.8 22.4 21.8 17.8 Source: comScore World Metrix, January 2008

19 Online Video is Growing Strongly But Has a Lot of Room to Go
Number of US Video Streamers 138 MM % Of Internet Users who Downloaded at least one Video 76% Total # of Downloaded Videos (MM) 9,800 MM Growth in Video Downloads in Jan 08, Y/Y 36% Average # of Videos per User per Month 70 Viewing Time per Viewer 3hrs, 26 min Value Drivers of Online Video Advertising Reach of elusive audiences Better engagement Scarcity. Online Video today can deliver no more than 2% of ad impressions delivered by TV However, monetization is still a big challenge: User experience Rights for UGC (User Generated Content) Need to cop to lack of VMX Source: comScore Video Metrix, January 2008, U.S. Only

20 YouTube Is the Leader in Online Video
Youtube has emerged as the worldwide leader in Entertainment, attracting million visitors worldwide in January 2008, who spent an average of 1.6 hours on the site YOUTUBE.COM UV Growth by Region Millions of Internet Users Jan 2007 Jan 2008 +48% +96% +43% +43% +87% +94% +81% +137% Consumers in more developed markets are already using their broadband connections to turn to the web for streaming video and other types of entertainment. Almost three-fourths of all U.S. Internet users now stream some type of content through their computers. This represents significant growth, driven by the availability of high-speed connections and the prevalence of video-based content. With many new users bypassing outmoded dial-up connectivity and subscribing directly to high-bandwidth services, the market for streaming video and other types of online entertainment will only continue to increase. Significantly, because this activity is not just the purview of college students and teens (49% of streamers fall into the 25 to 49 year old age bracket), streaming and video content provides a broad opportunity to reach a wide, extremely engaged audience. Americans spent an average of 1.8 hours watching 41 videos apiece on YouTube. Videos shown on YouTube accounted for a third of all videos watched online in the United States in January 2008 Source: comScore World Metrix, January 2008

21 Ad Nets Have Attained Substantial Overall Reach, Sometimes Very Fast
Ad Net development continues driven largely by publishers – particularly small ones – benefiting from ease of monetizing inventory, and advertisers benefiting from scale, scope / targeting abilities, cost efficiencies Ad Network Reach Reach of U.S. Internet Audience Millions of Internet Users 166.8 155.8 143.2 142.3 137.5 131.8 121.9 102.1 Ad Net development continues driven largely by: Publishers, particularly small ones, benefiting from ease of monetizing inventory Advertisers benefiting from scale, scope / targeting abilities, cost efficiencies Attracting the attention of the large portals, as highlighted by recent acquisitions: AOL: Tacoda + = Platform-A MSN: aQuantive Yahoo!: Blue Lithium, Right Media Source: comScore Media Metrix, January 2008

22 % of Page Views Viewed by Bottom 50% of Site Users
Top Sites Deliver Far Less Than Their Nominal Reach and Need Ad Networks to Expand Effective Reach At Least Half of Top Sites Audiences Are Hard to Reach by a Typical Campaign Reach of U.S. Internet Audience Bottom 50% of Viewers for Each Site % of Total Page Views % of Page Views Viewed by Bottom 50% of Site Users Average PVs per Light User (bottom 50%) 10.3 14.7 7.3 6.6 Source: comScore Networks Custom Analysis, December 2007

23 The Web Already Delivers More Advertising Than TV in The Biggest TV Market!
Monthly GRP’s Monthly Impressions Per Person 2.2 x

24 Mobile Web Market Size and Spending
797.6 million mobile phone subscriptions, or roughly 25% of all mobile subscriptions, will include web browsing Better devices, speed, and pricing of wireless data subscriptions will dramatically increase users and usage intensity Wireless has the potential to become the dominant form of access in the developing world Monetization, still in its infancy, is likely to be very different from PC web US Mobile Advertising Spending Projected Mobile Ad Spending in the U.S., in Millions Announcing major mobile initiative 2nd half year Research firm Gartner predicts that worldwide mobile advertising revenue will grow from less than $1 billion last year to $11 billion in 2011. Telephia: There were 34.6 US mobile web users as of June, 2006 Mobile phone users in the UK accessed the internet via their handsets about 15.9 million times throughout December 2006, according to a report from the Mobile Data Association. Nick Lane, principal analyst at Informa Telecoms and Media, underlined the importance of user education. "The continued advancement of handsets means people are beginning to spend more time familiarising themselves with new services," most common of which are news, sport and weather updates Mr Lane said. He said that by the end of 2007, million mobile phone subscriptions worldwide, or roughly 25%, will include web browsing. Source: eMarketer, January 2007

25 Mobile Devices Will Quickly Account for a Substantial Percentage of Time Spent Online
Time Spent Online per Month for Japanese Web Users Category Penetration Among Japanese Mobile Web Users 30% of mobile web users said they check their on their mobiles multiple times a day. The lightest users (those who check on their mobile less than once a week) make up 39% of mobile web users. Source: comScore Media Metrix Japan and comScore Mobile Web Metrix, June 2007

26 Summary of Key Findings
Since 1996, the proportions have shifted: in 96, two-thirds of the world’s online population was in the United States; now, the U.S. accounts for only 21% of worldwide users Asia Pacific will be the Internet’s dominant regional audience and will be critical in the global Internet competition Serving content in local languages is critical for success on the web China and South Korea are already seeing local providers give U.S. sites a run for their money – language may be part of the challenge, but also cultural preferences Broadband is driving faster usage growth outside the U.S. New adopters, particularly in emerging countries, are bypassing outmoded narrowband connections and going straight to high bandwidth Broadband facilitates multimedia and online entertainment, and those two categories will only continue to grow as the world online population grows - Witness Youtube Communication tools, and IM, are still the killer category of usage in all regions, followed by Social Connections and Multimedia Entertainment Travel and E-commerce are virtually non-existent outside of the developed world. Growth will take off once the proper infrastructure is developed, primarily in Asia Pacific Portals and vertical content categories, such as finance, health, autos, etc… enjoy moderate growth rates in the mid-teens

27 Summary of Key Findings
Social Networking sites have significant growth left if they can break out of regional strongholds Google is overwhelmingly dominant in search except in Greater China, Korea, Japan, and Russia Ad Networks are necessary for large players to expand the depth of their effective reach and will be increasingly gaining momentum, somewhat at the expense of branded sites The Ad Network consolidation race will soon turn global given the size of international audiences that could be aggregated. The web already delivers 40% more advertising GRPs than TV in the US, and more than twice as many ad impressions per user Online Video is growing fast, but still faces significant challenges of scale and monetization The Mobile Web is coming and will be a substantial source of usage with high speed access and friendlier devices. It is possible for it to eclipse the PC based web outside the United States

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