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What you need to know for the your S3 November Exam

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1 What you need to know for the your S3 November Exam

2 Each question in the exam will be worth a maximum of 4 marks
Each question in the exam will be worth a maximum of 4 marks. 1 mark will be awarded for each correct piece of information that you write down. You need to be able to

3 RIVERS Identify rivers in the UK Explain how features of river erosion an d deposition are formed eg waterfall, meander, ox-bow lake

4 Not in this exam! GLACIATION
Identify areas of glaciated scenery in the UK Explain how features of glacial erosion are formed eg corrie, arête, pyramidal peak, U-shaped valley.

5 COASTS Match coastal features of erosion on a diagram to their names eg headland, bay, cliff, cave, stack. Match coastal features of deposition on a diagram to their names eg beach, spit, groynes. Explain the process of longshore drift.

6 MAPWORK Use 4 figure and 6 figure grid references Use an OS map give reasons why a particular land use is suitable. Use an OS map to match up descriptions of the landscape Use an OS map and a cross section to identify simple features eg road, river, mountain top.

7 RICH AND POOR WORLD Use indicators of development eg life expectancy, number of people per doctor, number of people per car, to developed and developing countries eg Malawi and UK. Use indicators of development to explain why some countries are more developed than others eg Malawi and UK Describe where the main areas of developed and developing countries are in the world. (from a map)

8 DISASTERS Identify the main features of earthquake zones eg focus, epicentre, shock wave, converging plates, diverging plates. Explain the distribution of earthquakes and volcanoes across the world. For a volcanic eruption or an earthquake , describe the effect on the landscape. For a volcanic eruption or an earthquake, describe the impact on the local people. Say what the main causes of a tropical storm are. For a tropical storm, or drought, or flood, describe how national and international aid agencies help people.

9 GEOGRAPHICAL METHODS AND TECHNIQUES Draw a bar graph or line graph or pie chart from figures in a table.


11 COASTS keywords Deposition Erosion Longshore drift
Swash Backwash Fetch Beach Spit Erosion Corrasion Corrosion Attrition Hydraulic action Cliff Cave Arch Stack

12 Features of coastal erosion
3 4 Match the features to the numbers on the diagram: Stack Arch Cave Fault Stump Collapsed arch 5 1 6 2

13 Features of coastal deposition
Where is the swash and backwash? Use the following words to explain what longshore drift is. (3 marks) Swash backwash movement waves fetch

14 Features of coastal deposition

15 Explain how a sand spit is formed. (3 marks)

16 Headland Arch Spit Beach Tombolo Stack Select any one feature from the above list and explain how it was formed. (4 marks) You may wish to use diagrams in your answer.

17 COASTS & RIVERS Wider World Foundations Coasts P238 – 242 Rivers P Wider World Coasts P282 Rivers P300

18 RIVERS keywords Erosion Corrasion Corrosion Attrition Hydraulic action

19 F D C E B A

20 Study the diagram showing a meander What river valley feature might this eventually become? (4 marks) Explain how this could happen. You may use diagrams within your answer.



23 RICH AND POOR WORLD Use indicators of development eg life expectancy, number of people per doctor, number of people per car, to developed and developing countries eg Malawi and UK. Use indicators of development to explain why some countries are more developed than others eg Malawi and UK Describe where the main areas of developed and developing countries are in the world. (from a map)

24 RICH WORLD/POOR WORLD Indicators of development
These are statistics that give you information (indicate) how well developed a country is. Examples are: How many people per doctor. In Malawi there are 39,000 people per doctor. In UK there are 620 people per doctor. Adult literacy In Malawi 63% of people can read and write. In UK it is 99%. Infant mortality In Malawi, 134 children die in their first year for every 1000 live births. In UK it is 6 per thousand. Life expectancy In Malawi the average person can expect to live to the age of 44 yrs. In UK it is 80 yrs.



27 iii

28 Life Expectancy 2011 (from CIA World Factbook)
Describe where the main areas of developed and developing countries are in the world.





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