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APPG for Strengthening Couple Relationships 20/02/2017

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1 APPG for Strengthening Couple Relationships 20/02/2017
Sarah Kincaid Troubled Families Team Department of Communities and Local Government 1

2 Original Troubled Families Programme (2012-15)

3 Original Troubled Families Programme (2012-15)
Only 1 of 6 strands of evaluation Innovative, quasi-experimental Couldn’t isolate impact achieved ‘major limitations’ with data quality Early and narrow period of measurement Comparison group – hard to match, potential contamination   

4 Original Troubled Families Programme (2012-15):
116k troubled families achieved the positive outcomes that met programme’s objectives “widespread evidence of improvements in services for families with the programme enabling areas to scale-up their family intervention provision, drive innovation in working with families, stimulate multi-agency working, and begin to mainstream whole-family working.” “Helped identify families who’d otherwise have ‘slipped through the net’” “Enabled key workers to: get to the roots of deeply entrenched problems; understand the whole family more effectively; take an assertive and practical approach; and to be more outcomes focused.” Families were more likely to say they were “in control of their lives” and knew “how to keep on the right track”. They were more likely to say they were “confident their worst problems behind them” and were “feeling positive about the future”. Three quarters (76 per cent) of families felt that the difference the key worker had made to their families’ lives was ‘much more’ (58 per cent) or ‘slightly more’ (18 per cent) than that made by previous support.

5 The new Troubled Families Programme (2015-20)
To achieve significant and sustained progress with up to 400,000 families with multiple, high cost problems by 2020; For Families To transform the way that public services work with families with multiple problems to take an integrated whole family approach For Services To demonstrate that this way of working results in lower costs and savings for the tax payer. For the Taxpayer Every troubled family has at least 2 problems to be eligible Poor school attendance Worklessness and financial exclusion Crime and anti social behaviour Children who need help Domestic violence and abuse Mental and physical health problems Six headline problems UNCLASSIFIED

6 Our ask prioritise the families with multiple problems who are of most concern and highest reactive costs appoint a keyworker/lead worker for each family who manages the family and their problems. work towards agreed goals for every family for each of the headline problems which are shared and jointly owned across local partners are transparent about outcomes, benefits and costs engage in ongoing service reform according to evidence of effectiveness and savings

7 Relationships: the role of a Troubled Families keyworker
A dedicated key worker considers the problems of family as a whole – they organise services to grip the family’s problems, and work with the family in a persistent and assertive way towards an agreed improvement plan Through understanding the needs of the family, the keyworker can support them to access targeted services within their locality. This could include targeted support for couples, for example through mediation services. Part of the role of the keyworker is to support parents and couples make the right choices for them and their families and help stabilise the family environment Much of the work that key workers do with troubled families is focussed on improving parenting skills and the way that a family functions


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