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The Rotary Foundation Centurion Program

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1 The Rotary Foundation Centurion Program

2 The Centurion Program Personal engagement with The Rotary Foundation
$A100 per year Annual Fund ONLY The Centurion Program

3 Benefits of becoming a Centurion
Your contribution is tax deductible Your contribution goes to the Annual Fund of The Rotary Foundation Your contribution earns Paul Harris Credit points 50% of your contribution comes back to the District in 3 years to support Programs that support your Club Recognition pin Personal satisfaction of supporting our Charity

4 Ways to give – Club Multiple Donor Form
Club lists member & member ID on form Member gives to Club Club sends form and one cheque Each member receives a tax receipt Give via your Club

5 Ways to give – Give Directly
Register your annual giving with TARFT Tick term box Currency A$100 Credit card or direct debit Advise District Centurion Chair of your giving. Give Directly

6 Making becoming a Centurion easy
Every week, before you go to Rotary, slip $2 into your Centurion After 50 weeks (or sooner if you add the odd extra $2) … take $100 top the Club for depositing on your behalf or take $100 your bank and transfer it to The Australian Rotary Foundation Trust or to The Rotary Foundation

7 Set your Goals in My Rotary
Club Centurion Action Plan Appoint a Centurion Chair to your Rotary Foundation Committee Set your Goals in My Rotary Outline your Club Foundation giving Plan Annual contribution of $100 per member or $2 per week collected from members Invite the District Chair … use the Centurion collection pole.

8 Certificate Pin Recognition Materials Presented once only
Can be presented annually

9 Become a Centurion and engage with our Foundation
Its just $2 per week or less than the cost of a cup of coffee per week!

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