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The Rotary Foundation The Centurion Program.

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1 The Rotary Foundation The Centurion Program

2 Charities in Australia
have a combined total income of nearly $100b annually

3 Our Charity Rotary International only has one official charity..
Do you give personally to one of these? Why not give to our own charity?

4 The average Australian gave $318* to Charity last year. *Source NAB
Most Australians give to a Charity. On average they give to at least three charities per year. The average Australian gave $318* to Charity last year *Source NAB Only 21% of Rotarians gave to our Charity – The Rotary Foundation The Australian Rotary Foundation Trust Giving is tax deductible through:

5 The Centurion Program Personal Engagement with The Rotary Foundation $100 per year Annual Fund ONLY

6 Benefits of becoming a Centurion
Your contribution is tax deductible Your contribution goes to the Annual Fund of The Rotary Foundation Your contribution earns Paul Harris Credit points 50% of your contribution come back to the District in 3 years to support Programs that support your Club Recognition pin Personal satisfaction of supporting our Charity

7 Ways to give – Club Multiple Donor Form
Give via your Club Club lists member & member ID on form Member gives to Club Club sends form and one cheque Each member receives a tax receipt Mark this form Annual Fund Only

8 Ways to give – Give Directly
Register your annual giving with TARFT Tick term box Currency A$100 Credit card or direct debit Advise District Centurion Chair of your giving.

9 Set your Goals in My Rotary
Club Centurion Action Plan Appoint a Centurion Chair to your Rotary Foundation Committee Set your Goals in My Rotary Outline your Club Foundation giving Plan Annual contribution of $100 per member or $2 per week collected from members Foundation Month (November) Centurion recognition.

10 Use the EREY Report as your Management Tool
EREY is contributions up US$100. (Centurions recorded here) Sustaining Member is contributions over US$100 Paul Harris Society Eligible is contributions over US$1,000 A PHS is automatically a Sustaining Member and EREY A sustaining Member is automatically a EREY (Centurion) Contributions to Annual Fund ONLY

11 Recognition Materials
Pin Certificate Recognition Materials Presented once only Can be presented annually

12 What your contribution does?
Funding todays projects What your contribution does? Contributions go to the Annual Fund or Polio Fund Contributions accrue Paul Harris Recognition points 1,000 recognitions points converts to a Paul Harris Recognition 50% of the contribution to the Annual Fund returns to the District in 3 years District Grants Global Grants VTT Areas of Focus Scholarships 50% to World Fund $ for $ match from DDF $0.50 match from Club and other funding

13 Only one charity gives your District back 50%
of your Annual Fund contributions after 3 years…. …Support your local and international projects

14 Become a Centurion and engage with our Foundation
Its just $2 per week or less than the cost of a cup of coffee per week!

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