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Quantitative and Scientific Reasoning Project Mathematics in the Real-World: Financial Math Project – Student Loan Budgeting Name Course Lecturer This.

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Presentation on theme: "Quantitative and Scientific Reasoning Project Mathematics in the Real-World: Financial Math Project – Student Loan Budgeting Name Course Lecturer This."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quantitative and Scientific Reasoning Project Mathematics in the Real-World: Financial Math Project – Student Loan Budgeting Name Course Lecturer This slide entails course title and the project title.

2 Introduction My presentation for student loan budgeting will include calculations to determine will be my total student loan with the interest accumulated. I will include my expected salary after graduation and will show what my monthly budget will be like. I will determine analyze the financial situation and determine the most suitable monthly payment plan. This slide introduces the project and explains what is going to be done in the project.

3 Hypothesis In my project I will utilize what I researched on current interest rates for federal student loans and use the rates to determine what will be my loan interest after 10 years. I will determine what will be my required loan payment per month and come up with my best financial fit. Finally I will determine the time it will take me to pay the loan using the date I get from my calculations. This slide shows the hypothesis which I intend to discover in my project process.

4 Why is it important to pay off my loans?
Defaulting my student loan will have a dramatic lowering of my credit score. This will make the chances of getting a loan very few. It is also important since my potential employer is likely to check my credit before hiring me. Repaying the loan helps me to improve my credit score putting me in a better position to borrow money in future (Abel & Deitz, 2014). This slide explains the importance of paying school loans.

5 Benefits of paying the loan soon than later
Paying my loan soon is an advantage since there are no chances of facing default charges by the lender. This means I can also access loans with other lenders since I do not have accrued loan balances in my account. This is also an added advantage to the lender since they will be able to give loans to other students who may be in need of getting school loan. Therefore, making arrangements to my loan before the set period will generally improve my ability to credit with any other lender or bank at any time and anywhere. To the lender, there will be more funds to give other borrowers who may in need by then. In addition I may not face the higher interests rates which may cost me a lot of money in repayment, this means I will pay less (Abel & Deitz, 2014). Contains the benefits one gets on making the arrangements to pay the loans earlier than the agreed time. It employs the knowledge of existing policies regarding the loan repayments

6 Consequences if I do not repay the loan
Failure to my loan, it may interfere with my ability to borrow money from lenders in future. This will happen if the lender takes my details to credit reference institutions authorized by the government bank. This means with time if I may need to further my studies it will not be easy for me to get a loan not only with bank but also with other financial institutions. With time, my loan interests may accrue to large amount which may cost me a lot when I will be able to pay. It may also not be fair since other needy students who may need the loan will not be able to access the loan or rather there will be limitation therefore, it means I am selfish (Jensen, 2014). Contains the repercussions which one face concerning the policies on loan defaulters.

7 Loan Balance (Principal) for all semesters attending College
Cost of schooling per semester - $ Total Cost of schooling x 9 semesters - $ Outstanding student loan balance - $ Total Schooling Loan Amount - $ This contains the principal amount for all semesters while attending college. The total balance is given in integrated form to capture every content involved while in school

8 Total Simple Interest The formulae for Simple Interest is given by:
I= p× (R/100) ×t where I-Simple interest P-principle R-rate t-time I=$52,900 × (3.76/100) ×10 $19,890.40 This slide contains the calculation of total simple interest that is going to be charged if the loan repayment period is 10 years.

9 Cont’ Total amount accrued (A) is given by: A= (I + p) =$52,900+$19, $ Total interest accrued=Amount-principle =$72,720-$52,900 =$19,890.40 This slide shows the calculations of the total amount of money I will have to pay back if I choose the ten year repayment plan.

10 Future Value of the Loans
Principal amount: $52,900 Interest at the end of the 10-year period: $19, Future Value of the Loan: $ This slide contains the principal loan amount, interest and the future value of the loan if I use 10 year plan to repay my loan.

11 Required monthly payment
Total number of months 10 ×12= 120 Months Money to be paid per month $ ÷120=$ $606.9 are required to be paid every month. This slide contains the calculations of the money I will be required to pay per month if I use a 10 year plan to pay back my loan.

I would love to pay more per month so that I can shorten my loan repayment period and reduce interest. I propose to use a 6 year payment plan. My interest will be 52900×3.76/100×6= $ I will have saved a total interest of $19, $ = $ This slide contains the plan I would like to use instead of the 10 year plan so as to save on the interest I have to pay.

13 Monthly Payment on 6 year payment Plan
Future Value $ $52,900 = $ Total Months 6×12= 72 Months Payment per month $ ÷72= $ I will be paying $ per month. This slide shows calculation to determine the amount I will be required to pay per month if I choose to use the 6 year plan.

14 My Dream Job My dream job is to become a nurse. The job involves providing patients with comfort, health records maintenance, patient health monitoring and giving of basic nurse care like bandage changing. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labour Statistics' Occupational Outlook Handbook, the average national annual salary for a registered nurse is $28800. This slide contains the details of the job am hoping to get after graduation.

15 Salary Assuming 25%of my salary is withheld in taxes and other deductions Net pay= 0.75× $28800=$21600 Monthly Pay $21600÷12=$1800 I will be getting $1800 every month. This slide contains calculations of my expected job salary. It shows what I will be earning per month.

16 The monthly budget table entails a brief summary of the students income and all the estimated expenses as per his/her own perspectives with regard to the dream job expected to have.

17 Budget The former slide shows my estimated monthly budget. It includes my expenses and the loan repayment contribution. The budget estimate shows if I get my dream job I will have an easy time paying my living expenses and paying my student loan on a six year payment scheme. I am hoping to get the job immediately after graduation This slide explains what my financial situation will be when I get my dream job.

18 Conclusion After finishing my research and project work analysis, I have lots of expectations entailing the amount with regard to my student loans and what payments will be after getting my dream job. I will be in a good position to be able to plan accordingly my decisions after graduation and what I expect thereafter. In winding up with the aspect of monthly budget, it provides a better understanding of what am up to and hence I don’t strain much in formulating my own work budget. This slide provides general summary of the entire work with regard to my student loan, my expectations in future, and how ill be expected to budget for the loan payments.

19 References Jensen, M. C. (2014). Takeovers: Their causes and consequences. The Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2(1), Retrieved from tab_contents Abel, J. R., & Deitz, R. (2014). Do the benefits of college still outweigh the costs?. Current Issues in Economics and Finance, 20(3). Retrieved from U.S. Bureau of labor statistics. (2016, may 2015). State occupational employment and wage estimates: Ohio. Retrieved from oh.htm This slide contains the references I have used in my research.

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