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Climate Modeling Theory - 1

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1 Climate Modeling Theory - 1
Module 3 Climate Modeling Theory - 1 William J. Gutowski, Jr. Iowa State University

2 Climate Modeling Theory - 1
Module 3 Climate Modeling Theory - 1 GOAL: Understand basis for modeling climate from (almost) first principles

3 Climate Modeling Theory - 1
Module 3 Climate Modeling Theory - 1 OUTLINE (Part 1): Symbolism Conservation Laws mass thermodynamic energy momentum Equation of State Water in the Atmosphere

4 Climate Modeling Theory - 1
Module 3 Climate Modeling Theory - 1 OUTLINE (Part 1): Symbolism

5 Some Symbolism t time x west-east coordinate y south-north coordinate z vertical coordinate f latitude l longitude horizontal wind u west-east component of v south-north component of w vertical wind

6 Climate Modeling Theory - 1
Module 3 Climate Modeling Theory - 1 OUTLINE (Part 1): Symbolism Conservation Laws mass thermodynamic energy momentum

7 Conservation of “M”

8 Conservation of “M”

9 Conservation of “M”

10 Conservation of “M”

11 Conservation of “M”

12 (Continuity Equation)
Conservation of Mass (Continuity Equation) = density [kg/m3] Source/sink = 0

13 Conservation of Mass

14 Conservation of Water Mass
q = specific humidity [kg-(H2O)v/kg-air] s(q) = cond. - evap.

15 Conservation of Water Mass
(column integral) E = sfc. evap.; P = precipitation

16 Conservation of W (Precipitable Water)

17 Conservation of General Constituent, i [kg-(constituent i)/kg-air]
qi = amount of i [kg-(constituent i)/kg-air] e.g., CO2, O3, etc.

18 = heating/mass [J-kg-1-s-1] Conservation of Thermodynamic Energy
~ First Law of Thermodynamics ~ Heat input = D (internal energy) + (work done) = heating/mass [J-kg-1-s-1]

19 Conservation of Thermodynamic Energy ~ First Law of Thermodynamics ~

20 Conservation of Thermodynamic Energy


22 Conservation of Momentum
~ Newton’s Second Law ~

23 Conservation of Momentum
~ Newton’s Second Law ~ Forces/mass: gravity pressure gradient friction

24 Conservation of Momentum
~ Newton’s Second Law ~ Rotating Frame X

25 Conservation of Momentum
~ Newton’s Second Law ~ Rotating Frame

26 Conservation of Momentum
~ Newton’s Second Law ~ Sphere, Rotating Frame rotation of direction

27 Conservation of Momentum Approximation: vertical
~ Newton’s Second Law ~ Approximation: vertical

28 Conservation of Momentum Approximation: vertical
~ Newton’s Second Law ~ Approximation: vertical

29 Conservation of Momentum Approximation: vertical
~ Newton’s Second Law ~ Approximation: vertical Hydrostatic Approximation Accurate to ~ 0.01% for weak vertical acceleration

30 Conservation of Momentum Approximation: horizontal, extratropical
~ Newton’s Second Law ~ Approximation: horizontal, extratropical

31 Conservation of Momentum Approximation: horizontal, extratropical
~ Newton’s Second Law ~ Approximation: horizontal, extratropical

32 Conservation of Momentum Approximation: horizontal, extratropical
~ Newton’s Second Law ~ Approximation: horizontal, extratropical Geostrophic Approximation Accurate to ~ %

33 Climate Modeling Theory - 1
Module 3 Climate Modeling Theory - 1 BREAK

34 Climate Modeling Theory - 1
Module 3 Climate Modeling Theory - 1 OUTLINE (Part 1): Symbolism Conservation Laws mass thermodynamic energy momentum Equation of State

35 Ideal Gas Law R = gas constant R = R(constituents) Common practice: R ≈ Rd = 287 J-kg-1-s-1 T = Tv

36 Climate Modeling Theory - 1
Module 3 Climate Modeling Theory - 1 OUTLINE (Part 1): Symbolism Conservation Laws mass thermodynamic energy momentum Equation of State Water in the Atmosphere

37 q versus latitude & pressure
[g-kg-1] Note: small part of atmosphere, but ...

38 … water saturates changes phase

39 Some Further Symbolism
q specific humidity [kg-kg-1] mass (H2O)v/mass air e vapor pressure [Pa] partial pressure by water molecules m mixing ratio [kg-kg-1] mass (H2O)v/mass dry air RH relative humidity [%] ratio: m/msat

40 Water Cycle Q Q P P E E R

41 Water Cycle Heat released E Heat absorbed

42 Water is thus a primary form of heat transport
heat absorbed when evaporates released when water condenses largest individual source of energy for the atmosphere

43 Water Cycle Radiation absorbed by water & re-emitted

44 Water is thus a primary form of heat transport
heat absorbed when evaporates released when water condenses largest individual source of energy for the atmosphere and greenhouse gas ~ transparent to solar absorbs/emits infrared

45 RH vs. latitude & pressure
[%] RH 70 70

46 precipitation vs. latitude & longitude
[dm-yr-1] [dm-yr-1] = [100 mm-yr-1] =[0.27 mm-d-1]

47 Lift Moist Parcel z 9.8 K/km T

48 Lift Moist Parcel z T z RH

49 Lift Moist Parcel z Lifting Condensation Level T z LCL RH 100 %

50 Stable Precipitation condensation collision coalescence

51 Stable Precipitation condensation collision coalescence

52 Lift Further z LCL T

53 Lift Further z Environment’s T(z) T

54 Lift Further z Environment’s T(z) T

55 Lift Further Level of free convection z T

56 Convection Level of free convection z T

57 Climate Modeling Theory - 1
Module 3 Climate Modeling Theory - 1 Final Question: How much heating by condensation?

58 Use 1st Law of Thermodynamics
Assume: no work done = heating/mass [J-kg-1-s-1]

59 Apply to precipitating column

60 Apply to precipitating column
Heat released µ Mass condensed µ Mass falling out P [m/s]

61 Apply to precipitating column
Heat released µ Mass condensed µ Mass falling out Prw [kgw-m-2-s-1]

62 Apply to precipitating column
Heat released = LPrw [J-m-2-s-1] Prw [kgw-m-2-s-1]

63 Apply to precipitating column
Heat released = LPrw [J -m-2-s-1] Mass heated = ps/g [kgair-m-2]

64 Apply to precipitating column
Heat released = LPrw [J -m-3-s-1] Mass heated = ps/g [kgair-m-2] = Heating/mass = LPrwg/ps [J -(kgair)-1-s-1]

65 How much heating by condensation?
P = 1000 mm-yr-1 = m-s-1 Ps = 1000 hPa =10+5 Pa dT/dt = deg-s-1 = 0.67 deg-day-1 (Radiation ~ -1 deg-day-1)

66 Climate Modeling Theory - 2
Coming: Module 5 Climate Modeling Theory - 2 OUTLINE (Part 2): Radiation Surface Processes Earth System

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