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Aim: Which type of government is the best?

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Presentation on theme: "Aim: Which type of government is the best?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim: Which type of government is the best?
Do Now: Your teachers won the lottery and are taking you on vacation! Unfortunately, we just crash landed on a deserted island. Your teachers did not survive, but you and your classmates are alive and alone. Will you work together and create a new society? Or will you form gangs, kill each other, and live in chaos? NY State Learning Standards 2 Common Core RS 1, 2, 6, WS 1, LS 1, 3, 4

2 I What is Government? Government is an organized system that controls makes decisions of a society. A society without government is in a state of anarchy. Somali Pirates

3 II Types of Government Democracy Citizens have the right to vote.
First democracy was founded in Athens, 6th century BCE. It was a direct democracy; the most votes wins! Disadvantage: It takes more time to make decisions

4 Types of Government Continued…
B) Republic A Republic is a type of democracy. Citizens vote for people to represent them in the government. The first Republic was founded in Rome, 509 BCE The United States is a Democratic-Republic; we vote for Congressmen and Senators to represent us in our government. Can you name these New York Senators?

5 Types of Government Continued…
C) Communism 1. All citizens are equal, with an equal distribution of wealth. 2. Based on Karl Marx and Frederic Engels’ book The Communist Manifesto 3. The first Communist government was created in Russia in 1917.

6 Types of Government Continued…
D) Theocracy A theocracy is controlled by religious leaders. In Ancient Egypt, the Pharaoh was a King as well as the religious leader. Today, while Iran has a president, its religious leaders have more power. Today Ayatollah Khamenei is Iran’s most powerful religious leader

7 Let’s Review with Cows! You have 2 cows. Who gets to decide what you get to do with the milk in the following types of government? What might they decide? Democracy and republic Communism Theocracy

8 Types of Government Continued…
E) Oligarchy 1. An oligarchy is a small group of wealthy and powerful people who control an entire government (often in secret). 2. Ancient Sparta , an ancient Greek city-state was an oligarchy. Only 28 men, along with 2 kings, made all decisions for Sparta!

9 Types of Government Continued…
F) Monarchy 1. A monarchy is a government ruled by a king or queen. 2. Queen Elizabeth II is the monarch of Great Britain. Great Britain is a constitutional monarchy; her power is limited by the constitution. This is different from an absolute monarch, who has complete power.

10 Types of Government Continued…
G) Feudalism 1. Feudalism is a government based on a system of reciprocity (exchange). A king or lord (powerful landowner) will provide land to a knight (warrior) in exchange for loyalty and protection. 2. Feudalism was the main system of government in medieval Western Europe.

11 Types of Government Continued…
H) Totalitarianism A totalitarian government has complete control over all aspects of the lives of its people. Often headed by a dictator (one person with complete power) Fascism is a type of totalitarian government. The interests of the state are more important than individual rights. In Nazi Germany, all blond and blue eyed German children were forced to join the Hitler Youth. You did not have a choice. This photo is from 1933.

12 Let’s Review with Cows! You have 2 cows. Who gets to decide what you get to do with the milk in the following types of government? What might they decide? Oligarchy Monarchy Feudalism Totalitarianism

13 Summary Questions Define the following:
government, anarchy, democracy, republic, communism, monarchy, feudalism, oligarchy, totalitarianism 2. Which system of government do you like the most and why? 3. Which system of government do you like the least and why? Bonus Question: Read the quotes below. Which quote do you most agree with and why? Also, which government system do you think they would most support and why? Thomas Hobbes “The condition of man [in the state of nature] is a condition of war of everyone against everyone.” John Locke “Man in the state of nature is naturally good. However, with no law to organize & regulate the society, there will be chaos.”

14 Key Vocabulary Anarchy Karl Marx Communism Monarchy Democracy
Oligarchy Dictator Republic Fascism Theocracy Feudalism Thomas Hobbes Frederic Engels Totalitarianism Government John Locke

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