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Aligning Camp Program with Conference Vision and Priorities

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1 Aligning Camp Program with Conference Vision and Priorities
Camp in the Community: Aligning Camp Program with Conference Vision and Priorities

2 Sharon Cook Collin Grooms Coordinator of Camp, Retreat,
and Age-Level Ministries Collin Grooms Site Director, Lake Lucerne Camp

3 in the Wisconsin Conference
Vision and Priorities in the Wisconsin Conference

4 Bishop’s Vision for WI, 2012 quadrennium
Engage our multicultural community Plant new ministries Launch turn-around movement with vital congregations Imagine mercy and justice ministries in both rural and urban communities Create ‘soul food’ in Wisconsin

5 Bishop’s Funding Priorities, April 2015

6 Engage our multicultural community
Plant new ministries Launch turn-around movement with vital congregations Imagine mercy and justice ministries in both rural and urban communities Create ‘soul food’ in Wisconsin

7 Community Connections
building progression

8 Three Year Congregation Progression
Year One: 50% of camper participants are from outside of congregation Year Two: Minimum two outside speakers or programs that invite community members into the congregation to create and strengthen relationships Year Three: Begin transition process where the congregation is empowered to outreach into their communities without the aid of the Camp in the Community program Specific goals- TBD Each year builds upon itself. Year three thoughts: program volunteers from congregation lead some programming; congregation has a concrete marketing and follow up plan

9 Intentional Post-Camp Follow Up
Tools to remain in contact with campers and camper families Programmed events throughout school year specifically for campers and families Strengthened community connections lead to joint events and partnerships This is to address the “vision for a new ministry” angle– I don’t know if we need a slide or not

10 utilizing a pilot phase
Getting Started utilizing a pilot phase Three intentional locations By invitation, not application Representing urban, suburban, rural No financial commitment Grant money Collaboration with local leaders Strong history of camp connection, support Untested program

11 Started with a Pilot phase
Three intentional locations Collaboration with local leaders No financial commitment Rural Camps Three intentional locations By invitation, not application Representing urban, suburban, rural No financial commitment Grant money Collaboration with local leaders Strong history of camp connection, support Untested program Bedroom community Large town

12 Grant Writing Absolute clarity on the program Purpose
Measurable outcomes Forms, contracts, agreements Budget Clarity about the request Foundation request was for food Local church request was to subsidize congregations Accurate, compelling reporting Account for all expenses and granted dollars Tell the story of how it mattered Grants written WI UM Foundation Requested $6,750; Received $4,000 Local church trust fund Requested $13,100; Received $5,000 Back-up plan Use budget funds for staff equipment mileage Use savings funds for food other expenses Three intentional locations By invitation, not application Representing urban, suburban, rural No financial commitment Grant money Collaboration with local leaders Strong history of camp connection, support Untested program

13 Three intentional locations
By invitation, not application Representing urban, suburban, rural No financial commitment Grant money Collaboration with local leaders Strong history of camp connection, support Untested program

14 Camp in the Community details of the program

15 Year One- Camp in the Community Pilot
Friends of camp- Pastors were board members or former staff; Goal to hit Rural, Suburb, Urban; Goal for regional diversity Mt. Horeb- Growing community, EPIC, rural right now; Watertown- Aging church population, right next to elementary school, fixed income housing on other three sides; Siren UMC- very rural and away from our current camp sites, four point parish Mt. Horeb UMC Christ UMC- Watertown Siren UMC

16 Program Planning and Design
Initial program framework- Beg, Borrow, and Steal! Unique program goals and conference objectives to modify Site visits and presentations to church committees Scheduled for weeks where in-camp staff usage was lower Provided resources to churches to create their own marketing Camp Provides: Team Leader and Counselors Curriculum Program supplies Handbook for churches Church Provides: Church Coordinator Registration Volunteers Food Volunteers Host Homes Food Program Space Initial program framework adapted from Lutheran Outdoor Ministries in Ohio program; Outreach not Inreach- NOT VBS; Already had funding available from grants before presenting to churches; Efficiency of staff usage; Provided logos, funding, and some ideas– stay tuned for year two

17 Program Execution Much of the program success hinged on a great Team Leader Good volunteers from top to bottom are crucial Each space and community was unique and adaptability was key Successes: Campers had fun and lives were impacted in positive ways Brought camp energy to communities Midweek congregation events Staff to host home connections Growth Edges: Deeper connections for volunteers to campers Food and schedule Program ideas that fit in a tote and expand to any space

18 Community Impact

19 Year Two: Expansion Budgeted for program based on 2016 data
Staff, transportation, program, t-shirts, marketing materials (new for 2017) Call for interest at Annual Conference and conference publications All three pilot churches signed on for 2017 Two additional churches signed on at the contract price Most responding churches cited cost and lack of volunteer interest as a factor to not hold the program Continuing to only schedule during weeks where in-camp staff need is lower

20 Year Two: Program Emphasis on community based programming (Year Two Goal) Sunday Pre-Camp Congregation gathering and volunteer training Midweek family/community event is essential Program activities continue to innovate for impact and fun Food must be controlled: church, host homes, etc. “Branding”- Pre-printed marketing materials, standardized logos and banners, social media guidance

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