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Department of Mathematics

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1 Department of Mathematics

FOR DIFFUSION EQUATIONS IN HETEROGENEOUS MEDIA ON STRONGLY DISTORED MESHES LANL: J. Morel, K. Lipnikov, M. Shashkov UH: Yu. Kuznetsov – PI O. Boyarkin, V. Gvozdev, D. Svyatskiy – graduate students S. Repin – visiting research professor

3 Outline Problem Formulation New Polyhedral Mesh Discretization
Parallel Algebraic Solvers Applications and Numerical Results

4 Diffusion Equation Here

5 First Order Differential Equations
p – pressure, density, intensity, or temperature u – flux vector function

6 Polyhedral Meshes - polyhedral mesh cell - boundary of
- interface between and

7 Gs - plane faces n - outward normal unit vector
Polyhedral Mesh Cell E Gs - plane faces n - outward normal unit vector

8 Examples of E Pyramids Distored prisms

9 Examples of E Distored cubes Macro-Cell cluster of distorted prisms

10 Non-Matching Meshes Conformal Polyhedral Mortar Element
Discretization VS Method

11 Adaptive Mesh Refinement

12 Requirements For Discretization
arbitrary polyhedral cells including nonconvex and degenerated ones arbitrary symmetric positive definite diffusion tensor one Degree of Freedom (DOF) per cell for the solution function one DOF per interface for the solution function one DOF per interface for the flux vector-function

13 Discrete conservation law
where Remark: The discrete equation is exact

14 Major Problem to approximate the equation
or the equivalent variational equation where v is a test vector function

15 Drawbacks of Existing Polyhedral Mesh Discretizations
Mixed Finite Element (MFE) Method only tetrahedral meshes (classical variant) only distorted convex prismatic and cubic cells (variant with Piola Transformation) Finite Volume (FV) Method only convex polyhedrons very low accuracy on strongly distorted polyhedrons low accuracy for nonscalar diffusion tensor results in nonsymmetric matrices

16 Raviart-Thomas MFE Method on Tetrahedral Meshes
Basis vector functions - affine vector-function

17 Raviart-Thomas MFE Method on Tetrahedral Meshes
Then by we get the discrete equations where

18 Genuine new MFE-method on arbitrary polyhedral meshes
Let be a partitioning of E into tetrahedrons

19 Kuznetsov-Repin, 2003 To design the basis vector-functions
we solve the local diffusion problem with the Neumann-type boundary conditions by the Raviart-Thomas MFE method on the tetrahedral mesh Here, is the positive constant.

20 Polyhedral Mimetic Finite Difference (MFD) Method
Kuznetsov-Lipnikov-Shashkov: MFD-method mimics the most important properties of underlying physical and mechanical models, e.g., conservation laws, as well as geometrical and mathematical symmetries. earlier versions did not allow nonconvex and degenerated polyhedrons

21 Numerical Experiments
1/h ep ef 4 2.647e-2 1.330e-1 8 9.704e-3 4.587e-2 16 2.671e-3 1.233e-2 32 6.860e-4 3.155e-3 Convergence rate 1.767 1.808

22 Numerical Experiments
1/h1 1/h2 ep ef 7 5 1.604e-4 3.502e-3 14 10 4.078e-5 1.144e-3 28 20 1.025e-5 3.837e-4 Convergence rate 1.983 1.595

23 Advantages of the new method
Arbitrary polyhedral meshes including meshes with nonconvex and degenerating cells Non-matching polyhedral meshes including AMR ones Arbitrary diffusion tensor Major restriction For accuracy reason the interface boundaries Gkl between different polyhedral cells Ek and El should be plane or "almost plane" polygons

24 Algebraic Problem

25 Condensed System Here -SPD matrix where -cell based matrices
-assembling matrices

26 Algebraic Preconditioner
Based on multilevel coarsening


28 Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Method
Stopping criterium: # of iterations Distortion factor q=0.4 Distortion factor q=0.3 128x128 256x256 512x512 Diagonal Preconditioner 227 455 882 Multilevel Preconditioner 21 25 29 128x128 256x256 512x512 Diagonal Preconditioner 262 483 967 Multilevel Preconditioner 21 26 30 Distortion factor q=0.48 128x128 256x256 512x512 Diagonal Preconditioner 295 558 1106 Multilevel Preconditioner 21 27 30

29 Distorted 3D Mesh

30 Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Method
Stopping criterium: # of iterations Distortion factor q=0.0 Distortion factor q=0.2 16x16x16 32x32x32 Diagonal Preconditioner 78 153 Multilevel Preconditioner 27 28 16x16x16 32x32x32 Diagonal Preconditioner 108 205 Multilevel Preconditioner 28 29 Distortion factor q=0.3 16x16x16 32x32x32 Diagonal Preconditioner 130 223 Multilevel Preconditioner 29 30

31 ASC Relevant Application
LANL researchers M. Shashkov and K. Lipnikov are now working with an X-3 team (S. Runnels) to implement the 3D geometry version of the new polyhedral mesh discretization to model diffusion processes in Project B. The scheme currently existing is nonsymmetric. It is expected that the new scheme will be much more accurate, and it will cost far less to solve the underlying symmetric positive definite algebraic systems by Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient (PCG) method than the restarted GMRES method.

32 Other Applications Basin Modeling and Heat Transport in Strongly Heterogeneous Media on Highly Distorted Polyhedral Meshes (ExxonMobil Upstream Research Co.) Numerical Simulation for Nuclear Waste Deposit (INRIA, France)

33 Joint Workshops LACSI Symposium 2003
Mimetic Methods for Radiation Transport and Diffusion (Yu. Kuznetsov, J. Morel, M. Shashkov) SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational Issues in Geosciences (Austin, 2003) Discretizations and Iterative Solvers for Diffusion Problems in Strongly Heterogeneous Media (Yu. Kuznetsov, M. Shashkov) LACSI Symposium 2004 Mimetic Methods for Partial Differential Equations and Applications

34 EDUCATION ISSUES UH students on summer semesters at LANL
2001: K. Lipnikov, A. Hayrapetyan 2002: K. Lipnikov, V. Dyadechko 2003: V. Dyadechko 2004: D. Svyatskiy Ph.D. Thesis 2002: K. Lipnikov - currently a PostDoc at T7, LANL; considered for a tenure research position at LANL 2003: V. Dyadechko - currently a PostDoc at T7, LANL

35 List of Publications 1. M. Berndt, K. Lipnikov, D. Moulton, and M. Shashkov, Convergence of mimetic difference discretizations of the diffusion equations, J. Numer. Math., 9 (2001), pp 2. Yu. Kuznetsov and K. Lipnikov, Fast separable solvers for mixed finite element methods and applications, J. Numer. Math., 10 (2002), pp 3. Yu. Kuznetsov, Spectrally equivalent preconditioners for mixed hybrid discretizations of diffusion equations on distorted meshes, J. Numer. Math., 11 (2003), pp 4. Yu. Kuznetsov and S. Repin, New mixed finite element method on polygonal and polyhedral meshes, RJNAMM, 18 (2003), pp 5. Yu. Kuznetsov and S. Repin, Mixed finite element methods on polygonal and polyhedral meshes, Proc. of the 5th ENUMATH Conference, Prague, World Scientific Publ. Co., 2004. 6. Yu. Kuznetsov, K. Lipnikov, and M. Shashkov, Mimetic finite difference equations on polygonal meshes for diffusion-type equations, Comput. Geosciences, 6 (2005).

36 Current and Further Research
Adaptive Refinement for Polyhedral Meshes Parallel Algebraic Solvers Polyhedral Discretizations for Radiation Transport Equations Maxwell Equations on Polyhedral Meshes

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