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S4 Credit Exact values for Sin Cos and Tan Angles greater than 90o

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Presentation on theme: "S4 Credit Exact values for Sin Cos and Tan Angles greater than 90o"— Presentation transcript:

1 Trigonometry Graphs
S4 Credit Exact values for Sin Cos and Tan Angles greater than 90o Graphs of the form y = a sin xo Graphs of the form y = a sin bxo Solving Trig Equations Special trig relationships created by Mr. Lafferty

2 Created by Mr Lafferty Maths Dept
Starter Questions S4 Credit 28-May-18 Created by Mr Lafferty Maths Dept

3 Created by Mr Lafferty Maths Dept
Exact Values S4 Credit Learning Intention Success Criteria To build on basic trigonometry values. Recognise basic triangles and exact values for sin, cos and tan 30o, 45o, 60o . Calculate exact values for problems. 28-May-18 Created by Mr Lafferty Maths Dept

4 This triangle will provide exact values for
S4 Credit Some special values of Sin, Cos and Tan are useful left as fractions, We call these exact values 60º 2 2 60º 30º 3 1 This triangle will provide exact values for sin, cos and tan 30º and 60º

5 Exact Values ½  ½ 1 1 x 0º 30º 45º 60º 90º 3
S4 Credit x 30º 45º 60º 90º Sin xº Cos xº Tan xº 3 2 1 3 2 1 3

6 Exact Values 45º 2 1 1 45º 1 1
S4 Credit Consider the square with sides 1 unit 45º 2 1 1 45º 1 1 We are now in a position to calculate exact values for sin, cos and tan of 45o

7 Exact Values ½  ½ 1 1 1 x 0º 30º 45º 60º 90º 1 2
S5 Int2 x 30º 45º 60º 90º Sin xº Cos xº Tan xº 3 2 1 2 1 3 2 1 2 1 1 3

8 Created by Mr Lafferty Maths Dept
Exact Values S5 Int2 Now try Ex 2.1 Ch11 (page 220) 28-May-18 Created by Mr Lafferty Maths Dept

9 Created by Mr Lafferty Maths Dept
Starter Questions S4 credit 28-May-18 Created by Mr Lafferty Maths Dept

10 Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.
Angles Greater than 90o S4 credit Learning Intention Success Criteria Introduce definition of sine, cosine and tangent over 360o using triangles with the unity circle. Find values of sine, cosine and tangent over the range 0o to 360o. 2. Recognise the symmetry and equal values for sine, cosine and tangent. 28-May-18 Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

11 Angles Greater than 90o r r y x
5/28/2018 x y r Angles Greater than 90o S4 credit We will now use a new definition to cater for ALL angles. New Definitions y-axis y x P(x,y) r We start by find the equation of a circle centre the origin. First draw set axises x,y and then label the origin O. Next we plot a point P say, which as coordinates x,y. Next draw a line from the origin O to the point P and label length of this line r. If we now rotate the point P through 360 degrees keep the Origin fixed we trace out a circle with radius r and centre O. Remembering Pythagoras’s Theorem from Standard grade a square plus b squared equal c squares we can now write down the equal of any circle with centre the origin. Ao O x-axis 28-May-18

12 Trigonometry 53o Angles over 900
S4 credit Example The radius line is 2cm. The point (1.2, 1.6). Find sin cos and tan for the angle. (1.2, 1.6) Check answer with calculator 53o 28-May-18 Created by Mr Lafferty Maths Dept

13 Trigonometry 127o Angles over 900 Example 1
S4 credit Check answer with calculator The radius line is 2cm. The point (-1.8, 0.8). Find sin cos and tan for the angle. (-1.8, 0.8) 127o 28-May-18 Created by Mr Lafferty Maths Dept

14 Created by Mr Lafferty Maths Dept
Summary of results Trigonometry All Quadrants Example S4 credit Calculate the ration for sin cos and tan for the angle values below. 90o 30o 210o 45o 225o Sin +ve All +ve 60o 240o 180o - xo xo 120o 300o 180o 0o 135o 315o 180o + xo 360o - xo 150o 330o Tan +ve Cos +ve Sin x Cos x Tan x 28-May-18 Created by Mr Lafferty Maths Dept 270o

15 What Goes In The Box ?
S4 credit Write down the equivalent values of the following in term of the first quadrant (between 0o and 90o): Sin 135o Cos 150o Tan 135o Sin 225o Cos 270o Sin 300o Cos 360o Tan 330o Sin 380o Cos 460o sin 45o - sin 60o -cos 45o cos 0o -tan 45o - tan 30o -sin 45o sin 20o -cos 90o - cos 80o

16 Now try MIA Ch11 Ex3.1 Ch11 (page 222)
Trigonometry Angles over 900 S4 credit Now try MIA Ch11 Ex3.1 Ch11 (page 222) 28-May-18 Created by Mr Lafferty Maths Dept

17 Starter S4 Credit created by Mr. Lafferty

18 Sine Graph Learning Intention Success Criteria
S4 Credit Learning Intention Success Criteria To investigate graphs of the form y = a sin xo y = a cos xo y = tan xo Identify the key points for various graphs. created by Mr. Lafferty

19 Sine Graph Key Features
Zeros at 0, 180o and 360o Max value at x = 90o S4 Credit Minimum value at x = 270o Key Features Domain is 0 to 360o (repeats itself every 360o) Maximum value of 1 Minimum value of -1 created by Mr. Lafferty

20 Sine Graph 3 2 1 -1 -2 -3 y = sinxo y = 2sinxo
What effect does the number at the front have on the graphs ? y = sinxo y = 2sinxo y = 3sinxo y = 0.5sinxo y = -sinxo Sine Graph S4 Credit 3 2 1 90o 180o 270o 360o -1 What effect does the negative sign have on the graphs ? -2 -3 created by Mr. Lafferty

21 Sine Graph y = a sin (x)
S4 Credit y = a sin (x) For a > 1 stretches graph in the y-axis direction For a < 1 compresses graph in the y - axis direction For a - negative flips graph in the x – axis. created by Mr. Lafferty

22 Sine Graph 6 4 2 -2 -4 -6 y = 5sinxo y = 4sinxo
S4 Credit 6 4 2 90o 180o 270o 360o -2 -4 -6 created by Mr. Lafferty

23 Cosine Graphs Key Features
Zeros at 0, 90o and 270o Max value at x = 0o and 360o S4 Credit Minimum value at x = 180o Key Features Domain is 0 to 360o (repeats itself every 360o) Maximum value of 1 Minimum value of -1 created by Mr. Lafferty

24 What effect does the number at the front have on the graphs ?
y = cosxo y = 2cosxo y = 3cosxo y = 0.5cosxo y = -cosxo Cosine S4 Credit 3 2 1 90o 180o 270o 360o -1 -2 -3 created by Mr. Lafferty

25 Cosine Graph 6 4 2 -2 -4 -6 y = 2cosxo
S4 Credit 6 4 2 90o 180o 270o 360o -2 -4 -6 created by Mr. Lafferty

26 Tangent Graphs Key Features Zeros at 0 and 180o
S4 Credit Key Features Domain is 0 to 180o (repeats itself every 180o) created by Mr. Lafferty

27 Tangent Graphs S4 Credit created by Mr. Lafferty

28 Tangent Graph y = a tan (x)
S4 Credit y = a tan (x) For a > 1 stretches graph in the y-axis direction For a < 1 compresses graph in the y - axis direction For a - negative flips graph in the x – axis. created by Mr. Lafferty

29 Period of a Function y = sin bx
S4 Credit When a pattern repeats itself over and over, it is said to be periodic. Sine function has a period of 360o Let’s investigate the function y = sin bx created by Mr. Lafferty

30 What effect does the number in front of x have on the graphs ?
y = sinxo y = sin2xo y = sin4xo y = sin0.5xo Sine Graph S4 Credit 3 2 1 90o 180o 270o 360o -1 -2 -3 created by Mr. Lafferty

31 Trigonometry Graphs y = a sin (bx)
S4 Credit y = a sin (bx) How many times it repeats itself in 360o For a > 1 stretches graph in the y-axis direction For a < 1 compresses graph in the y - axis direction For a - negative flips graph in the x – axis. created by Mr. Lafferty

32 Cosine 3 2 1 -1 -2 -3 y = cosxo y = cos2xo
S4 Credit 3 2 1 90o 180o 270o 360o -1 -2 -3 created by Mr. Lafferty

33 Trigonometry Graphs y = a cos (bx)
S4 Credit y = a cos (bx) How many times it repeats itself in 360o For a > 1 stretches graph in the y-axis direction For a < 1 compresses graph in the y - axis direction For a - negative flips graph in the x – axis. created by Mr. Lafferty

34 Trigonometry Graphs y = a tan (bx)
S4 Credit y = a tan (bx) How many times it repeats itself in 180o For a > 1 stretches graph in the y-axis direction For a < 1 compresses graph in the y - axis direction For a - negative flips graph in the x – axis. created by Mr. Lafferty

35 Write down the equations for the graphs shown ?
y = 0.5sin2xo y = 2sin4xo y = -3sin0.5xo Trig Graph Combinations S4 Credit 3 2 1 90o 180o 270o 360o -1 -2 -3 created by Mr. Lafferty

36 Write down equations for the graphs shown?
y = 1.5cos2xo y = -2cos2xo y = 0.5cos4xo Cosine Combinations S4 Credit 3 2 1 90o 180o 270o 360o -1 -2 -3 created by Mr. Lafferty

37 Combination Graphs Now Try MIA Ch11 Ex 5.1 Page 227
S4 Credit Now Try MIA Ch11 Ex 5.1 Page 227 created by Mr. Lafferty

38 Sine Graph Simply move graph up by 1 1 -1 45o
S4 Credit 1 45o 90o 180o 270o 360o Given the basic y = sin x graph what does the graph of y = sin x +1 look like? -1 created by Mr. Lafferty

39 Cosine Graph Simply move down by 0.5 1 -1
Given the y = cos x graph. What does the graph of y = cos x – 0.5 look like? Cosine Graph Simply move down by 0.5 S4 Credit 1 90o 160o 180o 270o 360o -1 created by Mr. Lafferty

40 Write down equations for graphs shown ?
y = 0.5sin2xo + 1 y = 2sin4xo- 1 Trig Graph Combinations S4 Credit 3 2 1 90o 180o 270o 360o -1 -2 -3 created by Mr. Lafferty

41 Write down equations for the graphs shown?
Cosine y = cos2xo + 1 y = -2cos2xo - 1 Combinations S4 Credit 3 2 1 90o 180o 270o 360o -1 -2 -3 created by Mr. Lafferty

42 Combination Graphs Now try MIA Ch11 Ex 5.2 Page 227
S4 Credit Now try MIA Ch11 Ex 5.2 Page 227 created by Mr. Lafferty

43 Starter S4 Credit created by Mr. Lafferty

44 Solving Trig Equations
S4 Credit Learning Intention Success Criteria To explain how to solve trig equations of the form a sin xo + 1 = 0 Use the rule for solving any ‘ normal ‘ equation Realise that there are many solutions to trig equations depending on domain. created by Mr. Lafferty

45 Solving Trig Equations
S4 Credit 1 2 3 4 Sin +ve All +ve 180o - xo 180o + xo 360o - xo Tan +ve Cos +ve created by Mr. Lafferty

46 Solving Trig Equations
Graphically what are we trying to solve a sin xo + b = 0 S4 Credit Example 1 : Solving the equation sin xo = 0.5 in the range 0o to 360o sin xo = (0.5) 1 2 3 4 xo = sin-1(0.5) xo = 30o There is another solution xo = 150o (180o – 30o = 150o) created by Mr. Lafferty

47 Solving Trig Equations
Graphically what are we trying to solve a sin xo + b = 0 S4 Credit Example 1 : Solving the equation 3sin xo + 1= 0 in the range 0o to 360o 1 2 3 4 sin xo = -1/3 Calculate first Quad value xo = 19.5o x = 180o o = 199.5o There is another solution ( 360o o = 340.5o) created by Mr. Lafferty

48 Solving Trig Equations
Graphically what are we trying to solve a cos xo + b = 0 S4 Credit Example 1 : Solving the equation cos xo = in the range 0o to 360o 1 2 3 4 cos xo = 0.625 xo = cos xo = 51.3o There is another solution (360o o = 308.7o) created by Mr. Lafferty

49 Solving Trig Equations
Graphically what are we trying to solve a tan xo + b = 0 S4 Credit Example 1 : Solving the equation tan xo = 2 in the range 0o to 360o 1 2 3 4 tan xo = 2 xo = tan -1(2) xo = 63.4o There is another solution x = 180o o = 243.4o created by Mr. Lafferty

50 Solving Trig Equations
S4 Credit Now try MIA Ch11 Ex6.1, 6.2 and 7.1 (page 236) created by Mr. Lafferty

51 Starter S4 Credit created by Mr. Lafferty

52 Solving Trig Equations
S4 Credit Learning Intention Success Criteria To explain some special trig relationships sin 2 xo + cos 2 xo = ? and tan xo and sin x cos x Know and learn the two special trig relationships. Apply them to solve problems. created by Mr. Lafferty

53 Solving Trig Equations
S4 Credit Lets investigate sin 2xo + cos 2 xo = ? Calculate value for x = 10, 20, 50, 250 sin 2xo + cos 2 xo = 1 Learn ! created by Mr. Lafferty

54 Solving Trig Equations
S4 Credit Lets investigate sin xo cos xo tan xo and Calculate value for x = 10, 20, 50, 250 sin xo cos xo tan xo = Learn ! created by Mr. Lafferty

55 Solving Trig Equations
S4 Credit Now try MIA Ex8.1 Ch11 (page 238) created by Mr. Lafferty

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