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2 At the end of this unit, participants will be able to:
Learning Outcomes At the end of this unit, participants will be able to: Understand the importance of motivating students without praising. Use new ways of praising students that go beyond “good job”

3 What are the most effective forms of praise in the classroom?
Essential Question What are the most effective forms of praise in the classroom?

4 If you think praise tends to be motivating, why do you think that?
Quick Write To what extent does praise motivate kids to do their best? In what situations? What’s your evidence? If you think praise tends to be motivating, why do you think that? What kinds of praise do you think are most motivating? What kinds of praise do you think tend to be ineffective or may actually be de-motivating over time?

5 If you think praise tends to be motivating, why do you think that?
Discussion To what extent does praise motivate kids to do their best? In what situations? What’s your evidence? If you think praise tends to be motivating, why do you think that? What kinds of praise do you think are most motivating? What kinds of praise do you think tend to be ineffective or may actually be de-motivating over time?

6 Fill out the graphic organizer as you read.
Four A’s Protocol Fill out the graphic organizer as you read. This document will help guide a post-reading discussion. After discussion, your objective is to come up with two (and only two) items per “A” that everyone in the group believes merit larger discussion with your colleagues in the room. Record on chart paper.

7 Mark statements that you agree with (one color) sticky.
Gallery Walk As you circulate quietly, use the three colors of post-its to share your thoughts:  Mark statements that you agree with (one color) sticky. Mark statements that you question with (a second color) sticky. Mark statements that you disagree with (a third color) sticky.

8 Read your scenario aloud to the group.
Scenarios Read your scenario aloud to the group. As a group, develop a response that reflects the research we have read so far. Role play response for the wider group.

9 Post-Scenario Discussion
How did trying on the research feel? Do you think these approaches would work in the classroom?

10 Try this approach over the next week and observe student reactions.
Closure Think of a recent scenario or a common situation in your classes that would warrant praise. Using what we discussed in the last hour, think of a way you could transform your language to praise the student or students in a different manner. Try this approach over the next week and observe student reactions. Be prepared to share your observations at the next workshop.


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