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Comprehensive Annual Financial Report For Year Ended December 31, 2015

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Presentation on theme: "Comprehensive Annual Financial Report For Year Ended December 31, 2015"— Presentation transcript:

1 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report For Year Ended December 31, 2015

2 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR)
There are three sections to the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) plus the Single Audit CAFR Sections Introductory: Letter of Transmittal Elected officials County’s organization chart Financial: Auditor’s opinion Management’s Discussion and Analysis Financial Statements and accompanying notes Supplementary information Statistical: Fiscal, historical and demographic information Single Audit: Auditor’s report on internal controls Auditor’s report on compliance Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards

3 Government Wide Statement of Net Position
Governmental Percentage Activities Inc/(Dec) 2015 2014 over 2014 Assets 231,538,549 229,281,453 1.0% Liabilities 32,987,773 32,031,291 3.0% Net Position 198,550,776 197,250,162 0.7%

4 Government Wide Statement of Net Position
County’s assets exceeded its liabilities and deferred inflows by $198,550,776 (net position). The increase in total net position over 2014 is $1.3 million or .7%.

5 Government Wide Statement of Activities

6 Government Wide Net Costs of Services
Function Total Cost of Services % of Total Costs Net Cost of Services % Paid By Taxpayers General Govt $ 12,919,783 23.6% $ 6,131,453 47.5% Public Safety 17,381,499 31.7% 14,523,433 83.6% Public Works 11,878,828 21.7% 7,864,127 66.2% Health & Welfare 7,701,357 14.1% 2,129,293 27.6% Recreation & Culture 2,960,931 5.4% 100.0% Community Programs 1,931,976 3.5% 1,633,542 84.6% $ 54,774,374 $ 35,242,779

7 2015 La Plata County Funds

8 Budget to Actual by Functions in Governmental Funds
Governmental Funds include the General Fund, Road & Bridge Fund, and Dept. of Human Services Fund.

9 Fiscal Health Analysis
The following fiscal health analysis ratios were developed by the Local Government Audit Division of the Office of the State Auditor (OSA) for Colorado Counties and Municipalities. Financial indicators within these ratios can provide information to assist the County in identifying areas to focus for further examination and, if needed, action by the appropriate parties.

10 Questions ? More Information
The 2015 CAFR will be posted not later than June 30th on the County’s Website at: finance/documents/2015_cafr_for_web.pdf Questions ?

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