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1 Wetlands

2 Wetlands Wetlands occur when the water level is close to ground level and can mostly be found around lakes, ponds, or on oceans Wetlands – area with wet soil with plants that are adapted for it Upland – land around wetlands

3 Classification Classified by type of vegetation
By type of water, salt or fresh The most common system, “Circular 39”, puts wetlands into 8 categories

4 Type 1 (Temporary Flooded Wetlands)
Shallow depressions or floodplains Contain water for a short time in spring or after heavy rain Form when rivers flood or with melting snow Dry up very fast

5 Type 1 (continued) Vegetation – nut-grass, smart weed, hardwoods, stinging nettle Reptiles/Amphibians – turtles, small frogs, garter snake Mammals – shrew, mink, beaver, bats, raccoon Birds – killdeer, mallard, geese, kingfisher, woodpeckers, warblers

6 Type 1 (values) Holding water during floods
Slow water down to let soils fall to bottom Clean out water pollute and recharge aquifers Migrating birds use them for pit stops

7 Type 2 (Wet Meadows and Fens)
No standing water but waterlogged within inches of surface Open, treeless, grassy areas Fens have fewer nutrients in soil Fens are peat based

8 Type 2 (continued) Vegetation – sedge, bulrush, milkweed, asters, bladderwort Reptiles/Amphibians – garter snake, turtles, frogs, salamanders Mammals – shrew, moose, wolf, fox, raccoon, weasel, skunk, coyote Birds – Forster’s tern, sparrows, snipe, owl, birds of prey, shorebirds

9 Type 2 (values) Support rare vegetation and wildlife
Slows down floodwaters Lock up nutrients and sediments to control pollution Enrich soil for good growing seasons Prevent carbon dioxide from going into the atmosphere

10 Type 3,4,5 (Marshes) Range from depressions that go completely dry to ponds with open water Mix of open water and standing vegetation Differ from other wetlands by having deep water and no hard wood plants, like swamps

11 Type 3,4,5 (continued) Vegetation – cattail, bulrush, smartweed, wild rice, coontail, water lily Reptiles/Amphibians – garter snake, turtles, mudpuppy, water snake Mammals – shrew, mink, muskrat, otter Birds – blackbirds, eagle, pheasant, heron, wren, pelican, osprey, gull Fish – panfish, bass, minnows, northern pike

12 Type 3,4,5 (values) Abundant vegetation form foundation of food chains
Soak up phosphorus that could cause algae blooms Allows sediments in water to settle Slow down flood water Recreational use

13 Type 6 and 7 (Swamps) Dominated by shrubs and trees, not the soft stemmed plants of other wetlands Two types of swamps, shrub swamps and forested swamps Shrub swamps have less than 30% shrub coverage Forested swamps have more than 30% shrub and tree coverage

14 Type 6 and 7 (continued) Vegetation – alder, dogwood, willow, birch, black ash, maple, fir, cedar, spruce Reptiles/Amphibians – salamander, newt, frog, toad, peeper Mammals – shrew, hare, deer, bobcat, moose, lynx, raccoon, squirrel Birds – cuckoo, owl, kingbird, grouse, snipe, heron, woodpeckers, osprey

15 Type 6 and 7 (values) Protect and preserve over one hundred different plant species Help prevent carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere

16 Type 8 (Bogs) Very waterlogged soil that supports a spongy covering of mosses Form on peat that builds up above the water table Receive all water from rain and snow, no rivers or streams or flowing water Dead matter takes a very very long time to decay in bogs

17 Type 8 (continued) Vegetation – sphagnum moss, spruce, leatherleaf, rosemary, cranberry, lady’s slipper, pitcher plant Reptiles/Amphibians – frog, turtle, toad, salamander Mammals – shrew, vole, moose, hare, lynx, black bear, deer Birds – wren, swallow, hawk, grouse, owl, raven

18 Type 8 (values) Uncommon animals and plants live here
Plant types here are adapted for acidic soil and can’t live any where else Do the best job of locking up carbon dioxide

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