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Welcome to Open House! Please sign the Sign in Sheet by the door

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Open House! Please sign the Sign in Sheet by the door"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Open House! Please sign the Sign in Sheet by the door
Pick up an information pack as well as a paper to write a note to your child for them to read tomorrow from the front table! Your students have filled out Mystery Student worksheets that are in front of their seats! Please look around the room and see if you can guess which one belongs to your child! Look around the room, we will begin the presentation at 5:50

2 Welcome to the Mindful Monsters’ classroom!
Overview for this evening: A little bit about Miss Orr Our classroom website Schedule and Specials Classroom Expectations and CHOMPing Behavior Management The Common Core Daily 5 Big Universe

3 A little bit about me… I am from Greensboro, North Carolina
I am a graduate of Appalachian State University! GO ‘NEERS! I coach Girls On The Run here at Sycamore Creek. (This will be my 2nd season) I love coffee, reading, being outside, and getting away to the beach as often as possible!

4 Our classroom website!
The classroom website will house: Our newsletter Important upcoming dates Volunteering opportunities Class schedule (varies depending on our room at the time) Photos of things going on in our room Supplies and donations that would be appreciated

5 Classroom Expectations
CHOMPing in the classroom as well as… 3. Only one person speaks at a time! 4. Always do YOUR best and fill each other’s buckets! 1. Sit quietly and listen with your WHOLE body! 5. Respect each other and each other’s things! 2. Always raise your hand!  What is bucket filling?

6 Behavior Management CHOMP cards and how they work
Fun Friday (80%) and trips to the Prize Box (90%) based on CHOMP card percentages Behavior Management in Specials Behavior Contracts Consistent reinforcement of positive behaviors JUST DANCE DISMISSAL!

7 Homework Policy 20 minutes of Reading each night
1 written response per week in their RAH RAH folders Math homework will be assigned most nights, but not every night Math homework should not take more than 20 minutes for your student to complete. If it does, please stop them and note this on their paper when it is returned to school. If students do not bring homework the day it is due they will receive a “P” below the line on their chomp card. If they bring it they next day, they can erase the “P”. Students who do have their homework when it is due will get a “P” above the line!

8 What is CHOMPing?... C- Cooperative H- Honest O- On Task M- Mindful
P- Prepared Students have posters around the school reinforcing what chomping looks like in each area

9 (The above link is attached to your handout)
The Common Core (The above link is attached to your handout)

10 The Daily Café A new research based literacy framework based on The Daily Five and The Café.

11 Research based….


13 What is The Café? CAFÉ is an acronym that stands for Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency, and Expanding vocabulary. The system includes goal-setting with students in individual conferences, posting of goals on a whole-class board, developing small group instruction based on clusters of students with similar goals, and targeting whole-class instruction based on emerging student needs and fine tuning one on one conferring.

14 What sets the Daily Café apart?
For Teachers….. Deliver 3-5 whole group lessons each day Teach 3-4 small groups of children each day Confer with 9-12 individual students each day Hold all students accountable for eyes-on-text For Students….. Engaged in the act of reading and writing for extended amounts of time Receive focused instruction on building and maintaining independence Receive tailored instruction through whole group, small group, and/or individual conferring, by their skilled classroom teacher, each day

15 The results are in… The Daily Café provides a comprehensive literacy structure that fosters independent literacy behaviors among children while engaging them in meaningful activities. This allows YOU time to meet one on one and in small groups to do concentrated learning. The DAILY 5 is a student-driven structure that is designed to fully engage students in reading and writing!! This allows teachers to “work smarter- not harder”!

16 Questions? If you have any remaining questions please write them on the sticky notes at your table I will answer them in a Q&A portion in our weekly newsletter!

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