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Thank you for coming this evening.

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Presentation on theme: "Thank you for coming this evening."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thank you for coming this evening.
To open house! Thank you for coming this evening. Conferences may be scheduled: Mornings 6:45-7:15 Afternoons 2:45-3:30

2 All about Mrs. Lopez!

3 Sope Creek foundation annual report
The report details the Foundation’s mission, how money is raised, and how support of the Foundation makes a difference for the students and teachers. The Foundation will be holding the Check it off Champaign between Winter Break and Spring Break, with a large kick off night on March 8th, Sope Creek STEAM Night.

4 Did you know that daily attendance can affect our CCRPI score?
CCRPI (College and Career Ready Performance Index) is the “grade” our school is given. Sope Creek’s CCRPI score is 95.6 Many factors are included in the CCRPI score. Attendance is one of those factors that can affect our score. When a student is absent for more than 5 days (excused or unexcused) it affects our CCRPI score. Our CCRPI score will go down with many absences We want to keep our AMAZING score! Please make sure your child comes to school!

5 Learn About Our Class The teacher’s role: Facilitate learning
Set expectations for small group rotations and whole group learning Guided Reading/Guided Math groups Teach independence Foster creativity The student’s role: Come prepared and on time daily Create a community of helpers Become independent thinkers/workers Ask questions to clarify understanding Be responsible for self and materials

6 Our Class Schedule: 7:15-7:50 Morning Work
7:50-8: Morning News/Town Hall 1:24-1: Pack Up 8:10-9: Number Talks/Guided Math 1:35-1: Recess 9:00-9: Snack and Track 2:00-2:10 Read Aloud 9:15-10:15 Guided Reading 2: Dismissal 10:15-11:00 Writer’s Workshop 11:00-11:45 Specials (1-STEM, 2-PE, 3 ART, 4-PE, 5-MUSIC, 6-PE, 7-STEM, 8-PE) 11:45-11:54 Restroom Break 11:54-12:24 Lunch 12:24-1: Science/S.S./Health

7 Students’ Morning Responsibilities …
Turn in student binder Notify teacher of transportation changes All payments not received by 8:30 a.m. are not posted until the next business day. *Please remember, teachers are not allowed to handle money Morning Work

8 Life Skills Caring Perseverance Trustworthiness Integrity
Truthfulness Common Sense Active Listening Flexibility Personal Best Resourcefulness No Put Downs Effort Organization Patience Friendship Problem Solving Curiosity Initiative Cooperation Sense Of Humor Responsibility Courage

9 Reading Curriculum We use Benchmark Literacy for guided reading
Spiral Up Phonics- Word Work / Spelling Daily 5- Read to someone, listen to reading, read to self, word work, and work on writing Reading: Assessed using Scholastic Reading Inventory (RI) to obtain reading level as well as the DRA (Diagnostic Reading Assessment) DRA On Level for each quarter is: 1st nine weeks: 16 to 18 2nd nine weeks: 20 3rd nine weeks: 24 4th nine weeks: 28

10 Reading and Writing Reading and Writing will be based on the Guided Reading. This is differentiated by skill and level. There will be a daily lessons, group and independent practice. Rotations include: Teacher time, (Reading Groups) Writing Time Moby Max Reading Independent Reading Word Work or Subject Specific Work . Students will select “just right books’ and challenge books for their independent reading and at home reading. 2nd grade curriculum recommends 300 minutes a month or 15 minutes daily 5 days a week. Students should be read with a parent or an adult several times a week, this increases vocabulary recognition and comprehension

11 We will use Number Talks.
Math Curriculum We will use Number Talks. Main Topics in Math: Addition and subtraction within 100 using multiple strategies Count, read, and write numbers within 1000 Understand 3-digit numbers and their place value Compare 3-digit numbers Mentally add or subtract by 10’s or 100’s Explain strategies and how they work Measurement Estimate Time to the nearest 5 minutes Word problems

12 Math-The Basics Friendly numbers - Vocabulary: Decompose Numbers
Making Ten, Doubles, Mental Math Number Talks

13 Math Number line Strategy Place Value Strategy
Add and subtract with in 100 mentally using place value 27 +34 20 +30= = is same as 7+3+1 7+4= or 7+3=10+1= 11 = 61 Vocabulary: Counting Up, Counting Back (Visualization), Friendly Numbers, Decomposing Numbers

14 Writing Simple sentences grow into compound sentences (expanded sentences). Use of descriptive and transition words (next, later, finally, etc) take your child’s writing to the next level. Stages of writing: Drafting, Self Editing, Peer Editing, and Publishing Writes in narrative, informational, and opinion genres (letter writing emphasis as well)

15 Science and S.S. Topics . Social Studies Science
Rivers and Regions of GA Creek and Cherokees Historical People of GA Government rules and laws Government Leaders Citizenship Traits Economics- scarcity, goods and services, trade, spending and saving Science Matter Seasonal Changes Life Cycles Energy Pushes and Pulls Stars and Moon Phases Environmental Changes

16 The Standards Based Report Card…
The standards based report card will use the following system to report progress: 3+ consistently above standard 3 A-B learning and doing great 2 B-D maybe getting it but inconsistently, May need more time to master May be struggling and could be something to watch 1 Not making the expected progress – we need to meet **Progress reports will be distributed during Conference Week October 16-20th

17 Classwork Most classroom work is not graded, but checked for progress.
Grades will be given for report cards based on assessments after concepts are taught and multiple classroom work has been given to students for practice. You will receive your child’s work on Fridays, so that you can check their progress. If I ever have a concern about your child’s progress you will be notified before report cards are sent home.

18 ALL homework is given on Mondays on the homework sheet.
It’s appropriate to ask your child to redo an assignment or make corrections. Math Reading for 20 minutes each night Spelling

19 Soaring Eagle Expectations
High expectations 2, Tell the truth 3. Time on task 4. Listen and follow directions quickly 5. Use time wisely (Students always have an “Early Finisher’s Activity” 6. Respect for people and property: Raise your hand to speak during lessons, respect yourself, others, and property 7. Make smart choices and do their BEST Students should be able to sit and listen to a story or lesson for at least 15 minutes without disrupting others.

20 How can you help your child?
Assist your child with his or her homework. Review the work in your child’s binder . Read each night for 20 minutes- Log it Ask questions while reading and after: Who, What, When, Where, and Why?

21 Birthday celebrations
Snack Time… Please provide a daily healthy snack for your child. Water is permitted in a leak proof container. Birthday celebrations You may send in a treat for that day. All items should be precut or individual servings for easy service. Please send in paper plates and napkins if the snack requited them.

22 Transportation All transportation changes require a written note.
Students are never tardy if they ride the bus. Checking Out: Requests for checking out must be before 1:45. ASP: ASP requires a 24 hour waiting period from the time of request.

23 Volunteers Story Parent – 8:30-9:00 Fridays – I will provide the book-usually an on-going chapter book. Special Snack Fridays –this is a rotation – parents can sign up to send in treats once a week. The students love fruit, fruit and cheese kabobs, and of course sweets! General Announcements: 21 students in class Our Room parent is Hallie Sapre

24 Important Information
Lunches- you can pay online or send money (must be paid in the morning) Library- your student can checkout 5 books and we will try to go once a week. Parent/Teacher Conferences will be in October th Boosterthon is coming!------August 23th at 9:30

25 Parent Volunteer Sub Training
You will be provided with a schedule and plans for the timeframe. It will overlap either specials or lunch time. You do not need to introduce new material or assign grades. Please maintain student confidentiality. Your responsibilities: Keep the students safe. Do not take them outside. Only release students when called from the front office. You are a mandated reporter. If you see any signs of abuse, please tell the teacher. Support if there are disruptive students and call the office if you need help. (Ext. 037) Emergency folder by the door. Check for allergies in the classroom. Possibly get pulled for another classroom if there isn’t coverage. Please sign the sheet to say you are trained.

26 Solar eclipse August 21st
Cobb County School District has extended the school day by 45 minutes on August 21st. Only 3-5 students will only be permitted to go outside to observe the eclipse if they have written permission from a parent. K-2 students will watch a live broadcast of the eclipse from NASA. We will follow regular dismissal procedures. Students will not be dismissed from the front office after 1:45 pm. Dismissal will begin at 3:05.

27 Field trips In-School Fire Safety- August 17th
Fire Safety Village- August 24th

28 Counselor Classroom Assignments
Jennifer Frederick: st Grade 2nd Grade 5th Grade (Bentley, Paden, Rabil, Wyckoff) Lisa Hunt: K 4th Grade 5th Grade (Carter, Elliott/Cassan, Rowlett/Brown, Weatherby) Claire Murphy: rd Grade Special Education

29 Contacts Text: ClassDojo Blog: Clinic: Notes: Student Notebooks

30 You are the key to your child’s educational success.
Thanks for joining us !! You are the key to your child’s educational success.

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