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DG: Mr. T.E MOTUMI 18 February 2015
Together We Move South Africa Forward
Presentation outline The Mandate of the Department DMV Approved Budget Programme Structure DMV Overall 2nd Quarterly Performance Analysis DMV contribution to the NDP, MTSF outcomes and EA priorities Performance against set targets Per Programme Programme 1: Administration Programme 2: Socio-Economic Support (SES) Programme 3: Empowerment and Stakeholder Management (ESM) Overview of Performance on Human Resource Targets and Compliance Performance on Financial Information Conclusion Together We Move South Africa Forward
The Mandate of the Department
Legislative mandate derived from the Military Veterans Act 18 of 2011: To provide national policy and standards on socio-economic support to military veterans and their dependants, including benefits and entitlements to help realise a dignified, unified, empowered and self-sufficient community of military veterans Together We Move South Africa Forward
DMV Approved Budget Programme Structure
Sub-Programmes Administration Management Corporate Services Financial Administration Internal Audit Strategic Planning, Policy Development, Monitoring and Evaluation Office Accommodation Socio-Economic Support Database and Benefits management Health-care and Well being services Socio-Economic Support Management Empowerment and Stakeholder Management Provincial Offices and Stakeholder Relations Empowerment and Skills Development Heritage, Memorials, Burials and Honours Together We Move South Africa Forward
DMV Overall Second Quarterly Performance Analysis
The Department committed itself to 21 performance indicators over the quarter under review. Of the 21 targeted performance indicators which the department reported on, 14 targets were achieved which constitute to 67 % overall achievement of the targeted performance compared to the performance commitments set for the second quarter. As at 30 September 2014 the department spent 17% of its budget which constitute to R88 million with the variance of 20% (R163 million). Underneath is the comparative analysis of the non-financial performance per programme during the 2nd Quarter of the 2014/15 financial year. Departmental Performance = No. of targets achieved x Total no of targets = x 100 21 = % DMV recorded 67% performance during the Quarter under review.
Performance Indicator as per APP Target for 2014 as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) 1st Quarter Target as per APP 1st Quarter Actual output - validated 2nd Quarter Target as per APP 2nd Quarter Actual output - validated 3rd Quarter Target as per APP 4th Quarter Target as per APP Major Variance Initiatives/mitigation strategies (provide initiative to address the variance in a bullet form) Overall progress of indicator (Green, Amber or Red) Total number of deserving military veterans with access to health-care services per year 7 000 4 000 4 690 5 000 6 064 6 000 +1 064 Target was exceeded due to an increase in the demand as well as the drive to promote a culture of annual medical checks in the military veterans sector Number of deserving military veterans with decent housing per year 1 000 200 0 300 200 In principle cooperation agreements with the two provinces are yet to be translated into MoUs is in progress Number of deserving military veterans to access training and skills development per year 2 500 500 306 1100 1000 +600 Development of a service provider database to increase the access base for provision of effective Programmes for military veterans Number of military veteran memorial sites erected per year 2 1 Nil. - There was no target planned for the 2nd quarter. Total number of private sector companies and organs of State in partnership with the Department of Military Veterans 10 5 23 +13 The advent of physical offices in provinces will enhance service delivery in this regard Together We Move South Africa Forward
DMV CONTRIBUTION TO THE NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN, MEDIUM-TERM STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK (MTSF) OUTCOMES AND EXECUTIVE AUTHORITY’S PRIORITIES (1) DMV Contribution linked to Executive Authority’s Priorities Progress to date Ensuring a fully functional Department of Military Veterans with an independent vote, systems and processes Submitted the Draft 2013/14 DMV AR to AGSA. Development and submission of Q4 report to ODG for ADG’s approval so that it can be submitted to NT, DPME and AG. Reporting Guidelines, Templates and Instruction were developed and submitted for approval. Draft Monitoring Guidelines and SOP for Performance Information were developed. The section 14 Manual has been updated and edited. Translation into Afrikaans, Sotho and Setswana languages have been finalised. Further translation in all other South African languages in progress Section 32 Report sent to the ADG for signature. The files for the Appeal Board and Advisory Council Nominations have been sent to the DG for recommendation and later to the Minister for appointment. The submission for gazetting section 15 documents that are automatically available sent for Minister’s approval. Agenda point has been drafted for the Chief Information Officer’s signature to the all secretariats of the relevant Management Meetings. Payment of the outstanding rental for the DMV building. Attended a meeting regarding long-term infrastructure and capital planning at the Department of Public Works to discuss the participation of the DMV in the UAMP process. Provision of immediate social relief of distress to the most vulnerable of the military veterans: In acknowledging the reality that there are destitute military veterans, there is a need to identify those that reside within this category and devise interventions to deliver immediate relief. The financial year will endeavour to provide the deserving members with hope. 693 military veterans have since been enabled to access social relief of distress in the 1st quarter of 2014/15 through the DSD’s SASSA programme for such support.
DMV Contribution linked to Executive Authority’s Priorities
DMV CONTRIBUTION TO THE NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN, MEDIUM-TERM STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK (MTSF) OUTCOMES AND EXECUTIVE AUTHORITY’S PRIORITIES (2) DMV Contribution linked to Executive Authority’s Priorities Progress to date To provide, subject to availability of resources, comprehensive support services to military veterans and, where applicable, to their dependants, but not limited to: Acquiring a Healthcare and Wellness Centre Access to health support Honouring and memorialising military veterans Education, training and skills development Facilitation of employment placement Facilitation of or advice on business opportunities Healthcare: 4 690 military veterans were provided with healthcare support. Honouring and memorialisation The report on the status of the memorial sites has been compiled Education, training and skills 645 bursaries were provided to military veterans dependants 604 military veterans were trained in sewing, welding, driving and the solar geyser training project sponsored by Energy SETA through a private company. Employment 455 were placed in construction & maintenance with the Department of Water Affairs in Mpumalanga and those that were work-shopped at ARC have fixed term contracts Business opportunities Various MoUs are under discussion to effect the business opportunities Subsidisation or provision of: public transport Housing Burial support Pension Public Transport: The MoU with the Department of Transport has yet to be finalised Housing: The Department of Housing is assisting to facilitate signing-off on outstanding Service Level Agreements with the Western Cape and Northern Cape Governments. Burial Support: The burial support database is available Draft pension framework currently being finalized. Service delivery channel has been developed and is ready for testing. Together We Move South Africa Forward
DMV Contribution linked to Executive Authority’s Priorities
DMV CONTRIBUTION TO THE NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN, MEDIUM-TERM STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK (MTSF) OUTCOMES AND EXECUTIVE AUTHORITY’S PRIORITIES (3) DMV Contribution linked to Executive Authority’s Priorities Progress to date Promotion of military veterans' heritage as well as memorialisation and honouring: Interventions to recognise and appreciate the contributions of unsung heroes and heroines of our democracy will include but not be limited to the following: Establishment of the “tomb of the unknown soldier”. Restoration of graves of the liberation war military veterans “in and outside the Republic”. Establishment of a heroes’/heroines’ acre Set up an armed struggle memorial and/or museum. Memorialize the founding military veterans (first volunteers) of the armed liberation struggle The Department will develop programmes that will profile the heritage vested within military veterans, especially from the non-statutory forces, an area that has been neglected in the past. In addition, opportunities to interface with the military veterans' community in the international community will be explored. This will enable exchange and sharing of information regarding military veterans, with other social partners and stakeholders of military veterans domestically. The department is currently in the process of developing a database of all existing memorial sites around the country. Military veterans will be provided with short term contracts to go out and do research and capture data to this effect To date DMV held a meeting with delegation from Tanzania. In addition a discussion with Department of Public Works to discuss repair of the Wall of Remembrance in Kampala, Uganda was held during the quarter under review. Programme been developed for creating and maintaining new partnerships with countries that have military veterans development programmes Together We Move South Africa Forward
DMV Contribution linked to Executive Authority’s Priorities
DMV CONTRIBUTION TO THE NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN, MEDIUM-TERM STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK (MTSF) OUTCOMES AND EXECUTIVE AUTHORITY’S PRIORITIES (4) DMV Contribution linked to Executive Authority’s Priorities Progress to date Promote empowerment programmes for and of Military Veterans The fiscal year will be characterised by initiatives that will be pursued aggressively to embrace widening of access to economic participation to military veterans. The initiatives will entail: Utilisation of preferential procurement mechanism with the DMV and other social partners; and Operationalization of a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) to provide incubator programmes designated for military veterans Draft Proposal for a functional SPV has been presented for consideration by the DMV Empowerment of Military Veterans to Enhance Their Contribution to reconciliation and Nation Building Programmes to enhance military veterans’ participation in the nation's economic mainstream will be implemented. To this end, programmes will be negotiated for inclusion of military veterans in Government's socio-economic development programmes, which include but are not limited to rural and infrastructure development programmes. In addition, opportunities that provide for the utilisation of military veterans to deepen social cohesion and nation building will be explored. Amongst others, these will entail utilisation of military veterans in rural development programmes and delivering of educational programmes. 604 military veterans were trained in sewing, welding ,driving and the solar geyser training project sponsored by Energy SETA through a private company. Together We Move South Africa Forward
Together We Move South Africa Forward
DMV CONTRIBUTION TO THE NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN, MEDIUM-TERM STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK (MTSF) OUTCOMES AND EXECUTIVE AUTHORITY’S PRIORITIES (5) DMV Contribution linked to Executive Authority’s Priorities Progress to date Implementation of a high impact communication and marketing strategy and plan: – To profile the image of military veterans and communicate the developments regarding the delivery in terms of the Military Veterans Act 18 of 2011. Events Management; co-launch of the Water Affairs project, Military veterans Digitization project, Launch of the Call Centre, Maintance of the website, promotion of DMV programmes through social Media and Media relations Maintain the credibility and security of the national military veteran database A credible and secure national military veteran database, as espoused in Section 9, is central to delivery on Section 5 of the Military Veterans Act 18 of Such a tool will enable the Department to be proactive in providing socio-economic support services to military veterans. A credible database also facilitates streamlining of processes for progressive implementation of Section 5 of the Act. The process to update personal files of the military veterans listed in the National Military Veterans Database is on-going. The process to verify the bona-fides of military veterans who neither demobilised nor integrated in 1994 to facilitate inclusion of their names in the database is in progress. 185 verification interviews were conducted in the 1st quarter of 2014/15. Together We Move South Africa Forward
Together We Move South Africa Forward
Performance Indicator as per APP Target for 2014 as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) 1st Quarter Target as per APP 1st Quarter Actual output - validated 2nd Quarter Target as per APP 2nd Quarter Actual output - validated 3rd Quarter Target as per APP 4th Quarter Target as per APP Major Variance Initiatives/mitigation strategies (provide initiative to address the variance in a bullet form) Overall progress of indicator (Green, Amber or Red) PPI 101: Percentage of Senior Managers’ Financial Disclosures concluded 100% - Once off submission done during Quarter 1 PPI:102: Auditor-General Opinion Unqualified Disclaimer unqualified The department has developed an implementation plan to ensure that it addresses the audit findings PPI 103: DMV Planning Instruments approved and tabled in Parliament in line with planning prescripts Approved and tabled by February 2015 Draft DMV planning instruments developed for consultation Draft APP for 2015/16 was developed 1st draft DMV Planning Instruments submitted to National Treasury and Presidency (DPME) for assessment and inputs Draft APP 2015/16 and draft Strategic plan 2015/2020 were developed and submitted to NT and DPME 2nd draft DMV Planning Instruments submitted to National Treasury and Presidency (DPME) for assessment and inputs DMV Planning instruments approved and tabled in Parliament by February 2013 N/A Together We Move South Africa Forward
Performance Indicator as per APP Target for 2014 as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) 1st Quarter Target as per APP 1st Quarter Actual output - validated 2nd Quarter Target as per APP 2nd Quarter Actual output - validated 3rd Quarter Target as per APP 4th Quarter Target as per APP Major Variance Initiatives/mitigation strategies (provide initiative to address the variance in a bullet form) Overall progress of indicator (Green, Amber or Red) PPI 104: Statutory reporting and M&E instruments approved and tabled Performance reports developed, approved and tabled on time DMV Annual Report for 2013 submitted to AG by 31 May 2014 Draft 2013/14 DMV Annual Report submitted to AG on 31 May 2014 DMV Annual report tabled in Parliament by August DMV Annual Report was develope d but not tabled - DMV Annual Report tabled in Parliamen t by Aug 14 Tabling date has been postponed to end of October 2014 DMV fourth quarterly report submitted to NT, AG and DPME Q4 report was developed and submitted to ODG for ADG’s and EA approval and submission to NT, AG and DPME DMV first quarterly report submitted to NT, AG and DPME Q1 report was develope d approved by AO and submitted to NT, AG and DPME DMV second quarterly report submitted to NT, AG and DPME DMV third quarterly report submitted to NT, AG and DPME N/A PPI 105: Approved DMV Communication and Marketing Strategy Strategy Implementation and Monitoring Strategy implemented and monitored Strategy Implementat ion and Monitoring Strategy has been Implemen ted and Monitored Together We Move South Africa Forward
Performance Indicator as per APP Target for 2014 as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) 1st Quarter Target as per APP 1st Quarter Actual output - validated 2nd Quarter Target as per APP 2nd Quarter Actual output - validated 3rd Quarter Target as per APP 4th Quarter Target as per APP Major Variance Initiatives/mitigation strategies (provide initiative to address the variance in a bullet form) Overall progress of indicator (Green, Amber or Red) PPI 106: Percentage of cases from the National Anti-corruption hotline concluded within the stipulated timeframe determined by OPSC 100% N/A PPI 107: Attendance and participation of DMV in relevant cluster meetings 100% attendance 60% attendance 40% Attendance of cluster meetings to be a standing alone agenda item at MANCO and EXCO meetings PPI 108: Promulgated DMV Information and Communication Technology Strategy Strategy developed Conceptualization ICT strategy has been conceptualized ICT strategy has been developed Internal and external consultation Submission and presentation of strategy to DMV EXCO Together We Move South Africa Forward
Performance Indicator as per APP Target for 2014 as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) 1st Quarter Target as per APP 1st Quarter Actual output - validated 2nd Quarter Target as per APP 2nd Quarter Actual output - validated 3rd Quarter Target as per APP 4th Quarter Target as per APP Major Variance Initiatives/mitigation strategies (provide initiative to address the variance in a bullet form) Overall progress of indicator (Green, Amber or Red) PPI 109: Approved DMV Human Resource Skills Plan Develop HR Skills plan Draft skills plan developed Draft skills plan was developed Consultation with both internal and external stakeholders Human Resource Skills Plan approved and submitted to DPSA Present consulted DMV skills plan to the Executive Authority DMV skills plan approved N/A PPI 110: Percentage of signed performance agreements by DMV personnel 100% 98% - There was no target planned for the 2nd quarter. PPI 111: Percentage staffing of funded posts 90% (152) 80% (108) 85%(123) 83% (112) 85% (123) 85% (115) 90% (112) 2% Posts have been advertised Together We Move South Africa Forward
Performance Indicator as per APP Target for 2014 as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) 1st Quarter Target as per APP 1st Quarter Actual output - validated 2nd Quarter Target as per APP 2nd Quarter Actual output - validated 3rd Quarter Target as per APP 4th Quarter Target as per APP Major Variance Initiatives/mitigation strategies (provide initiative to address the variance in a bullet form) Overall progress of indicator (Green, Amber or Red) PPI 112: DMV Enterprise risk maturity level Medium N/A PPI 113: Average days of outstanding payments (claims and invoices) >30 days 30 days Legitimate invoice which are compliant were paid within 30 days as required PPI 114: Percentage improvement in public opinion on Military Veterans (value for money) 10% improvement - There was no target planned for the 2nd quarter. Together We Move South Africa Forward
Q2 Performance Analysis: Programme 1: Administration
Q2 Performance Summary: Administration The department planned to achieve 12 performance targets during the 2nd quarter and as a result 10 performance targets were achieved which constitute to 83% achievement. This indicates that the actual achievements are measuring to acceptable performance standards. As at 30 September 2014 the department spent 21% of its budget which constitute to R38 million with the variance of 12% (R61 million). Departmental Performance = No. of targets achieved x Total no of targets = x 100 12 = % DMV recorded 83% performance during the Quarter under review. Together We Move South Africa Forward
Performance Indicator as per APP Target for 2014 as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) 1st Quarter Target as per APP 1st Quarter Actual output - validated 2nd Quarter Target as per APP 2nd Quarter Actual output - validated 3rd Quarter Target as per APP 4th Quarter Target as per APP Major Variance Initiatives/mitigation strategies (provide initiative to address the variance in a bullet form) Overall progress of indicator (Green, Amber or Red) PPI 201: Total number of deserving military veterans with access to healthcare services per year 7 000 4 000 4 690 5 000 6 064 6 000 +1064 Target was exceeded due to an increase in the demand as well as the drive to promote a culture of annual medical checks in the military veterans sector PPI 202: Number of deserving military veterans with access to transport 2 000 500 1 000 0 1 500 1000 Acceleration plan to implement public transport subsidies in progress PPI 203: Number of deserving military veterans with decent housing per year 200 300 200 In principle the cooperation agreement with two Provinces was done which will translate into MoUs Together We Move South Africa Forward
Performance Indicator as per APP Target for 2014 as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) 1st Quarter Target as per APP 1st Quarter Actual output - validated 2nd Quarter Target as per APP 2nd Quarter Actual output - validated 3rd Quarter Target as per APP 4th Quarter Target as per APP Major Variance Initiatives/mitigation strategies (provide initiative to address the variance in a bullet form) Overall progress of indicator (Green, Amber or Red) PPI 204: Level of credibility and security of the database and benefits information located in the database 75% 25% 39.9% 50% 39% -10.1% PPI 205: Number of bursaries provided for military veterans and their dependents 500 - There was no target planned for the 2nd quarter. Together We Move South Africa Forward
Q2 Performance Analysis: Programme 2: SES
Q2 Performance Summary: Socio-Economic Support The department planned to achieve four (4) performance targets during the second quarter and as a result one (1) targets was achieved which constitute to 25% achievement. This indicates that the actual achievements are not measuring to the acceptable performance standards. As at 30 September 2014 the department spent 12% of its budget which constitute to R20 million with the variance of 18% (R63 million). Departmental Performance = No. of targets achieved x Total no of targets = 1 x 100 4 = 25% DMV recorded 25% performance during the Quarter under review. Together We Move South Africa Forward
Performance Indicator as per APP Target for 2014 as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) 1st Quarter Target as per APP 1st Quarter Actual output - validated 2nd Quarter Target as per APP 2nd Quarter Actual output - validated 3rd Quarter Target as per APP 4th Quarter Target as per APP Major Variance Initiatives/mitigation strategies (provide initiative to address the variance in a bullet form) Overall progress of indicator (Green, Amber or Red) PPI 301: Established and fully functional SPV SPV functional and delivery targets sets Set Nil. Fully utilized SPV Fully utilized SPV Fully utilised SPV Draft Proposal for a functional SPV has been presented for consideration by the DMV By the end of the 4th quarter the SPV will be fully established and then targets will be set. PPI 302: Number of deserving military veterans to access relevant training and skills development per year 2 500 500 604 1 100 1 000 +600 Development of a service provider database to increase the access base for provision of effective Programmes for military veterans PPI 303: Reduction in the level of unemployment among NSF military veterans 2 000 250 455 750 1 750 350 The advert for service providers will assist in sourcing more service providers to enhance service delivery New Programme for a further 30 drivers licenses under way in Eastern Cape Plan being developed to provide at least 1000 new drivers licenses by the end of the financial year Together We Move South Africa Forward
Performance Indicator as per APP Target for 2014 as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) 1st Quarter Target as per APP 1st Quarter Actual output - validated 2nd Quarter Target as per APP 2nd Quarter Actual output - validated 3rd Quarter Target as per APP 4th Quarter Target as per APP Major Variance Initiatives/mitigation strategies (provide initiative to address the variance in a bullet form) Overall progress of indicator (Green, Amber or Red) PPI 304: Number of military veteran memorial sites erected per year 2 1 Nil. - There was no target planned for the 2nd quarter. PPI 305: Number of strategic initiatives established at national, continental and international levels 15 3 5 Trip to Uganda was undertaken and a scope for a revised country to country MOU is being considered. PPI 306: Number of private sector companies in partnership with the Department of military veterans 10 83 23 +13 The advent of physical offices in provinces will enhance service delivery in this regard Together We Move South Africa Forward
Q2 Performance Analysis: Programme 3: ESM
Q2 Performance Summary: Empowerment & Stakeholders Management The department planned to achieve five (5) performance targets during the second quarter and as a result three (3) performance targets were achieved which constitute to 60% achievement. This indicates that the actual achievements are measuring to the acceptable performance standards. As at 30 September 2014 the department spent 18% of its budget which constitute to R29 million with the variance of 30% (R49 million). . Departmental Performance = No. of targets achieved x 100 Total no of targets = x 100 5 = 60% DMV recorded 60% performance during the Quarter under review. Together We Move South Africa Forward
Table 11: DMV Establishment per salary level Salary Level No. of posts on approved establishment No. of funded posts No. of permanent posts filled to the establishment No. of vacant posts No. of permanent posts collapsed No of contract posts (additional) No. of permanent posts additional to the establishment 1 - 2 17 (Interns) & 5 (SES Project) 3 4 5 8 6 28 7 21 20 14 9 22 24 10 11 44 36 12 13 18 15 16 TOTAL 169 135 122 49 Together We Move South Africa Forward
Table 12: Transformation/Equity Statistics per Branch Programme (Permanent) EMPLOYMENT EQUITY: BY PROGRAMMES ACTUAL A B C Total Race and Gender PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION CORP SERV/ ODG/ INT AUDIT PROGRAMME 2: MIL VET: SES PROGRAMME 3: MIL VET: ESM African Female 35 8 3 46 Coloured Female 0 1 White Female 2 Asian Female Total Female 38 10 51 African Male 39 6 21 66 Asian Male 0 White Male Coloured Male Total Male 42 24 72 Total Employees 80 16 27 123 Together We Move South Africa Forward
Table 14: Budget Expenditure trend per Economic Classification Serial No. Expenditure GFS Classification Annual Budget Quarterly Projected Expenditure as at 30 Sept 2014 Quarterly Actual Expenditure until 30 Sept 2014 Deviations Reason for Deviation Planned management Interventions A B R’ 000 C’ R ‘000 D E F 1. Compensation of Employees R92 46 082 39 558 6 524 The low spending is mainly due to the delays and non-filling of funded vacant posts Posts have been advertised and expected top be filled by Jan 2015 2. Goods and Services R404 45 667 The Department of Military Veterans (DMV) had an actual expenditure of R88M (17%) against the departmental budget of R504M, as at 31 September 2014 which is below the threshold of the expenditure that need to be spent for quarter two. The main reason was that most of the Claims and payments to service providers could not be processed due to unavailability of the system controller within the department. DMV was appropriated a total of R504M in 2014/15 financial year which was appropriated as follows: Programme Administration - R178M; Programme Socio-Economic Support - R168M and Programme Empowerment and Stakeholder Management - R157M. To ensure that the department provide benefits to the Military Veterans and the expenditure to rise in the third quarter 3. Current transfers 854 4. Payment for Capital Assets R 7 3 958 2 906 1 052 The low spending and under payment of capital assets was mainly due to the problems experienced with the contract awarded for the delivery of furniture. The Department conducted investigations and the outcome come but we still awaiting for State Attorney to give an opinion Total Expenditure 504 88 985
Table 15: Budget Expenditure trend per programme PROGRAMME ANNUAL BUGDET ACTUAL EXPENDITURE AVAILABLE BUDGET % SPENT VARIANCE OF 50% R’000 % ADMINISTRATION 178 38 140 21% 51 SES 168 20 148 12% 63 ESM 157 29 128 18% 49 TOTAL R504 R 88 R 416 17% 163
Together We Move South Africa Forward
Conclusion Successful implementation is reliant on common and shared vision, team work and the appreciation of the strategic role and importance of communication in enhancing service delivery. “If all of us work together as government, business, labour, civil society, the communities and, most importantly, the military veterans themselves, we can only but succeed” — Minister Mapisa-Nqakula (DMV APP 2014) Together We Move South Africa Forward
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