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Properties of Waves & Interactions pg. 36

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1 Properties of Waves & Interactions pg. 36
NCES: 6.P.1 Kim Lachler Updated 2015

2 Wave Properties There are 4 properties of wave Amplitude Wavelength
Frequency Wave speed

3 Wave Properties Amplitude
The maximum distance that the particles of a wave vibrate from the rest position. An other words from the rest position to the crest or from the rest position to the trough.

4 Wave Properties Amplitude
Shows the amount of energy there is in a wave. The bigger the amplitude the more energy there is.

5 Wave Properties Wavelength
The distance from any point on a wave to an identical point on the next wave. Generally measured from crest to crest on a transverse wave and from compression to compression on a longitudinal wave.

6 Wave Properties Wavelength
The shorter the wavelength the more energy there is.

7 Wave Properties Frequency
The number of waves produced in a given amount of time Measured in Hertz (Hz) 1Hz=1/s (1 wave per second)

8 Wave Properties Frequency The higher the frequency the more energy

9 Wave Properties Wave Speed The speed at which a wave travels V= λ x f
v – wave speed λ – wavelength f – frequency The wavelength and frequency of a wave in a certain medium depends on the wave speed not the other way around

10 Wave Interactions There are 4 types of wave interactions Reflection
Refraction Diffraction Interference

11 Wave Interactions Reflection
The bouncing back of a wave when it hits a surface. * NOTE: When waves hits a substance some of it is transmitted and some of it is reflected. Transmitted means to pass through This is why we can see objects and hear echoes.

12 Wave Interactions Refraction
The bending of waves as they pass through different mediums that cause the speed of the wave to change. Prism

13 Wave Interactions Diffraction
Change of direction of a wave when it hits an obstacle or edge. Sound diffracts well around corners Light does not diffract as much because their wavelengths are shorter

14 Wave Interactions Interference When 2 or more waves combine
Two objects can’t occupy the same space at the same time, but waves can. There are 4 types of interference Constructive interference Destructive interference Standing waves Resonance

15 Interference Constructive interference
When the crest and trough of different waves match They combine to make a wave with larger amplitude

16 Interference Destructive interference
When the crest of one wave meets the trough of another The results are a smaller amplitude or no amplitude

17 Interference Standing waves
When waves combined they look like they are standing still, but are not. It is a combination of constructive and destructive interference

18 Interference Resonance
When 2 objects naturally vibrate at the same frequency. The sound produced by one object causes the other to vibrate. Body of a guitar resonates when the strings are strummed

19 Bibliography Holt, Rinehart, Winston, North Carolina Holt Science & Technology, Holt, Rinehart, Winston, Orlando, 2005 Google Images, accessed 1/12/11

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