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Solar Probe Plus FIELDS

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Presentation on theme: "Solar Probe Plus FIELDS"— Presentation transcript:

1 Solar Probe Plus FIELDS
Team Meeting Management 06/07/2016 Peter R. Harvey

2 Agenda Dear FIELDS Team
Just a reminder that we’ll have our Team-wide telecom on Tuesday June 7 at 10am pacific. We plan 1-2 hours. We will use the conference line. Agenda includes: 1.  Science (Bale) 2.  Management (Harvey)                 a. Deliverables                 b. Meetings & Tests Coming Up                 c. EM Issues Remaining                 d. FM I&T Schedule                 e. QA Change Notices 3.  Systems (Goetz)                 a. RFAs                 b. Flight Drawings Status                                                                                              4. Mechanical/Thermal - Bill D., David G., Paul Turin, Gayle M. a. MEP b. Antennas c. Thermal 5. Electrical Status DCB-RFS, FSW Daughterboard, Alignment Jig AEB, PREAMPs TDS-LNPS, FSW DFB MAG SCM 6. Ground Support - Quinn                 Stimulus Rack Design 7. Science Operations - Pulupa

Items Due from FIELDS: Items past due from APL: Distribute the FIELDS specific ICD for comments  - Kris has begun this update Refined Sine Loads (TSA Vib test results) Meetings / Tests: 05/17-19: SIR at APL 06/22 : Management Quarterly at UCB 07/13 : Integration TIM at APL Sept : Supporting TSA Thermal Balance with 3 harnesses, 3 antenna sims

4 EM ISSUES Source: SPF_MGMT_026_ISSUES.xlsx

5 FM I&T Source: SPF_IAT_008_ISSUES.xlsx

6 CDR RFAs Remaining FIELDS not closed action items summary as of

7 Change Notices FIELDS not closed action items summary as of

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