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The library at Alexandria

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1 The library at Alexandria

2 Euclid’s five postulates
1 a line can be drawn from one point to any other point 2. A straight line can be extended continuously from either end 3. A circle of any radius can be drawn around any point. 4. All right angles are equal 5. Statement of conditions under which straight lines will intersect.

3 Archimedes ( ) Image on the Field’s Medal with inscription: Rise above oneself and grasp the world

4 Eureka!

5 Archimedes Principle “The Pressure of the fluid on a body, wholly or partially immersed, is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced.”

6 Galileo’s “The Little Balance”

7 Archimedes, water balance

8 Archimedes, water screw


10 Christianity timeline
Jesus is crucified CE The Roman Empire divided into Greek-speaking Eastern CE and Latin- speaking Western parts Roman emperor Constantine recognizes Christianity CE as one of the religions of Rome Constantine moves capital from Rome to Byzantium/Constantinople 330 CE Emperor Theodosius makes Christianity official religion of Roman Empire 392 CE Library at Alexandria is burnt down CE Decline of the Roman Empire to 450 CE Emperor Justinian closes schools in Athens 529

11 Timeline of Middle Ages to the Renaissance in Europe
The 1,000 years from the fall of the Roman Empire to around 1500 is described as the Middle Age, or the Medieval period of Europe. Early Middle Age of decline of knowledge Revival begins, Aristotle re-discovered High or Late Middle Age, 1200 to around 1450 The Renaissance, around movable type, Guttenberg printing presses spread onward Columbus discovers the New World The Reformation The Modern Era, around 1700 After Newton

12 Technological changes through the Middle Ages
Invention of the stirrup, 732 Invention of the horse collar Improvement in agriculture, as the horses were able to plow more efficiently. This led to multiple crops Horse shoes, waterwheels and wind mils. Magnetic compass and gunpowder, originally from China. First cannon fired in 1325 Paper, the first paper mill in France opened in 1189

13 Universities University of Bologna in Italy, founded in 1088
University of Paris is founded, 1200 Oxford University is founded, 1220

14 Medieval manuscript, showing meeting of doctors at the U. of Paris

15 A university class, around 1300

16 University of Bologna,est. 1088

17 Oxford University

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