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Chapter 6 Review.

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1 Chapter 6 Review

2 What is the act of responding differently to stimuli that are not similar to each other?

3 What is the method of teaching complex behaviors in which small steps are reinforced?

4 Whose research led to the discovery of operant conditioning?
BF Skinner

5 What technique involves the pairing of a pleasant stimuli with a fearful one?

6 What is a form of observational learning in which people observe others’ behaviors and mimic them?

7 What indicates when and how often a behavior is reinforced?
Schedules of reinforcement

8 What is the act of responding in the same ways to things that appear to be similar?

9 Whose research led to the discovery of classical conditioning?
Ivan Pavlov

10 Systematic desensitization
What is a method of removing fear that involve gradual exposure to a feared stimulus? Systematic desensitization

11 What is it called when a person is exposed to an intense fear provoking stimulus until their fear goes away? Flooding

12 What kind of response is UNlearned and occurs automatically?

13 With classical conditioning, the unconditioned RESPONSE and conditioned __________ are always the same. RESPONSE

14 What must happen for spontaneous recovery to be possible?
The response must first become extinct

15 What is the goal of Negative Reinforcement?
To increase the frequency of a behavior when removed

16 Rewarding a mouse every time it performs a certain action is:
Continuous Reinforcement

17 A token economy (like mole-bucks) “pays” people for correct behavior
A token economy (like mole-bucks) “pays” people for correct behavior. These payments are what kind of reinforcers? SECONDARY

18 What do punishments seek to do?
Decrease a behavior

19 Slot machines use what schedule of reinforcement?
Variable ratio

20 What does the P in PQ4R stand for?

21 Which is better, massed or distributed learning?

22 What is it called when a conditioned stimulus no longer causes a response?

23 What is a secondary reinforce?
One that’s value must be learned

24 What type of conditioning focuses on the results of future actions?
Operant Conditioning

25 If a behavior is reinforced every 5th time it occurs, what schedule is being used?
Fixed Ratio

26 What type of learning occurs when you demonstrate knowledge despite never needing to before?
Latent learning

27 Observational learning
What type of learning is it when a child learns how to tie a shoe by watching his parents? Observational learning

28 Which type of learning is it when you learn from other peoples’ mistakes?
Vicarious reinforcement

29 Who do you make a PERSONAL contract with?

30 With the exception of latent learning, cognitive psychologists view learning as:

31 Why is the PQ4R method effective?
It takes an active approach to learning

32 Is taste aversion a learned avoidance of a particular food?

33 Are primary reinforcers necessary for an animals survival?

34 Do negative reinforcers seek to stop unwanted bahaviors?

35 Do behaviors learned through partial reinforcement last longer?

36 Was the PQ4R method developed by an educational psychologist?

37 What is an unconditioned stimulus?
One that automatically causes a response

38 What is a neutral stimulus?
One that is meaningless

39 What is discrimination in conditioning?
Being able to recognize that things are different and should be treated differently Example: a wolf and a dog

40 What does interval refer to?

41 What does ratio refer to?
Number of responses

42 What are types of learning involving cognitive factors?
Observational Latent Vicarious Reinforcement

43 What are the R’s in PQ4R Read Reflect Recite Review


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